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72 lines (62 loc) · 3.31 KB

File metadata and controls

72 lines (62 loc) · 3.31 KB


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A plugin to upload assets to aliyun oss


# webpack
npm i @easy-alioss/webpack-plugin --save
# vite
npm i @easy-alioss/vite-plugin --save



name type optional default description
accessKeyId string false n/a 阿里云 accessKeyId
accessKeySecret string false n/a 阿里云 accessKeySecret
region string false n/a 阿里云 region
bucket string false n/a 阿里云 bucket
prefix string | undefined true '' 自定义路径前缀,通常使用项目目录名,文件将存放在alioss的bucket/prefix目录下
exclude RegExp | RegExp[] | undefined true [/.*\.html$/] 可传入正则,或正则组成的数组,来排除上传的文件
deleteAll boolean | undefined true n/a 是否删除bucket/prefix中所有文件。优先匹配format配置
local boolean | undefined true false 默认每次上传webpack构建流中文件,设为true可上传打包后webpack output指向目录里的文件
output string | undefined true '' 读取本地目录的路径,如果local为true,output为空,默认为读取webpack输出目录
limit number | undefined true 5 最多备份版本数量,会备份最近的版本,最小是3。配置了format才会生效
format string | undefined true getFormat('YYMMDD') 用时间戳来生成oss目录版本号,每次会保留最近的版本文件做零宕机发布,删除其他版本文件。可以通过插件自身提供的静态方法getFormat()获得,默认值为年月日


  • 实例传参
const WebpackAliOSSPlugin = require('@easy-alioss/webpack-plugin')

new WebpackAliOSSPlugin({
  accessKeyId: '2****************9',
  accessKeySecret: 'z**************=',
  region: 'oss-cn-hangzhou',
  bucket: 'xxx',
  prefix: 'test',  
  • 配置文件
const WebpackAliOSSPlugin = require('@easy-alioss/webpack-plugin')
const format = WebpackAliOSSPlugin.getFormat('YYYYMMDD') // 默认为getFormat('YYMMDD')
new WebpackAliOSSPlugin({

// easy-alioss.config.json
  accessKeyId: '2****************9',
  accessKeySecret: 'z**************=',
  region: 'oss-cn-hangzhou',
  bucket: 'xxx',
  prefix: 'test',  

更多格式参考cosmiconfig By default, Cosmiconfig will start where you tell it to start and search up the directory tree for the following:

  • a package.json property
  • a JSON or YAML, extensionless "rc file"
  • an "rc file" with the extensions .json, .yaml, .yml, .js, .ts, .mjs, or .cjs
  • any of the above two inside a .config subdirectory
  • a .config.js, .config.ts, .config.mjs, or .config.cjs file