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File metadata and controls

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Project development process


The modeling task was handled using the Eclipse IDE for DSL developpers, that contains XText a DSL framework and the Ecore metamodel, both easing the process in their way.

First model


Current model current_model

Creation of a langium project

Writting the grammar

To complete this step, we used two different approaches.

Grammar based on the model

Firstly, we tried to use the grammar generated by our first model. For that, we used the xtext2langium extension to try our LSP on a VSCode server. But there was an important problem concerning the expression, especially the expression priority that throws a lot of syntax errors.

Example of what we tried for the first attempt

    ArithmeticExpression | BooleanExpression;

    UnaryArithmeticOperator | BinaryArithmeticOperator;

    ('-'ArithmeticOperand | (ArithmeticOperand ('++' | '--')) | ('++' | '--')ArithmeticOperand);

    ArithmeticOperand ('+' | '-' | '*' | '/' | '%' | '<' | '<=' | '>' | '>=' | '==' | '!=' | '+=' | '-=' | '*=' | '/=' | '%=') ArithmeticOperand;

Grammar based on an external resource

For this second attempt, we decided to use expressions based on Lorenzo Bettini resources. This grammar, on the contrary of the first one, orders operators, boolean and arithmetic. On top of this grammar, we can find the less priority operator, the OR one. Then, we can find the most priority operator at the bottom: variable, integer constant, function call and our own symbols. It is here where we placed the specific Robot actions.

Example of our custom actions

Atomic infers Expression:
    {infer RobotSpeedAdjust} 'ModifySpeed' speed=Expression 'in' unit=DistanceUnit |
    {infer RobotMovement} robotMovement=Movement distance=Expression 'in' unit=DistanceUnit |
    {infer RobotRotation} robotRotation=Rotation angle=Expression |
    {infer RobotTimeSensor} 'CurrentTime' 'in' unit=TimeUnit |
    {infer RobotDistanceSensor} 'CurrentDistance' 'in' unit=DistanceUnit

This try was the good one and we succeeded to write our first program.

int sum(int a, int b) {

    int c = a;
    for(int i = 0; i < b; i = i + 1){
        c = c + 1;
    return c;

int a = 0;
int b = 3;
int d = a + b;
int c = sum(a, b);

After a try on the VSCode server with our LSP, we then do not obtain any syntax errors.

The grammar can currently be found in the file robot-script.langium.

Creation of a parsing tool

After having written a valid grammar, we then decided to create a parsing tool. This tool would be very useful, given that many processes on the language need to parse the program.

To do so, it has been decided to use the Visitor design pattern. With the accept method, it is an elegant way to resolve abstract nodes, that cannot be resolved like the concrete ones otherwise. For instance, an Expression is an abstract node : it can be a AND, a OR, a FunctionCall, etc...

In order to achieve this structure, it is necessary to extend all the node classes from the AST classes generated by langium from the grammar, and add the accept method to each of them.

However, implementing this structure was no cakewalk. Indeed, we struggled to extend those abstract nodes, in the visitor.ts file (although it proved rather easy for the concrete nodes).

ast expression error
Example of error encountered when extending an abstract node class.

As you may read, the error indicates Expression is a type, and not an interface. Therefore, it cannot be extended. We understand it better when we read the generated file :

// src/language/generated/ast.ts
export type Expression = And | BoolConstant | Comparison | DoubleConstant | Equality | FunctionCall | IntConstant | Minus | MulDiv | Not | Or | PlusMinus | Print | RobotDistanceSensor | RobotMovement | RobotRotation | RobotSpeedAdjust | RobotTimeSensor | VariableCall;
export interface And extends AstNode {
    readonly $container: And | Assignment | Block | Comparison | Equality | For | FunctionCall | FunctionReturn | If | Minus | Model | MulDiv | Not | Or | PlusMinus | Print | RobotMovement | RobotRotation | RobotSpeedAdjust | VariableDecl | While;
    readonly $type: 'And';
    left: Expression
    right: Expression

The abstract Nodes are converted to Type, and the concrete ones are interface.

For a while, we stayed stuck on this problem, and bypassed it simply not using the extended types/classes, and creating specific visit methods for the abstract nodes in the visitors implementations (thing that should not be done if the ast node interface implementation works well).

Those visit methods look like that.


visitStatement(stmt: Statement) {
    if (isAssignment(stmt)) this.visitAssignment(stmt);
    else if (isControlStructure(stmt)) this.visitControlStructure(stmt);
    else if (isExpression(stmt)) this.visitExpression(stmt);
    else if (isFunctionReturn(stmt)) this.visitFunctionReturn(stmt);
    else if (isVariableDecl(stmt))  this.visitVariableDecl(stmt);

Many type testings are done, and it is a bad practice.

In the absence of solutions, we continued for a time to develop the other components of the project, keeping this code. You can have a glance at the project using this solution with the tag ASTParsing.If (at the time, only the interpreter was beeing developped).

Nevertheless, after several discussions, and attempts to tweak the grammar, we decided to apply manually apply a slight modification on the generated file : change those Type into interface. It is of course not the best thing we wanted, but we prefered having a full use of the design pattern, rather than not using it completely, making it less interesting.

The generated folder has been replaced by the representation folder, and the ast.ts file has been renammed to currentast.ts, in order to show that particular use.


The interpreter is the first RobotScript parsing tool that we implemented. It is composed of two entities : a visitor object RobotInterpreterVisitor, and an Environnement object. The idea is simple : as we go along the ast parsing by the visitor, the environnment of simulation should be updated : the robot must move when it is asked to, it should change the rotation angle, etc...

Therefore, whenever a statement that imply an interaction with the robot, one of the environnment's methods is called.

We tried to keep a high abstraction level on the robot concept, and so we succeeded to propose a simulation with several robots. The trick was to visit the code for each robot independently.

When an interpretation is done, a JSON format object is returned, in order to be easily manipulated with the WEB part. By the way, several back and forth coding sessions between the interpreter and the web simulation part have been done, in order to have a format that suits both parts. A logic based on robot states before and after an instruction has been retained. You can find the format of those JSON in the runningEnvironment.ts file.

Finally, at the end of development, we chose to add a concept of interpretation parameters, allowing the user to adjust a little the environnment at start (number of robots and their position). The selection of those parameters can be done in the web IDE, as well as in the CLI.

The interpretation files are located in the interpretation folder : src/interpretation.


The compiler was coded after the Interpreter. Its visitor is more "pure", using only accept methods, where the interpreter visits the concrete nodes.

Apart from that aspect, it is really close to it. The compiler aims to convert RobotScript programms into Arduino ones. It is why you can see a inocode.ts file, that contains all the Arduino syntax and the methods that allow an interaction with a Omni4WD robot. This class is only composed of string constants. We thought it was a good idea for that use.

Given that we did not have access to those robots when the compiler was finished to coded, our only guaranty that the program is valid, is by compiling the arduino code in Arduino IDE, with the loaded external libraries. Fortunatly, it is the case on our example files.

ino valid compilation
Example of valid compilation in Arduino IDE with a generated Arduino code from a RobotScript program compilation.

As you may notice, there are many parenthesis in the compiled expressions. It is done to keep the same priority as in the rbs program.

The compilation files are located in the compilation folder : src/compilation.

Developpment of language support tools

In order to use the compiler and the interpreter, we had do implement tools that enable it. It is why we coded the CLI and the WEB IDE, whose structure was already in place thanks to Langium.


Nothing much to say about the CLI. It is the fastest language support tool : fast to build, code and use. However, it is not really adaptated to the view the simulation context, given that it makes robots moving in a 2D space. Despite it all, the CLI can be used for both : interpretation and compilation, and this proved useful for debugging. It is very easy to use and program. We added some optional parameters, to customize it a little. Type ./bin/cli.js <interpret or compile> -h to know them.

The CLI files are located in the cli folder src/cli.


The web IDE developpment represented a lots of effort. We wanted to have something easy and intuitive to use. All the features are described in Liking coding in typescript over javascript, we enabled the possibility to code in both for the frontend.

The WEB IDE is composed of 3 parts :

  • The node server (backend) : web/, it starts and hosts the application.
  • The client (frontend) : static/, it is the UI, and it represents graphically the simulation with the PJ.js library
  • The language server (frontend) : language/mainbrowser.ts, it is where the interpretation and compilation tasks care computed.

Managing all those parts needs requires rigor. It is why we clearly separated the data types that are exchanged. The data is transmited using VSCode LSP notifications between the client and the server. The data inside the client (ts and js files) is transmited using JS Events. And (more rare, only for saving on the device), the data is transmited using HTTP Requets from the frontend to the backend.

Known isssues

  1. CANVAS : We noticed that the canvas has some problems while drawing, if you tick/untick the "show robot trail" option. Some straight lines are drawned, and they should not. For now we advice to check/uncheck the option before the simulation start. It is for the same reason that the time progression slider has been disabled from the user inputs.

ino valid compilation

  1. PERFORMANCES: the interpreter is slow. For instance loops of 100 are enough to represent a few seconds for loading the result.

  2. GRAMMAR: The most obvious problem. We currently use an altered ast file from the one generated by Langium using the grammar. If we success to convert the abstract nodes into ts interface by changing the grammar, it would be great. The solution we found should only be temporary.

Possible improvements

  1. OBSTACLES: We wanted to implement the concept of obstacles, such as walls for the interpretation. However we ran out of time, prefering working on the compiler. If a new version comes out, it would be strongly possible to have them.

  2. LIVE INTERPRETATION: Currently, the interpretation is not direct : the whole program is visited, and a JSON comes out. During a type, we thought about using a notification/event system to have an interpreation synchronized with the canvas simulation. It means if there is a while(true) loop, there will be result in the output, whereas there should be a continously updated result.

  3. ANOTHER VISITOR USE: Currently, the visitor is only used for compilation and interpreatation. It could be used as a Prettier or a Typechecker, thing we did not really implemented so far.