- Choose a programming language you are interested in. Here are some suggestions
- Rust
- Go
- Scala
- Clojure
- Ruby
- Swift
- Dart
- Fork this repository using your github account
- Edit
- If the language you chose is already listed, add your onyx name to that line
- If the language you chose isn't listed, add it with your onyx name
- Deliverable One Send a pull request
Due by Thursday November 6
- Create a new folder with your onyx username as the name
- Add a README.md file that contains the following
- Quick description/history of the language you chose
- What it is good for (why would someone use it?)
- Is it a scripting language?
- Compiled?
- Low-level?
- Etc....
- An explanation of the scope rules
- An explanation of the typing system
- An explanation of how functions can be used
- A code sample showing how to use recursion
- A code sample showing how to use arrays
- Deliverable One Send a pull request
Due by Thursday November 13