Create branch bx.x.x
Run 'Usage of IntelliJ API not available in older IDEs' and 'Stateful extension' inspection (ctrl+alt+shift+i)
Increase stub version in LatexParserDefinition
Re-include Sumatra dlls in build.gradle.kts to enable forward search
Run ctan.py
Add welcome text to Changelog.md
Update version in gradle.properties
run patchChangelog
Delete alpha versions from changelog
runIDE and check the changelog is formatted correctly, then close the dev instance
Run publishPlugin
Re-exclude Sumatra dlls in build.gradle.kts
Merge PR
buildPlugin and release on GitHub, tag version: v0.x.x and release title: Beta x.x.x
Close the milestone
Update MiKTeX Docker image
Check performance: indexing texlive full should take around one minute, inspections on a 10k line file should take around 10 seconds, pressing enter in such a file should react within a second.