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IBAnimatable 3.0 Migration

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IBAnimatable 3.0 Migration Guide

IBAnimatable 3.0 is the latest major release of IBAnimatable, a library for designing and prototyping customized UI, interaction, navigation, transition and animation for App Store ready Apps in Interface Builder. As a major release, following Semantic Versioning conventions, 3.0 introduces API-breaking changes.

This guide is provided in order to ease the transition of existing applications using IBAnimatable 2.x to the latest APIs, as well as explaining the design and structure of new and updated functionality.


  • iOS 8.0+
  • Xcode 8.0+
  • Swift 3.0+

For those of you that would like to use IBAnimatable with Swift 2.2 or 2.3, please use the latest tagged 2.x release which supports both Swift 2.2 and 2.3.

Benefits of upgrading

  • Complete Swift 3 compatibility: includes the full adoption of the new API Design Guidelines.
  • New enum system: uses enums to provide strongly typed APIs to replace stringly typed APIs.

Breaking API Changes

IBAnimatable 3 has fully adopted all the new Swift 3 changes and conventions, including the new API Design Guidelines. Because of this, almost every API in IBAnimatable has been modified in some way. We can't possibly document every single change, so we're going to attempt to identify the most common APIs and how they have changed to help you through those sometimes less than helpful compiler errors.


All enums start with lowercase

When you run "Convert to Current Swift Syntax...", it should pick up those changes.

Enum improvements

Because Interface Builder can't support enum as @IBInspectable property. Before version 3, we had to define the property as String for the enum like AnimationType. But @lastMove had found a nice workaround / solution to support enum for both programmatical APIs and Interface Builder, we have improved all enums to support the new pattern.

There is an example how we improve the enums. Before version 3, we define AnimationType enum like:

public enum AnimationType {
  case SlideInLeft
  case SlideInRight
  case SlideInDown
  case SlideInUp
  case SlideOutLeft
  case SlideOutRight
  case SlideOutDown
  case SlideOutUp

To support @IBInspectable property, we have to define the property animationType as a String like:

  String value of `AnimationType` enum
var animationType: String? { get set }

After that we can use it for Animation Type in Attributes inspector like SlideInLeft or SlideOutRight.

And we can use it in code like:

var view = AnimatableView() // Set up a view from Storyboard or frame.
view.animationType = "SlideInLeft"
// view.animationType = "SlideOutRight"

In this case, we have to use Stringy enum value to set animationType property. It is not ideal. To unlock the power of Swift enum, we have changed the enum like:

public enum AnimationType {
  case slide(way: Way, from: Direction)

We can accept parameters for enum value like:

var view = AnimatableView() // Set up a           s view from Storyboard or frame.
view.animationType = .slide(.in, direction: .left)
// view.animationType = .slide(.out, direction: .right)

To use them in Attributes inspector, we can set Animation Type like slide(in,left) or slide(out,right).

Changes for AnimationType
Before in code (String value of the enum) After in code Before in Interface Builder After in Interface Builder
.SlideInLeft .slide(way: .in, direction: .left) SlideInLeft slide(in,left)
.SlideInRight .slide(way: .in, direction: .right) SlideInRight slide(in,right)
.SlideInDown .slide(way: .in, direction: .down) SlideInDown slide(in,down)
.SlideInUp .slide(way: .in, direction: .up) SlideInUp slide(in,up)
.SlideOutLeft .slide(way: .out, direction: .left) SlideOutLeft slide(out,left)
.SlideOutLeft .slide(way: .out, direction: .right) SlideOutLeft slide(out,right)
.SlideOutLeft .slide(way: .out, direction: .down) SlideOutLeft slide(out,down)
.SlideOutLeft .slide(way: .out, direction: .up) SlideOutLeft slide(out,up)
.SqueezeInLeft .squeeze(way: .in, direction: .left) SqueezeInLeft squeeze(in,left)
.SqueezeInRight .squeeze(way: .in, direction: .right) SqueezeInRight squeeze(in,right)
.SqueezeInDown .squeeze(way: .in, direction: .down) SqueezeInDown squeeze(in,down)
.SqueezeInUp .squeeze(way: .in, direction: .up) SqueezeInUp squeeze(in,up)
.SqueezeOutLeft .squeeze(way: .out, direction: .left) SqueezeOutLeft squeeze(out,left)
.SqueezeOutLeft .squeeze(way: .out, direction: .right) SqueezeOutLeft squeeze(out,right)
.SqueezeOutLeft .squeeze(way: .out, direction: .down) SqueezeOutLeft squeeze(out,down)
.SqueezeOutLeft .squeeze(way: .out, direction: .up) SqueezeOutLeft squeeze(out,up)
.FadeInLeft .slideFade(way: .in, direction: .left) FadeInLeft slideFade(in,left)
.FadeInRight .slideFade(way: .in, direction: .right) FadeInRight slideFade(in,right)
.FadeInDown .slideFade(way: .in, direction: .down) FadeInDown slideFade(in,down)
.FadeInUp .slideFade(way: .in, direction: .up) FadeInUp slideFade(in,up)
.FadeOutLeft .slideFade(way: .out, direction: .left) FadeOutLeft slideFade(out,left)
.FadeOutLeft .slideFade(way: .out, direction: .right) FadeOutLeft slideFade(out,right)
.FadeOutLeft .slideFade(way: .out, direction: .down) FadeOutLeft slideFade(out,down)
.FadeOutLeft .slideFade(way: .out, direction: .up) FadeOutLeft slideFade(out,up)
.SqueezeFadeInLeft .squeezeFade(way: .in, direction: .left) SqueezeFadeInLeft squeezeFade(in,left)
.SqueezeFadeInRight .squeezeFade(way: .in, direction: .right) SqueezeFadeInRight squeezeFade(in,right)
.SqueezeFadeInDown .squeezeFade(way: .in, direction: .down) SqueezeFadeInDown squeezeFade(in,down)
.SqueezeFadeInUp .squeezeFade(way: .in, direction: .up) SqueezeFadeInUp squeezeFade(in,up)
.SqueezeFadeOutLeft .squeezeFade(way: .out, direction: .left) SqueezeFadeOutLeft squeezeFade(out,left)
.SqueezeFadeOutLeft .squeezeFade(way: .out, direction: .right) SqueezeFadeOutLeft squeezeFade(out,right)
.SqueezeFadeOutLeft .squeezeFade(way: .out, direction: .down) SqueezeFadeOutLeft squeezeFade(out,down)
.SqueezeFadeOutLeft .squeezeFade(way: .out, direction: .up) SqueezeFadeOutLeft squeezeFade(out,up)
.FadeIn .fade(way: .in) FadeIn fade(in)
.FadeOut .fade(way: .out) FadeOut fade(out)
.FadeInOut .fade(way: .inOut) FadeInOut fade(inOut)
.FadeOutIn .fade(way: .outIn) FadeOutIn fade(outIn)
.ZoomIn .zoom(way: .in) ZoomIn zoom(in)
.ZoomOut .zoom(way: .out) ZoomOut zoom(out)
.ZoomInvertIn .zoomInvert(way: .in) ZoomInvertIn zoomInvert(in)
.ZoomInvertOut .zoomInvert(way: .out) ZoomInvertOut zoomInvert(out)
.Shake .shake(repeatCount: 1) Shake shake(1)
.Pop .pop(repeatCount: 1) Pop pop(1)
.Squeeze .squash(repeatCount: 1) Squeeze squash(1)
.Morph .morph(repeatCount: 1) Morph morph(1)
.Flash .flash(repeatCount: 1) Flash flash(1)
.Wobble .wobble(repeatCount: 1) Wobble wobble(1)
.Swing .swing(repeatCount: 1) Swing swing(1)
.FlipX .flip(along: x) FlipX flip(x)
.FlipY .flip(along: y) FlipY flip(y)
.Rotate .rotate(direction: .cw, repeatCount: 1) Rotate rotate(cw,1)
.Rotate .rotate(direction: .ccw, repeatCount: 1) Rotate rotate(ccw,1)
.MoveTo .moveTo(x: 100, y: 120) MoveTo moveTo(100,120)
.MoveBy .moveBy(x: -10, y: 20) MoveBy moveBy(-10,20)
Changes for BlurEffectStyle

BlurEffectStyle has been replace by UIBlurEffectStyle

Changes for MaskType
  • Used in code
var maskType: MaskType = .circle
maskType = .triangle
maskType = .star(points: 6)
maskType = .polygon(sides: 10)
maskType = .parallelogram(angle: 60)
maskType = .wave(direction: .up, width: 50, offset: 10)
  • Used in Interface Builder circle, star(6), polygon(10), parallelogram(60) or wave(up,50,10)
Changes for TransitionAnimationType
  • Used in code
var transitionAnimationType: TransitionAnimationType = .systemRotate
transitionAnimationType = .cards(direction: .forward)
transitionAnimationType = .fade(direction: .in)
transitionAnimationType = .explode(xFactor: 10, minAngle: 10, maxAngle: 20)
transitionAnimationType = .systemCube(from: .left)
  • Used in Interface Builder systemRotate, cards(forward), fade(in), explode(10,10,20) or systemCube(left)
Changes for InteractiveGestureType
  • Used in code
var interactiveGestureType: InteractiveGestureType = .pan(from: .right)
interactiveGestureType = .pinch(direction: .open)
interactiveGestureType = .screenEdgePan(from: .left)
  • Used in Interface Builder pan(right), pinch(open) or screenEdgePan(left)
Changes for PresentationAnimationType
  • Used in code
var presentationAnimationType: PresentationAnimationType = .flip
presentationAnimationType = .dropDown
presentationAnimationType = .crossDissolve
presentationAnimationType = .zoom
presentationAnimationType = .cover(from: left)
  • Used in Interface Builder flip, dropDown, crossDissolve, zoom or cover(left)
Changes for PresentationModalSize
  • Used in code
var presentationModalSize: PresentationModalSize = .full
presentationModalSize = .half
presentationModalSize = .custom(size: 200)
  • Used in Interface Builder full, half, or custom(200)
Changes for PresentationModalPosition
  • Used in code
var presentationModalPosition: PresentationModalPosition = .center
presentationModalPosition = .leftCenter
presentationModalPosition = .bottomCenter
presentationModalPosition = .customCenter(centerPoint: 220)
presentationModalPosition = .customOrigin(origin: 100)
  • Used in Interface Builder center, leftCenter, bottomCenter, customCenter(220), or customOrigin(100)
Changes for other enums

For the other enums e.g. ActivityIndicatorType, ColorType and GradientColor, we just need to change them to start with lower case.


Changes for protocol extension methods

All methods start with config*** have been changed to configure***. e.g. configAnimatableProperties has been changed to configureAnimatableProperties. And configMask has been changed to configureMask`.

Changes for Animatable

  • x and y properties have been removed They have become the parameters of moveTo(x:y:) and moveBy(x:y:) enums.
// Before
view.x = 200
view.y = 300
view.animationType = "MoveTo"

// After
view.animationType = .moveTo(x: 200, y: 300)
  • repeatCount property has been removed It has become the parameter of shake1, pop, squash, morph, flash, wobble, swingorrotate` enums.
// Before
view.repeatCount = 5
view.animationType = "Pop"

// After
view.animationType = .pop(repeatCount: 1)
  • Group animation methods Because we have improved the enum for AnimationType, we also group similar methods together. For example for .slide, we have grouped slideInLeft(), slideInRight(), slideInDown(), slideInUp(), slideOutLeft(), slideOutRight(), slideOutDown() and slideOutUp() to single method slide(_ way: AnimationType.Way, direction: AnimationType.Direction)
// Before

// After
view.slide(.in, direction: .left)
view.slide(.out, direction: .right)

We use the same pattern to group the animation methods.

Changes for protocols with enum

We have change the type from String to actual enum for all protocols. e.g. for Animatable, we change var animationType: String? { get set } to var animationType: AnimationType { get set }. And change var maskType: String? { get set } to var maskType: MaskType { get set } for MaskDesignable. Then we can set enum values in code like:

// Before
view.animationType = "Pop"
view.maskType = "Circle"

// After
view.animationType = .pop(repeatCount: 2)
view.maskType = .circle

Animatable UI elements

Because IBAnimatable uses protocol oriented programming paradigm, all animatable UI elements, e.g. AnimatableView, AnimatableButton use the reused protocols. And we have changed the protocols to use the new enum system as mentioned above, we need to change those properties to use enum in code like:

// Before
view.animationType = "Pop"
view.maskType = "Circle"
button.view.animationType = "Shake"

// After
view.animationType = .pop(repeatCount: 2)
view.maskType = .circle
button.animationType = .shake(repeatCount: 1)

Please find more information for Enums and Protocols.

Custom UI elements

If you have created your own custom UI elements and used the protocols in IBAnimatable like IBAnimatableMaterial project, you need to change the implementation for some properties e.g. animationType and maskType. Here is an example for maskType:

class CustomView: UIView, MaskDesignable {
	// MARK: - MaskDesignable
  open var maskType: MaskType = .none {
    didSet {
  /// The mask type used in Interface Builder. **Should not** use this property in code.
  @IBInspectable var _maskType: String? {
    didSet {
      maskType = MaskType(string: _maskType)

Because Interface Builder can't support Swift enum, we have to define a property called _maskType as String. The property is internal, which we only use it in Interface Builder. And in the didSet block, we set the actual property maskType which is a Swift enum MaskType.

Interface Builder / Storyboard

Since we have introduced new enum system, we have to change some properties like animationType and maskType. And we need to change them in the Storyboard when migrating version 3.

You may see some warnings like below:

DemoApp.storyboard: warning: IB Designables: Ignoring user defined runtime attribute for key path "animationType" on instance of "IBAnimatable.AnimatableButton". Hit an exception when attempting to set its value: [<IBAnimatable.AnimatableButton 0x7ffc3a974800> setValue:forUndefinedKey:]: this class is not key value coding-compliant for the key animationType.

Because we have change the properties name to support Interface Builder. Most of the cases, we can just add an underscore (_) to fix them.

There are a couple of ways to fix them.

  1. Open the *.storyboard file with your favor editor e.g. Atom, VS Code or sublime. Replace the value as below.
  2. Or open the storyboard in Interface Builder, select the element (with warnings). Then open Identity inspector, and change the value in User Defined Runtime Attributes.
  3. Or You can also find them by doing a search in Xcode (even doing a replace all, but that's may be dangerous)
Before After
borderSides _borderSides
blurEffectStyle _blurEffectStyle
vibrancyEffectStyle _vibrancyEffectStyle
predefinedGradient _predefinedGradient
startPoint _startPoint
maskType _maskType
animationType _animationType
predefinedColor _predefinedColor
transitionAnimationType _transitionAnimationType
interactiveGestureType _interactiveGestureType
presentationAnimationType _presentationAnimationType
dismissalAnimationType _dismissalAnimationType
modalPosition _modalPosition
modalWidth _modalWidth
modalHeight _modalHeight
keyboardTranslation _keyboardTranslation

-- If you have found any issues for the migration, please create an issue. Please create a PR if you find the solution, thanks.