Title: Gradle basics Tags: gradle, groovy, gradle-basics
You run grade tasks on the command line with
gradle -q taskName
If you remove -q it will output lots of verbose information.
Create a build.gradle file. A task is create like
task yourTask {
doLast {
print "Hey."
Or more succinctly:
task yourTask << {
// Steps
You can specify your dependencies with:
task yourTask(dependsOn: someTaskAbove) << {
// Steps
If you haven't already specified the task, you can use it in quotes instead: 'someTaskAbove'.
You can issue normal Groovy code in the tasks or outside:
4.times { println "$it" }
Where "$it" is the iterator. You can also specify the iterator explicitly in Groovy:
4.times { counter -> println "$counter" }
You can even dynamically create tasks from code outside, or inside, any task block:
4.times { counter ->
task "task$counter" << {
println "Dynamic task, innit: $counter."
And you can define methods:
void someMethod() {
// Code
You can access methods on tasks using their API:
task3.doFirst {
// Some more code
You can add properties to tasks using the ext property in the task:
task3.doFirst {
ext.aproperty = "Property, yo."
Then once you're in task3 you can reference ext.aproperty.
You can set properties before tasks are run based on what tasks are specified on the command line:
gradle.taskGraph.whenReady {taskGraph ->
if (taskGraph.hasTask(release)) {
version = '1.0'
} else {
version = '1.0-SNAPSHOT'
Providing you have a 'release' task, and you call it on the command line, the build script will have '1.0' as its version property, otherwise it will have '1.0-SNAPSHOT'.
You can specify default tasks to run with:
defaultTasks 'atask', 'anothertask'