Title: Golang: Libraries Tags: golang,golang-libraries
A library is golang program that's not in the main package with a main function.
package mylib
import "fmt"
func Myfunc() {
fmt.Printf("Hello, world.\n")
If you put that, call it thelib.go, in $GOPATH/src/github.com/you/yourlib/ and then run
go install github.com/you/yourlib
Then you'll get a library in $GOPATH/pkg/YOUR_ARCH/github.com/you/yourlib/thelib.a
You can then reference that via
import "github.com/you/yourlib/"
Note the default name you reference the library name is the package name of the library, not the directory name necessarily.
A library can have only one main package, mylib in this case. So any files not in that package must be in subdirectories of the /src folder.