This file is used to list changes made in each version of timezone-ii.
- Added experimental support for PLD (; thanks to Elan Ruusamäe)
- Added support for RHEL family (thanks to "fraD00r4")
- Complete refresh of test-kitchen setup, including use of Berkshelf (thanks to Mike Conigliaro)
- Added support for Amazon Linux as a special RHEL case
- Debian recipe now logs a warning if dpkg-reconfigure is rewriting the value in /etc/timezone (for example, changing "UTC" to "Etc/UTC")
- Because of the aforementioned behavior of dpkg-reconfigure, the default timezone for Debian-based platforms is now "Etc/UTC"
- Initial release of timezone-ii (as forked from timezone)
- Added support for Fedora
- Configurable paths for localtime data and tzdata tree (just in case someone wants them...)
- For generic Linux timezone setting, a choice of copying or symlinking timezone data to localtime (copying is the default, to avoid surprises)