What's next after installation and the Hello World! samples?
Things you should try out.
Besides the samples you can run online on the Heaps site you should try the many samples from the github repository.
There are many samples that haven't yet been added to the site of Heaps. The samples are already in your Haxe's Heaps folder on your local machine: HaxeToolkit\haxe\lib\heaps\git\samples
When compiling the all.hxml
file all samples should get compiled (which currently takes about 227 MB of disk space).
You can also learn from external public repositories from other members of the community
- Smallest-Heaps-Examples by Beeblerox
- haxe-heaps-examples by Joe Reynolds
Learn from simple games made for beginners/learning
- [[Sample games for learning]]
Learn from step-by-step tutorials
- Deepnight tutorials by Deepnight/Sébastien Bénard
- BiteSize video playlist on YouTube by Willie The Stupid Programmer
Learn from complete games that where created for game jams and are open source: [[Jam games]]
Ask questions, discuss and get in touch with the community!
- Discord (#heaps channel): https://discord.gg/sWCGm33
- Discourse: https://community.heaps.io/
Heaps is powered by Haxe. Learn more about Haxe here:
- The Haxe website:
- The Haxe manual
- The Haxe API
- The Haxe wiki
- The Haxe code cookbook
- The Haxe community