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This document provides an explanation of the models ChainNode and ChainEdge, which are used to define a Langchain processing chain for use in Ix.


A Langchain processing chain represents a sequence of actions or processes to be applied on a given input. This chain can involve various types of processes, including interactions with Language Models (LLMs).

In the context of ourIx, we model this processing chain using two main entities: ChainNode and ChainEdge. This model is used to define the structure of the chain, and is stored in the database. The langchain processing chain is generated from this model when it is loaded.

The graph model supports both defining arbitrary processing chains to run them, and also supports displaying and (eventually) editing them visually in the user interface. The model supports asynchronicity, including parallel processing and delegation to other agents.

Chain API Reference

Ix provides custom features on top of langchain that require custom integrations to load.

Default chain types

LLM Chains:

  • LLMChain: wrapper around langchain.LLMChain to add Ix config loader.
  • LLMToolChain: chain that has tools available in the prompt.
  • LLMReply: Respond to chat stream with the result of an LLM prompt.


Data handling:

  • ParseJSON: chain that parses a JSON string into a python object.

Routing / flow control:

  • IxSequence: wrapper for Sequence that provides config loader.
  • MapSubchain: Run subchain for each item in a list.
  • ChooseTool: chain that chooses a tool with a subchain.

Chain Models


A ChainNode represents a single node in the chain. Each node represents a processing step or operation that can be applied. It stores the configuration necessary for the process, along with additional metadata like its name and description.

A ChainNode also maintains references to its parent and root nodes in the chain, allowing the chain to be traversed and manipulated easily.

A node has a type that defines the way the node interacts with its children in the chain:

  • node: A basic node with no specific interaction with its children.
  • list: An ordered sequence of children nodes. The order of processing is defined by the order of the children.
  • map: A node that maps its children. The order of processing is not predetermined.


A ChainEdge represents the connection or link between two ChainNode instances in the chain. It defines the source and target nodes of the connection, and contains additional information such as the root node of the chain it belongs to, and an optional input map.

The ChainEdge model is crucial for defining the structure and flow of the processing chain.


These models are used to dynamically create, modify, and traverse processing chains. You can add nodes to the root or as a child of an existing node using the add_node and add_child methods respectively in the ChainNode model. The load_config method is used to load the configuration for a particular node, including its child nodes if it's of type "list" or "map".

The load_chain method is used to generate the actual processing chain from the stored models. This method uses the from_config class method of the chain class specified by the class_path field to create the chain.

Creating Chains

Chains should be generated through python code run as a management command or via shell_plus. JSON config import is not supported yet.

Here is a simple example of creating a chain that sends a greeting to the user. In this example, a simple chain that greets the user is created. The chain consists of a single node that uses the hypothetical class GreetUserChain to send a greeting message to the user. The ChatOpenAI language model

# Define the greeting operation
    "class_path": "ix.chains.llm.LLMChain",
    "config": {
        "llm": {
            "class_path": "langchain.chat_models.openai.ChatOpenAI",
            "config": {"request_timeout": 60, "temperature": 0.2, "verbose": True},
        "messages": [
                "role": "system",
                "template": "Hello, User! How can I assist you today?",

# Create root node
root = ChainNode.objects.create(**GREET_USER)

# Create the chain
    name="Greeting chain",
    description="Chain used to greet the user",

Creating a Sequence

In this next example, a chain with a sequence of actions is created. The chain consists of two nodes: one that uses the previously defined GREET_USER and another that asks the user for their name.

The ChainEdge connecting the nodes is created automatically when adding a child node to an existing node. When node_type is set to "list", the ChainNode will automatically create a ChainEdge with the source_node set to the parent node and the target_node set to the newly created child node. The order of the child nodes is determined by the order in which they are added, and recorded by the key field of the ChainEdge.

# Define the operation to ask the user's name
    "class_path": "ix.chains.llm.LLMChain",
    "config": {
        "llm": {
            "class_path": "langchain.chat_models.openai.ChatOpenAI",
            "config": {"request_timeout": 60, "temperature": 0.2, "verbose": True},
        "messages": [
                "role": "system",
                "template": "What's your name?",

# Create root node as a sequence
root = ChainNode.objects.create(class_path="ix.chains.base.SequenceChain", node_type="list")

# Add the greeting and name-asking operations to the sequence

# Create the chain
    name="Greeting and name asking chain",
    description="Chain used to greet the user and ask their name",