Play AirDrums using OpenCV and
AirSnare is a python program that lets you play air drums using two coloured sticks and
Here's a Video Demo for AirSnare
Clone the repository, open on your web browser and you're good to go! Make sure that you have the required libraries installed, you can do so by typing the following command in your terminal:
pip install -r requirements.txt
Now, all you need is a red coloured drum stick and a blue coloured drum stick. Just having the ends of the sticks coloured is enough too, alternatively, you can use a red and blue coloured sharpie as well.
Note: The kit I am using is Ian Paice Drum Set
- Add a Menu Screen
- Customizable Sizes for Drum Kit Piece Areas from Menu
- Movable Drum Kit Piece Areas from Menu
- Customizable Colour HSV ranges for Drum Sticks
shoot me an email if you have any other ideas for potential improvements of this program!