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Tech Stack

πŸ’» Technology πŸš€ Projects
Vue.js 🌐 lissy93/dashy all-the-countries alicia-sykes-website tfl-lift-availability-dash
Svelte 🌐 devolio Cheat-Code
React 🌐 Web-Check
Astro 🌐 lissy93/git-into-open-source
Rust 🌐 AdGuardian-Term
Go Lang 🌐 go-apod
Node.js 🌐 twitter-sentiment-visualisation quick-example-of-testing-in-nodejs
Swift 🌐 hasami-shogi Spotter
Bash 🌐 minimal-terminal-prompt
Docker 🌐 docker-tcpdump dashy
Config dotfiles espanso-config conky-system-stats-widget Brewfile
Markdown 🌐 personal-security-checklist awesome-privacy
Flutter 🌐 nfu
Angular 🌐 happy-app realtime-speech-analytics
Python 🌐 gh-trending-no-cors tfl-lift-availability-dash pax
CoffeeScript 🌐 sentiment-analysis
Android 🌐 Minesweper anti-theft-charge TuneSender TreasureHunt got-home-safe Study-Time
Kotlin 🌐 anti-theft-charge
PHP 🌐 revision-quizzes intern-magnet usermonkey
Java 🌐 Minesweper AlternativeVoteSystem TuneSender TreasureHunt
D3.js 🌐 twitter-sentiment-visualisation voronoi-site-template happy-app realtime-speech-analytics
HTML md-cv-maker md-toc-generator email-extractor bullet-convertor cyber-defence-presentation voronoi-site-template web-dev-school


The above list are projects I've built categorised by language / tech stack.


I feel uncomfortable saying that I have experience with a certain technology, if I don't have anything to show for it. So this list acts as a reference I can use to show examples of code I've written with a given language or tech stack. And that means the list of skills I put on my CV is not completely basless.


The list is generated with GH actions, using gleich/profile_stack.


Everything I do in my own time is published on my GitHub. I've obviously worked on many projects which can't be listed above, since they were done on a contract and are not open source.