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262 lines (243 loc) · 9.01 KB

File metadata and controls

262 lines (243 loc) · 9.01 KB

Todo list



  • Replace .x syntax
  • Allow GC of defintions
  • Move undo to repl (.undo)


  • Uppercase leters in object keys
  • _ 3 =~?
  • blessed gui broken
  • print gets swallowed by stack
  • [?] 'math' see -> [module]?


  • base (Deciaml.toBinary) precision.
  • Test unbound defs (macro-like expansion)
  • [?] test for invalid word definitions
  • Test for %top
  • [?] Tests for vocab, use, etc.
  • Test all internal words
    • Basis
    • Core
    • Dictionary words
  • Move silent flag to system properties
    • [?] Progress bar flag?
  • move repl and gui to src
  • Test all errors
    • MAXRUN
  • circular imports?
  • test pprint?
  • test read and resolve


  • [?] User defined sigils?
  • resolve to allow missing file extension?
  • undef, null, nan, nil, ComplexInfinity, Indeterminate, unknown (
  • @ from complex value?
  • pprint Infinity, ComplexInfinity, NaN etc.
  • Move vscode extension
  • pattern + lambdas [ 1 2 a: ] ~> [ .a .a * ]
  • stack matcher [ 1 2 3 [ _ 3 ] stack-case ] -> [ 1 2 3 true ]
  • fried defintions [ .x 2 ^ .y 2 ^ + .y abs - ] fry -> [[ x: y: ] => [ .x 2 ^ .y 2 ^ + .y abs - ]] lambda
  • should undo always be immdiate?
    • Interactive errors
    • Prompt to undo?
  • ability to define words as immediate (without prefix)?
  • [?] ensure defining a module (x: 'xx.ff' import ;) doesn't create extra globals
  • [?] all pprint values should be copy-pasteable?
    • [?] regex
    • [?] dates
    • [?] special numbers (complexinfinity, etc)
    • symbols?
  • More stats on trace (max stack size, max queue size, time, etc)
  • [?] Decimal shift/unshift
  • More complexInfinity/indeterminate base operations (
  • [?] immutable imports (
  • flags for pprinting (maxDepth, etc)
  • pick for module? math [ '!' ] pick use
  • [?] Store using symbols as keys #aword [ dup 123 ] ;? always global and collision free?
  • os/platform specific bootloading?
  • all internal words are loaded at untime (js-import?)
  • different pprint for bound words?
  • stack and unstack
    • stack and unstack are reverse of common defs
    • should unstack replace the stack? If not then is unstack: [ eval ] ;?
    • unstack allows pushing words to stack [ 1 2 * ] unstack!!
    • unstack vs eval.


  • unicode words: f\u266D
  • Regex literal
  • undefined?
  • complex, i
  • [?] +/-infinity
  • [-] Dates (local dates, times, timestaps...) (could dates be user defined classes?)
  • Symbols (, _
    • [?] Use #:? as symbol prefix? Symbols with whitespace (#:'foo')?
    • well known symbols?

Testing words

  • [?] try [ T ] [ C ] [ F ]
  • assertions
  • [?] TDD words (suite, test)
  • option skip tests on load?

Improved user space

  • Start in user directory
  • add - adds a word/vacabulary to the user's persistant dictionary/bootstrap? math: add


  • redefine action : ( string -> Key )?
  • [?] more restrictions types on stack, queue and dictionary
  • [?] Safer module loading (module class?)
  • [?] defining objects? z: { x: [ y ] } ;?

Internal Type cleaning

  • :xyz -> ImmediateWord?
  • Action vs Word?
  • [?] Alias type?
  • [?] ResolvedWord?


  • [-] Better macro system, dupn!3, dup<5>, range<1, 100>, range:(1, 10). ?
    • Using sap, prefer post-fix "macros" 1 10 :range
  • ~ vs !, ! vs factorial, /= or !=
  • Choose regex vs regexp
  • Ranges? Infinite ranges? generators?
  • map over strings should return strings?

Older Todos:

  • Finish JSON output
  • Serialize to .ff file?
  • [?] Tagged templates fn'${A}-${B}' -> ${A fn}-${B fn}?
  • [?] Mixed numeric and string indecies for arrays and maps [ 1 2 x: 3 ] { x: 1 y: 2 3 4 5}?
  • [?] Combine lambdas and pattern matching?
  • [?] Online help?
  • Undo flags
    • undoable -> autoundo,
    • add undoable flag.
    • reset by .clear?
  • Fix/improve API docs
    • Move docs from gitbook?
  • Consistant and predictable display precision:
    • 1 acos => 0 (precision issue)
    • precision in complex calculations (on print)
    • Pretty printing complex values: 5e-20+2i -> 2i?
  • JSON
    • to simplified JSON (Decimal -> number, regex, symbols, etc)
    • Decimal/Complex .fromJSON + Tests
  • rewrite reduction rules? user-defined?
    • dup drop -> ``
    • q> q< -> ``
  • Ensure predictable <=> with null and nan


  • %top vs root? add parent, local?
  • linrec -
  • [?] publish add a word to a dict? math: my-math-func: publish, [ ] ;?
  • exists? file exists? fstat?
  • [-] -> vs case, ~> vs p-case
  • [?] alias x: y: alias
  • More bitwise words:
    • bit-set, bit-flip, bit-clr, bit-get
  • cld: (Smallest integer larger than or equal to x/y)
  • isfinite?, isinf?, isnan?
  • sign, ispos?, isneg?
  • >>> ?
  • sinpi, cospi (more accurate than cos(pi*x), especially for large x)?
  • Better complex inputs
    • 1+2i (Literal)?
    • "1+2i" :complex
    • [1,2] :complex
  • clamp, scale
  • radians -> rads-per-degree, etc. ?
  • lesser-of, greater-of vs max, min?
  • gte vs >=
  • Derivatives:
    • deriv = (f, h) => x => (f(x + h) - f(x)) / h
    • nd = (f, x, h) => (f(x + h) - f(x)) / h
  • Move prompt into code?
  • Radix from number: radix = (n, radix) => n.toString(radix)
    • Fix bin and oct floating point
    • fix hex, bin, ect with neg values
  • Lazy ranges
  • Use standard words, foldl, etc
  • each*, recursive each, no stack overflow?
  • Use y vs. recursion?


  • [?] Standardize all stack effects in docs and code comments
  • Detail boolean / Three valued logic
  • Basis
  • Regexp
  • defer
  • Module loader, expanding functions, circular references.
  • Defined words
  • Child stacks, forks, etc.
  • Async
  • Dictionary "scope"

More Todo:

  • Matrices?
  • composite truth values?
  • [?] Improve errors (FF errors should not have a JS stack, FF stack)
  • Trig functions on complex
    • sin, cos, tan
    • sinh, cosh, tanh
    • asin, acos, atan
    • asin, acos with real values > 1 are complex
    • asin and acos of complex infinities
    • atan2?
    • other derived words: sec, cot, etc.
  • Infinity and complex numbers
  • [-] Pool children env?
  • Use child process/web workers for children?
  • Separate state from environment and engine?
  • IO Class?
  • Session saving
  • Undo history
    • undo
    • redo?
  • Dates & Time
  • Path to @
    • [ ... ] [ x y z ] @ => [ ... ][x][y][z]
    • [?] { ... } 'x.y.z' @ => [ ... ][x][y][z]
  • [?] Private/Protected words?
  • Preserved precision base on user input (2.50 vs 2.5)?
    • explicit reational/irrational 2.50M?
  • Better JSON iterop
    • StackEnv.prototype.toJSON should serialize entire state?
    • FFlat Extended JSON, { value: i 2 * }
    • Deserialize JSON
    • Simplified JSON
    • BSON?
    • Nan, Infinity, etc.
    • BigNumber, Complex
    • actions,
    • Dates
  • RegExp
    • [?] Rewrite strings lib to use regex
    • Fix union of rexexp with flags
    • match operator =~ ?
    • {Array} {RegExp} match?
    • OR {regexp} + {regexp} = {regexp} OR {regexp}
    • AND {regexp} + {regexp} = {regexp} AND {regexp}
    • NOT {regexp} ~ = NOT {regexp}
    • JSON output
  • Parser / compiler output
  • Infinite Ranges? 1..Infinity?
  • Pattern matching?
    • Pattern matching substitution? [_ _] => [a,b] (lambdas?)
    • place holder _
    • rest pattern in arrays [ 1 ... ]
    • [-] OR patterns 1 | 2 (now using regex)
    • [-] ranges 1...4 (now using regex)
    • [?] guards 3 > (case when)?
  • [-] Classes/inheritance?