Title: Golang: Constants, enums and iota Tags: golang
You can type or untype your constants. And untyped constant can be used in any expression and converted implicitly:
const thing = 5 // untyped
const thing2 int = 5 // typed - only used in int expressions
Enums come by putting a bunch of consts in parens:
const (
One = 1
Two = 2
Three = 4
You can use iota to create these values. Within a const group, it starts at 1, and then increments for each expression.
const (
One = 1 << iota // 1 (i.e. 1 << 1)
Two // 2 (i.e. 1 << 2)
Three // 4 (i.e 1 << 3)
If you print a Two, for example, it will display 2.
You can 1) Give the enum a custom type and 2) give the custom type a String() method to change that:
Giving custom types methods is the OOP of golang. And will be discussed in later posts.
type Type int
const (
One Type = 1 << iota // 1
Two Type // 2 (i.e. 1 << 2)
Three Type // 4 (i.e 1 << 3)
func (t Type) String() string {
if t&One==One {
return s
Now if you print the 'One' type it will out the text "One".