Releases: Genomon-Project/GenomonSV
Releases · Genomon-Project/GenomonSV
version 0.8.0
version 0.7.2
- Bug fix in realignment function when the candidate has inserted seq.
version 0.7.0
- python 3 compatibility
version 0.6.1b1
Add improper_check_maximum_unique_pairs option
version 0.6.0
This is a formal release of v0.6.0rc1
version 0.6.0rc1
Add multithreading option for filtering procedure.
version 0.5.1
- Modify bug on counting supporting read number.
- Add maximum_unique_junction option in clustering to reduce computational time for some unusual bam files.
version 0.5.0
- Improved package structure
- Add automation testing
- Incorporated with annot_utils
version 0.4.2rc
modification for pysam 0.9
version 0.4.1
small bug fix for the case of SA breakpoint becomes minus position