Let us simplify the problem statement. The problem is to partition
'$\mathbf{N}$', the set of first $\mathbf{N}$ positive integers
($1, 2, \dots, \mathbf{N}$) into two subsets, $S_{Alan}$ and $S_{Barbara}$ (for
Alan and Barbara), with $A$ and $B$ as their sums respectively, such that
$\frac{A}{B}=\frac{\mathbf{X}}{\mathbf{Y}}$ and
$A+B=\frac{\mathbf{N}(\mathbf{N}+1)}{2}$ (where
$\frac{\mathbf{N}(\mathbf{N}+1)}{2}$ is the
of first N positive integers , let us call it $Sum_N$).
We can check all the possible partitions of '$\mathbf{N}$' into two subsets
$S_{Alan}$ and $S_{Barbara}$ (where $S_{Alan}$ is non-empty), to see if we
encounter a partition where $\frac{A}{B}=\frac{\mathbf{X}}{\mathbf{Y}}$. If we
encounter such a partition, we can conclude that it is POSSSIBLE
to partition
'$\mathbf{N}$' as it is asked in the problem statement, and return this
partition as the answer. If no such partition is encountered, we can conclude
that the answer is IMPOSSIBLE
Since there are $2^\mathbf{N}-1$ ways we can partition '$\mathbf{N}$' this way,
and each partition takes $O(N)$ time to check for the conditions mentioned in
the problem statement. The time complexity of this solution is
$O(2^\mathbf{N} \times N)$.
Since $A=Sum_N \times (\frac{\mathbf{X}}{\mathbf{X}+\mathbf{Y}})$ and
$B=Sum_N \times (\frac{\mathbf{Y}}{\mathbf{X}+\mathbf{Y}})$. For $A$ and $B$ to
be integers, $Sum_N\pmod{(\mathbf{X}+\mathbf{Y})}\equiv\mathbf{0}$. If
$Sum_N\pmod{(\mathbf{X}+\mathbf{Y})}\not\equiv\mathbf{0}$ then it is
to partition '$\mathbf{N}$' into $S_{Alan}$ and $S_{Barbara}$.
In what follows we will use a Greedy algorithm to form $S_{Alan}$. The proof
that such a partition is always POSSIBLE
$Sum_N\pmod{(\mathbf{X}+\mathbf{Y})}\equiv\mathbf{0}$, can be given by
mathematical induction.
Let us define a function def partition(N, PartitionSum)
which returns a
partition from the set of first $\mathbf{N}$ positive integers which sums up to
the PartitionSum
def partition(N, PartitionSum):
assert(N >= 0 and PartitionSum >= 0)
if (PartitionSum == 0 or N == 0):
return []
// Greedily pick that largest available number to form the PartitionSum.
if(N > PartitionSum):
return partition(N-1, PartitionSum)
return [N] + partition(N-1, PartitionSum-N)
Given '$\mathbf{N}$', the set of first $\mathbf{N}$ positive integers. [sic]
For $\mathbf{N}=1$, the possible values of $PartitionSum = [0,1]$. We can see
that the algorithm works correctly, as it returns an empty set for
$PartitionSum=0$, and greedily chooses $[1]$ from the set for $PartitionSum=1$.
We want to show that if partitions can be formed greedily for $\mathbf{N}=K-1$
and $PartitionSum=[0,1,2,\dots,Sum_{K-1}]$ using the algorithm mentioned above,
then the partitions can also be formed in the same way for $\mathbf{N}=K$ and
Assume the induction hypothesis that we can form partitions greedily for
$\mathbf{N}=K-1$ and $PartitionSum=[0,1,2,\dots,Sum_{K-1}]$ using the above
algorithm, and a partition is denoted by partition(K-1,PartitionSum)
For $\mathbf{N}=K$, possible values of $PartitionSum$ are
Now say, for the case when $K \le PartitionSum \le Sum_K$, to form the
partition, we can greedily select $[K]$ and merge it with
. This is possible because
$PartitionSum - K \le Sum_{K-1}$, so we know partition(K-1,PartitionSum-K)
exists (our assumption from the inductive step).
Now for the other case when, $0 \le PartitionSum \lt K$, we can choose
to form this partition as $K-1 \le Sum_{K-1}$,
hence [sic] partition(K-1,PartitionSum)
exists (our assumption from the
inductive step).
Since, both the Base case and Inductive Step have been proven as true, by
mathematical induction the greedy algorithm mentioned above works for every
$\mathbf{N}$ and $PartitionSum=[0,1,2,\dots,Sum_N]$.
We can use the above algorithm to form $S_{Alan}$ by calling partition(N, A)
what remains after picking elements for $S_{Alan}$, would be $S_{Barbara}$, as
$A+B=Sum_N$. [sic] The time complexity of this algorithm is $O(N)$.
Test Data