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Use the awesome Avataaars Library by Pablo Stanley ( in any javascript application.

This Project uses parts of the Dicebear Avatars Library to generate Avatars with a specified configuration.
I fitted this Library for my puposes, if you need functionalitys like random avatar generation or avatars based on seeds have a look at the DiceBear Avatars Library.

The main intention is to have all configuration options in one single file with a simple, extensible structure.

Getting Started

Include the JavaScript file into your application

<script src="avataaars.js"></script>

The default Avatar

The Library dont uses any random features, so if you dont specify any paramter it will return the same Avatar every time.

// --> "<svg width [...] </svg>"

Customize Avatar

Avaliable options:

name type default description
width number null Fixed width
height number null Fixed height
style string circle One of: transparent, circle
background string null Background color for style: 'circle'
svgBackground string transparent Background color for the whole svg
skin string tanned Possible values: tanned, yellow, pale, light, brown, darkBrown, black
top string shortWaved Possible values: dreads01, dreads02, frizzle, shaggyMullet, shaggy, shortCurly, shortFlat, shortRound, sides, shortWaved, theCaesarAndSidePart, theCaesar, bigHair, bob, bun, curly, curvy, dreads, frida, froAndBand, fro, longButNotTooLong, miaWallace, shavedSides, straightAndStrand, straight01, straight02, eyepatch, turban, hijab, hat, winterHat01, winterHat02, winterHat03, winterHat04
hairColor string auburn Possible values: auburn, black, blonde, blondeGolden, brown, brownDark, pastelPink, platinum, red, silverGray
hatColor string blue02 Possible values: black, blue01, blue02, blue03, gray01, gray02, heather, pastelBlue, pastelGreen, pastelOrange, pastelRed, pastelYellow, pink, red, white
accessories string none Possible values: none, kurt, prescription01, prescription02, round, sunglasses, wayfarers
accessoriesColor string black Possible values: black, blue01, blue02, blue03, gray01, gray02, heather, pastelBlue, pastelGreen, pastelOrange, pastelRed, pastelYellow, pink, red, white
facialHair string none Possible values: none, beardLight, beardMagestic, beardMedium, moustaceFancy, moustacheMagnum
facialHairColor string auburn Possible values: auburn, black, blonde, blondeGolden, brown, brownDark, pastelPink, platinum, red, silverGray
clothing string shirtCrewNeck Possible values: blazerAndShirt, blazerAndSweater, collarAndSweater, graphicShirt, hoodie, overall, shirtCrewNeck, shirtScoopNeck, shirtVNeck
clothingGraphic string pizza Possible values: skrullOutline, skrull, resist, pizza, hola, diamond, deer, dumbia, bear, bat
clothingColor string black Possible values: black, blue01, blue02, blue03, gray01, gray02, heather, pastelBlue, pastelGreen, pastelOrange, pastelRed, pastelYellow, pink, red, white
eyes string default Possible values: squint, closed, cry, default, eyeRoll, happy, hearts, side, surprised, wink, winkWacky, xDizzy
eyebrows string defaultNatural Possible values: angryNatural, defaultNatural, flatNatural, frownNatural, raisedExcitedNatural, sadConcernedNatural, unibrowNatural, upDownNatural, raisedExcited, angry, default, sadConcerned, upDown
mouth string default Possible values: concerned, default, disbelief, eating, grimace, sad, screamOpen, serious, smile, tongue, twinkle, vomit

Create a custom Avataaar

You can use all options from the upper table.

var svg = Avataaars.create({
    eyes: "wink",
    clothing: "hoodie",
    hair: "dreads",
    hairColor: "blonde"

Change default Avataaar

The default Avatar is the basic configuration, from which all custom Avataaars will inherit from. Every Option specified in the custom Avatar creation overrides the default Avatar and returns so the customized variant.

⚠️ It is recommended to specify every customizeable parameter in this function, otherwise its possible that your Avataaar look may not persist in future releases of this library.

    eyes: "wink",
    clothing: "hoodie",
    hair: "dreads",
    hairColor: "blonde"

Get avaliable options in Javascript

This is recommended if you want to build for example an Avatar customizer.

// Read all customizable Paths/Shapes as Array - paths with only one single option are not included
console.log( Avataaars.getEditableTypes() );
// >> ["skin", "top", ...]

//Get Color palletes as Object
// >> {skin:{tanned: ""}}

// Get customisation options for one body part as Array
// >> ["blazerAndShirt", "blazerAndSweater", ...]