Using Github With AMO
The steps below are required in order to deploy a model using the AutoMLOps package. The process below assumes that the AutoMLOps package is already installed in the environment where the AutoMLOps execution cells are being run.
Go to Github, and create a new repository leaving fields as default. Let’s call it automlops-test.
[Optional] Create repository via Terraform
resource "github_repository" "my_repo" {
name = "my_cool_repo"
description = "My awesome codebase"
visibility = "private"
Follow this guide on how to add your SSH keys to the environment from where you are running the AutoMLOps commands.
Ensure that you have the following IAM Roles to provision an Identity Pool:
- roles/iam.workloadIdentityPoolAdmin
Set up Workload Identity Federation (WIF) for GitHub Actions
- Create an Identity Pool in GCP
- Create an Identity Provider and add it to the pool:
Fill in the attributes and conditions for the provider with the following details:
Provider Name: automlops-github-provider
Provider ID: automlops-github-provider
Issuer (URL):
JWK file (JSON): <leave empty>
Audiences: <select Default audience>
Attribute Mappings:
- Google 1: google.subject
- OIDC 1: assertion.sub
- Google 2:
- OIDC 2:
- Google 3: attribute.repository
- OIDC 3: assertion.repository
Attribute Conditions: google.subject.contains("<my_repo_name>")
- i.e. google.subject.contains("Akhan221/automlops-test")
- Create a service account
Go to the service accounts tab and click on new service account in the top right. Provide a unique name for the service account (SA).
[Optional] Create the Service Account using Terraform
resource "google_service_account" "service_account" {
account_id = "service-account-id"
display_name = "Service Account"
- Grant necessary permission to the Service Account
- roles/artifactregistry.writer
- roles/pubsub.publisher
- roles/iam.workloadIdentityUser
- roles/storage.admin
- Grant identity pool access to the SA, following the instructions at this link.
- Option 1
- Select “+ Grant Access” at the top of the Identity Pool view
- Check “Grant access using Service Account impersonation”
- Select the service account you just created
- For the attribute name, select “repository”
- For the attribute value, write full name of your repo e.g. “Akhan221/automlops-test”
- Click Save
- Option 2
- Navigate to IAM -> Service Accounts, select the desired service account from the list
- Select “Permissions” from the top menu
- Select “+ Grant Access”
- Add the principal that aligns to the Identity Pool
- principalSet://
- Option 3 (grant full access to the pool)
Run the following command:
gcloud iam service-accounts add-iam-policy-binding "FULL_SERVICE_ACCOUNT_STRING" \
--project="PROJECT_ID" \
--role="roles/iam.workloadIdentityUser" \
- Option 1
When going through the AutoMLOps example notebook, on the generate step make sure to include these fields along with the other required parameters:
project_number='<project_number>', # ie. 99800000432
source_repo_name='source/repo/string', # ie. Akhan221/automlops-test
workload_identity_pool='identity_pool_string', # ID string
workload_identity_provider='identity_provider_string', # ID string
workload_identity_service_account='workload_identity_sa' # full SA string
For the source_repo_name, note that this is referring to the full name of the repo including the owner prefix. For example, Akhan221/my-test-repo.
Finish running the remainder of the commands and verify that the pipeline actually gets created in Vertex AI.