- xda-developers Custom Rom Guide
- Android Geeks Custom Rom Guide
- LineageOS Installation Docs for different devices
- Installing GrapheneOS the Easy Way
Reverse engineering & modifying Android apps with JADX & Frida
ApkEditorPr0 - Best Place to learn modding/Android reverse engineering
Some useful places to learn smali(use to mod apps.modify apps using smali)
Credit : ReVanced Discord this forum post participates (guy who made this post and revanced team member who help (both shared mixed))
StackOverFlow Question with answer of list : What's the best way to learn Smali (and how/when to use Dalvik VM opcodes)?
Github repo wiki : https://github.com/JesusFreke/smali/wiki
Debug app using smali tutorial blog but PC based : Static analysis and debugging on Android using Smalidea, JDWP and ADB.
Another useful resource of debug app using smali but PC based : Debugging 3rd party apps, part II: Android