- Implement Lora-Gateway-Data 1.1.0 Format
- Refactoring
- Make requests.conf not needed anymore.
- Posibility to display sensor data on map
- Parse also all Doublevalues as Int
- Change Online Map MaxZoom to 19
- Searchfunction case insensitive
- Show Numbers from a Place not with linebreaking
- Numbers on places are not clickable, also as the grid
- Search in Description of Polygons
- Change Sani to Rettungsdienst
- Display GateCounting Boxes in a line not a collumn
- Create Aliases for Camera Count
- Filter Fight under level
- Refactoring
- Porting to .NET Core
- Add setting model to code
- #19 grid automatisch generieren
- #24 Add information about weather/warning
- #28 Fightdedection Plygon on Map
- #27 Draw Camera-Desity bock on map
- #16 filter nach kategorien/tracker einbauen
- #15 suche nach ständen einbauen
- Add Correct Dispose Handling
- TimeCalculation now handle negative values correct
- Refactoring of all JS
- Make only one request per second instead of four per AJAX
- Refactoring adminpannel and add settings.json
- New function in TimeCalculation, so you can not have negative Timespans
- Implement #12 Make icon transparent if there is no data update
- Implement #18 history an panikbutton pressed
- Implement #13 fixing issue with port when using proxy
- Implement #14 show description on map in tooltip on area
- Implement #25 Icons flickering when using ssl
- Add some errorhandling with locks
- Move CoordinateSharp to own Library
- Changes to new Mqtt topic for camera density
- Add support to display camera values that counts people. needs to be on a mqtt toipc camera/counting
- Display Crowd-Density Data on Map
- Rename Adminmodel.cs to AdminModel.cs, cause it sould be Uppercase!
- Fix a Parsing Bug in Lora-Map/Model/PositionItem.cs
- Move the Dockerfile to the parent project Repository
- New types of marker for a person, so you can add drawing inside
- Implement #10 text Letzer Datenempfang is too long when scrollbar is there
- Implement #11 set textsize for every zoomlevel
- Add an link to kml to geojson converter
- Possible to draw textmarkers on map (eg. for static text in a polygon)
- Now using MGRS as default output
- Implement #9 display polygons and marker on the map
- change the wort get to post
- Default zoomlevel is now 16
- When only recieve a panic packet with gps data, update also the normal location on the map
- Implement #6 Load the map from the Device
- Show now output 200 of images from Webserver
- Now layers.png is also exported
- Implement #4 Possible to Ex and Import Settings
- Move username and password to configfile
- Verifiy names.json when sending
- Add logger to Programm
- Implement #8 Editor for Names and Icons
- Fixing missing dependencys of Mono.System.Web in deb packet
- Fixing a Bug when map is not running on port 8080
- New Batterylevels
- Change textcolors in Marker.svg
- new Levels for Battery, so that is ~ 1/5 of time for each Icon
- #5 Create adminpannel
- Shows a red border on the marker on the map, when the panicbutton is pressed
- Icons are now created by a script from the SVG directly, so all big marker icons are SVGs
- Icons are also now shown in the marker list
- Using Leaflet 1.4.0 now
- Menu with new markers
- Times are now complete in UTC internaly and will calculated in the browser to local time.
- requests.conf must now have a section
instead ofjs/nav.js
- names.json format has changed
- Implement #3 Create icons for devices
- Implement #1 Click on icon and show details
- Implement #2 Show versions number in Site
- Add Debian package config
- Change to new JSON format, and make it usable for more than one listener
- First Version, only used as a testoutput for debugging tracker