Checkline is a tool to manage your runs
Try Checkline with docker
cd docker-example
docker compose up
Find configuration options and more in the Wiki
With the administration overlay you can manage your users and groups.
With the Dasboard view you can manage your runners and their stats
With the conspicious Runner Dashboard you could see runner, that need more than a configured time for a round
With the scanner view you coud easy scan QR-Codes with the runners username and the add one round
- Question: Open a Discussion unde 'Discussions'
- Issue: Open an issue under 'Issues'
Start developing on a fork an the do a pull request
- Clone the fork
- You could easiely start a db and an instance of phpmyadmin with docker/dockerDesktop and the dockerCompose.yml
- You could easyly fill the Bd by running
npm run test
in the backend folder