MyBlog - Empowering bloggers to share their stories and engage with their audience. Create, publish, and discuss blogs with ease using our user-friendly backend platform.
Project Tools And Technologies :
Technologies: Core Java, J2EE, Spring boot, Hibernate JPA, Web Services (RESTful) · Tools: STS 4.8, Postman, MySQL Work Bench, Intellij etc. · Developing controllers in Application to interact with view Testing of API using POSTMAN. Exposing Webservices as well as consuming WebServices. and Backend business logic Testing of API using POSTMAN Exposing WebServices as well as consuming WebServices
Task in Project:
- Developed and maintained web-based applications using Java 8, Spring Boot, Spring Security, and Hibernate.
- Implemented JWT Token-based authentication and authorization mechanisms to enhance application security.
- Utilized Hibernate JPA to interact with databases, perform CRUD operations, and manage data persistence.
- Designed and implemented RESTful APIs following best practices and industry standards.
- Handling exceptions in project.
- Conducted thorough testing using Postman to ensure API functionality and data integrity.
- Utilized SQL and MySQL Workbench for database management and optimization
- Worked with HTML to create user-friendly and responsive web interfaces.
- Utilized STS, IntelliJ IDEA, and Eclipse as development tools for efficient coding and debugging.
- Performing pagination after reading data from database.
- Performing OneToOne, OneToMany, ManyToMany Mapping.
- Understanding of ER diagrams and based on then doing implementation of code.