Arduino library to control pwm fan with temperature.
The initial goal was to refresh a computer rack. Designed for 3 or 4 pins pwm fans, it allows you to control fan speed according to the temperature inside a range.
PWM specification says about PWN Input Control Signal :
PWM Frequency: Target frequency 25 kHz acceptable operational range 21 kHz to 28 kHz
The easiest way to do this is to use the great TimeOne library.
Set the pin where PWM fan is plugged in and the duty cycle range.
void begin()
void begin(char pin)
void begin(char pin, unsigned int dutyCycleMin)
void begin(char pin, unsigned int dutyCycleMin, unsigned int dutyCycleMax)
- pin: pin to write to. If not set assumes
. - dutyCycleMin: minimal duty cycle. If not set minimum duty cycle is 20%.
- dutyCycleMax: maximal duty cycle. If not set maximum duty cycle is 100%.
As this library uses Timer 1, available pins are limited. Check the TimeOne library to list them. The known_16bit_timers.h header file is more complete even if more unreadable ;-) Note that PwnFan use by default TIMER1_A_PIN.
For example, with Noctua NF-A14 IPPC-3000 PWM, the duty cycle comes from 25% to 100%. I want the fan to start at 15 °C and reach its maximum speed at 25 °C.
PwmFan pwmFan;
setup() {
pwmFan.begin(9,25,100); // pin, range of duty (min, max)
pwmFan.thresoldsWrite(15,25); // range of temperature (min, max)
loop () {
// read temperature from sensor ...
float temperature = ...
- Arduino Uno, Arduino Nano (chinese clone)
Compilation with avr-g++, use these options:
-Os -Wall -Wextra -std=gnu++11 -fpermissive -fno-exceptions -ffunction-sections -fdata-sections -fno-threadsafe-statics -MMD -flto -mmcu=atmega328p -g -DF_CPU=16000000L -DARDUINO=10805 -DARDUINO_AVR_UNO -DARDUINO_ARCH_AVR
- soft start (from lower pwm value to asked speed)
- soft stop (from current speed to 0)
- minimum duration (if started run at least X minutes, X in constructor/setter, default 5min)
- retrieve RPM value from tachometer, use of MsTimer2 library, (done, todo : write doc)
- control fans of type A (minimum RPM at 0%, need a switch to start/stop the fan), need feedback (done, todo : write doc)
- control multiple fans.
- better doc ! wiki ?
- share schema