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Hi Kyle, There isn't a tool that does it. I've thought about how to do it, though, and I'd be happy to walk you through how to do it. Assuming you just want the unwrapped centers of mass or centroids, what I'd do is something like
This is a little simplistic, but for a sane MD trajectory of a membrane it ought to work fine. |
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Alan, # @Author: Kyle Billings <kbillings>
# @Date: 2021-09-22T18:00:20-04:00
# @Email: [email protected]
# @Filename:
# @Last modified by: kbillings
# @Last modified time: 2021-09-25T16:20:39-04:00
#!/usr/bin/env python3
Track a base stacking through a trajectory. Intended for use with
nucleic acids, to identify base stacking.
This file is part of LOOS.
LOOS (Lightweight Object-Oriented Structure library)
Copyright (c) 2021 Alan Grossfield, Grossfield Lab
Department of Biochemistry and Biophysics
School of Medicine & Dentistry, University of Rochester
This package (LOOS) is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation under version 3 of the License.
This package is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <>.
import sys
import loos
import loos.pyloos
import numpy as np
import argparse
# making the fullhelp for the program
def fullhelp():
print(""" takes the coordinates from a trajectory file to unwrap
the periodic box(PB) for a selection .At the moment the only rectangular
box based periodic box conditions are able to be used. The subset of atoms
that you use could be any valid loos selection ,but the program is intended
to work on lipids,tracking the geometric center of a molecule at the
current frame and comparing that position to the previous one.
If the difference between the two positions vary by more than half of the
P.B length (in x,y, or z) a correction factor is added to the current position
to correct the positions it moves outside the boundaries.
If desired, a pdb and DCD of the unwrapped trjectory can be. This is done by
taking every molecule if the selection to (0,0,0) then translating it to the
unwrapped. For making the trajecotry,the assumtion is made that the
Lx,Ly or Lz of the P.B will not be greater than 1,000 Angstroums.
Usage: [OPTIONS] selection_string system_file trajectory_file
-- selection_string identifies the atoms to be analyzed. They will be
split by molecule number calculate position for every lipid adjusted
without the wrapping
-- system_file is a PDB, PSF, prmtop, etc
-- trajectory_file eg DCD, xtc. Its contents must precisely
match the system file
--skip: # of residues to exclude from the front of each trajectory
--stride: how to step through the trajectory (eg --stride 10 will read
every 10th frame)
--fullhelp: prints this message
--output_traj: output a dcd of the unwrapped trajectory defult(--output_traj 0)
--output_prefix: prefix to use for the output defult is output
def findFix():
""" find Fix is the takes the center befor it is unwrapped then checks the lipids
until to see if the new postion has moved more than half the box then the box
lenght is added to the postion of that atom to negate the wrapping. If the
corrdinate of fixed atom still is lager than half the box a factor is multiped to
the box lenght added to the system untill the distacne is within reason"""
fix = loos.GCoord() # blank GCorrd() == (0,0,0)
a ,b ,c, d,e,f = 1, 1,1,1,1,1
check = True
while check:
diff = centers[index] - prev_centers[index]
tracker = 0
if diff.x() > half_box.x():
fix[0] -= box.x() * a
elif diff.x() < -half_box.x():
fix[0] += box.x() * b
tracker =1
if diff.y() > half_box.y():
fix[1] -= box.y() * c
tracker = 2
elif diff.y() < -half_box.y():
fix[1] += box.y() * d
tracker = 3
if diff.z() > half_box.z():
fix[2] -= box.z() * e
tracker = 4
elif diff.z() < -half_box.z():
fix[2] += box.z() * f
tracker = 5
ans = centers[index] + fix
if prev_centers[index].distance(ans) > half_box.x():
C = [x for x in centers[index]]
P = [x for x in prev_centers[index]]
# now find the exact thing that messed up
if tracker == 0:
if ans.x() - prev_centers[index].x() < half_box.x():
a += 1
elif tracker == 1:
if ans.x() -prev_centers[index].x() > half_box.x():
b += 1
elif tracker == 2:
if ans.y() - prev_centers[index].y() < half_box.y():
c += 1
elif tracker == 3:
if ans.y() - prev_center[index].y() > half_box.y():
d += 1
elif tracker == 4:
if ans.z() - prev_centers[index].z() < half_box.z():
c += 1
elif tracker == 5:
if ans.z() - prev_center[index].y() > half_box.z():
d += 1
check = False
return fix
class FullHelp(argparse.Action):
def __init__(self, option_strings, dest, nargs=None, **kwargs):
kwargs['nargs'] = 0
super(FullHelp, self).__init__(option_strings, dest, **kwargs)
def __call__(self, parser, namespace, values, option_string=None):
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Unwrap PBC lipids")
parser.add_argument('system_file', help="File describing the system")
parser.add_argument('selection_string',help="Selection string describing which residues to use")
parser.add_argument('traj_file',help="File contraing the trajecotry")
parser.add_argument('--fullhelp',help="Print detailed description of all options",action=FullHelp)
parser.add_argument('--skip',type=int,default=0,help='# of frame to skip')
parser.add_argument('--stride' , type=int,default=1,help="Read every nth frame")
parser.add_argument('--output_traj',type=int,default=0,help='produce an unwrapped trajectory')
parser.add_argument('--output_prefix',default='unwrapped_output',type=str,help='name of the tractory file to write (DCD format)')
args = parser.parse_args()
pre = args.output_prefix
header = " ".join([f"{i}" for i in sys.argv])
system = loos.createSystem(args.system_file)
# load the trajectory
traj = loos.pyloos.Trajectory(args.traj_file,system,stride=args.stride , skip=args.skip)
# select the atoms for the lipids
## spilt into the invidaul molecules of lipid
lipids = loos.selectAtoms(system,args.selection_string).splitByMolecule()
# boolean to check if this is frame is frame 0
first = True
# loop into the frame
## this is the order of the lipid resname-resid-segname
### this will be usefull later
outtraj = loos.DCDWriter(pre +".dcd")
header += '\nresname-resid-segid'
big_list = " ".join([f"{lipids[i][0].resname()}-{lipids[i][0].resid()}-{lipids[i][0].segid()} " for i in range(len(lipids))])
header += f"\n{big_list}"
header += "\nframe Lipid_1_center_x Lipid_1_center_y Lipid_1_center_z ..."
for frame in traj:
# loop into the lipids
centers = []
for index in range(len(lipids)):
centers.append(lipids[index].centroid()) # geometric center of the lipid
# position 0 for frame 0 is always the starting position
# in frame one nothing should have moved
if not first:
box = frame.periodicBox() # get a G cord of the PBC
half_box = 0.5 * box # a square box's cneter is at the halfb way between all the postions
for index in range(len(lipids)):
fix =findFix()
centers[index]+= fix
# fix the werid jump issssues if the atoms move more than wanted
# if the user has the flag on for the trajectory then this is True
if args.output_traj:
# loop through the list of center locations and
moved_lipids = loos.AtomicGroup()
for lipid , center in zip(lipids,centers):
lipid.centerAtOrigin() # move tha lipid to the center
# translate to the center
# setting the pbc to be large
if len(lipids) >= 5:
if first == True:
temp_lipids = loos.selectAtoms(system,args.selection_string)
frame_copy = temp_lipids.copy()
pdb = loos.PDB.fromAtomicGroup(frame_copy)
with open(f"{pre}.pdb","w") as out:
all = [traj.index()]
for i in centers:
for j in i:
all = np.array(all)
if first:
all_centers = all
all_centers = np.row_stack((all_centers,all))
prev_centers = centers
first = False
np.savetxt(f'{pre}.txt',all_centers,header=header) Thanks again for all of your help. |
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HI all,
I am trying to make a tool to calculate the Mean squared displacement of a pure bilayer trajectory, but I cant find a Way to unwrap the trajectory. What would you recommend doing to unwrap the trajectory via loos ?
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