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LinShunKang edited this page Jun 27, 2020 · 2 revisions

MyPerf4J supports two deployment structures:

  • 3.x Markdown
  • 3.x and before Markdown

Specification of Component's Role

Component Component Spec
Java Application The container manages the services's lifetime
MyPerf4J Metrics collection and statistics
Collector Metrics log collector
Storage Storage platform
Dashboard Visualization platform

Component relationship

  • MyPerf4J periodically writes metrics in the specified time slice to the log file.
  • Collector reads metrics from log files and writes them to Storage
  • Dashboard reads data from Storage and displays it

Note, MyPerf4J** only provides **MyPerf4J itself, and the rest of the components need to be selected by the user. The advantages of doing this are as follows:

  • Keep MyPerf4J streamlined
  • Robustness, whether Collector, Storage or Dashboard crashed, does not affect data acquisition of MyPerf4J, nor does it lose data collected.
  • Diversity, Collector can be Telegraf or Filebeat; Storage can be either InfluxDB or OpenTSDB; Dashboard can be Grafana or Chronograf.
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