4.3.1 (2020-07-22)
4.3.0 (2020-07-22)
4.2.1 (2020-07-22)
- Update lodash and other packages for security reasons (8d8e2ee)
- Updates commitizen related packages (db26a79)
- Upgrade semantic release dependencies (cdc59bd)
4.1.0 (2020-02-01)
- New: Support ref objects (2e108210c754839bed5b7da7990955ba386eac19)
- New: Move innerRef to the themr component (c611918c068127a9a6f87b24dfb2c12fddbba56a)
- Fix: Pass nextProps into calcTheme. Current implementation uses current ... (d04335e974a48a95a4cdc91be7ad9637e9f5bfec)
- Docs: Replace twitter badge with dependency state (e1846fdc26c72e434e93c2887c96ab46f05eeb8b)
4.0.0 (2019-13-10)
We removed react version 14.x from the peer dependecies! So if you want to use the package, you need to upgrade your react version as well.
- Fix: Pass nextProps into calcTheme. Current implementation uses current ... (d04335e974a48a95a4cdc91be7ad9637e9f5bfec)
- Fix: Fix linting issues (5673cddc0cca0a725a48734bef48430fcc4a8424)
- Fix: Remove node version 8 support from CI (f64cfb7da45740c8372e8ed096a131d26bc58c38)
- Upgrade: Updates rimraf to version 3.0 (274d7a8e37eeef811edf1143c424d5904c9e6126)
- Upgrade: Updates babel suite to version 7.x (e54da66039d4df62fa0d0f9710af15378d4d2dba)
- Upgrade: Update prettier and related packages (6aa2fe7288f8388c35ca00ad5effe5fcdbcd1b91)
- Upgrade: Updates semantic-release and commitizen (7f39cba2f9af3f90f136bf47e66f2187837dc458)
- Upgrade: Update react version to 16.9.x (a7a8c4bce704340732f526370c932a625069610c)
- Upgrade: Updates sinon and jsdom to latest versions (ed02e131668c93a03f6e8d2a376f331dafd88688)
- Upgrade: Updates prop-types to version 15.7.2 (e99672182b6f5fa159473245ec04c9d22c9a6a4d)
3.5.6 (2019-06-09)
- Upgrade: Bump eslint-utils from 1.3.1 to 1.4.2 (a885fbaadc2d1fe10c30a33653882e5674f98161)
- Upgrade: Bump mixin-deep from 1.3.1 to 1.3.2 (2d2c0bd34a6c6caff0e1e36c8f3159b4c1dfe4f3)
3.5.5 (2019-26-06)
- Fix: Adds missing comma in package.json (70d93259d39929fe163a451a77fa6e1db49644ba)
- Upgrade: Bump fstream from 1.0.11 to 1.0.12 (31b903758f47c6d073b2f3f89e06c4fa328698e7)
- Upgrade: Bump handlebars from 4.1.0 to 4.1.2 (778ccff3c3dfd9f09e8a84dc7974095a4928ac3c)
- Upgrade: update eslint-config-prettier to version 5.0.0 (558ab0aba7eb4ce76f892c66f951da834283117b)
- Upgrade: update eslint to version 6.0.0 (8916fd51e8722c72c958bdc1018ce113a4ebacd5)
- Upgrade: Bump js-yaml from 3.12.2 to 3.13.1 (a94027ed677d2a550070a854ff6c502ead42a918)
3.5.4 (2019-26-05)
- Build: Adds Funding.yml (870a17b872efb43e125e72836bf34bbfb091710d)
- Build: uncomment patreon user (3ab11f15b46cadb51f2f37f2676f2c76c2faaf88)
- Build: Adjust nodejs versions in travis config (6fac2ff822f61ea1a9eb04b8a1c247916fbc1629)
- Upgrade: update jsdom to version 15.0.0 (ce5741f0a5af25eef766f370f5db0cb0791cc23a)
- Upgrade: Updates sinon to version 7.3.2 (16e7d9ca0d19b5685e36bef4ade52a717395b873)
- Upgrade: Updates linting packages (a129ea144811a70778938592f40ed480185c1f77)
- Upgrade: Updates sematic-release to 15.13.12 (fe217d024c67ff9fa6a9753af6246c441eef4078)
- Upgrade: Updates commitizen to 3.1.1 (02cb135948492315be9d118e37a0b1f44fde6025)
- Upgrade: Updates to react 16.8.6 (33dd332e7939c408daa7ca3fe06a1692a608e47b)
3.5.3 (2019-10-03)
- Fix: Regenerate yarn.lock (87f18f344a11be1960a193e002540b868500a270)
- Upgrade: update jsdom to version 14.0.0 (1183e9c5d2087855c38554d33fd204c9ea3b50fc)
3.5.2 (2019-05-02)
- Build: Adjust commit analyser config (afe716d01330535e63ab080445f7d576affe1d0a)
- Upgrade: update cz-adapter-eslint to version 0.2.0 (6b38811e0992b55bcd156285e42d6ac68fa04df0)
- Upgrade: Update hoist-non-react-statics (235435aebd889e34c4139db5a805ae3f5c09075d)
- Upgrade: Updates linting dependencies (ee9fb490173fadaed168584439fdc176b68fb1b9)
- Upgrade: Updates jsdom to 13.2.0 (b96dba53dec83a67cc5dc497718315e1ecdb594a)
- Upgrade: Updates react types to 16.8.1 (b2f4f8acc43495509b88065f52ebfd4c08492d91)
3.5.1 (2019-01-07)
- Build: Define release rules (d569c369f24c2e932c7fb67707a99cfa2079642c)
- Build: Adjust release config (f6885df864a833050c7bd2b54b859ac11222709a)
- Build: Add missing comma to release config (3262e31a62cea8a8a750a130b25920e71e9a9431)
- Build: Fix braket nesting in release config (ed6940aed1f1e4a5b7f9ca178082ec590d810b97)
- Build: Adjust commit analyser config (ed6940aed1f1e4a5b7f9ca178082ec590d810b97)
- Build: Use correct headerCorrespondence field (ad8a705564e26ff757e517af583ec17a12ed0e98)
- Update eslint related packages (42380c2799b14d15cb6346c22bdc1b37130576e8)
- Upgrade: Update rimraf to latest version (07408bdb7b6d3adf50922b42494289f55a17579e)
3.5.0 (2019-01-02)
- Remove fork disclamer (293bd87f8e2eed47de47b995fe6a16b254cbcd0c)
- Replace slack badge (cc31ab5d9060e6405f9ec868a0e753008afea367), closes #35
- Update eslint related packages (3df60d5c9c92139a689db762ed8d5880ac6c1f72)
- Update jsdom (11796619f0d114eedb647e426427b9951c09963d)
- Update react and react-dom to version 16.7.0 (8530fea9b372e7c0b0843495571b6c8390987986)
- Update semantic release related packages (8e2a125b157b0c4e3edc9f2b2ae55aed0aa23e22)
- Update sinon (abc13d1a42f0d7ce6363e8e9655619d1b0350ab1)
- Update travis-deploy-once (2b2dcdb23a789de1dac5726254508cd8a9f96983)
3.4.2 (2018-12-05)
- Add missing asset folders to release config (0f7bfde59b84b625854954674cfdbfb0899f7794)
- Update @types/react to version 16.7.13 (7ddf658d025d1dc3bb3c0c4e1e84f1f5d3f5ae84)
- Update commitizen to version 3.0.5 (531259af3f03ba32fde2ccaf631183c6576f07a1)
- update hoist-non-react-statics to version 3.2.1 (ad2e6ead9987a858459be644c6db041545cfcf3b)
- Update prettier to version 1.15.3 (01eb3d0cb7e203c1ff304e8607822e9211d84287)
- Update semantic-release to version 15.12.4 (ded6659e99308690789a2b1267e4458094a5dbd6)
- Update semantic-release to version 15.12.4 (2657902373515a9bbc62a1755513143bcc853d09)
3.4.1 (2018-12-05)
- shouldComponentUpdate (0ed8562cfd9ca6be7a920a87ca6e31371cfb0443)
- Use nextProps argument in shouldComponentUpdate (5db224e08b086e94069f0e9d517897d5820ff9c2)
3.4.0 (2018-11-15)
- Add greenkeeper custom messages (8e019c890fa2b83d0009ba9a7210df06823ef935)
- Generate release notes automatically (3e44d1ce93e1ceff6e0b91c23164ddbf6c2b515f)
- Update semantic release packages (cff121df8b8948e516d0c32ae6546fe5c3164a37)
- Fix comma issue in the release config (3795f5bdfdb324e44019e119ef250270354a0fce)
- Fix linting issues in themr (04f7c4ea96426585f404d9ce457b90621c6a0646)
- Configure publish step for semantic release (2a27c258bb61f3a55e69672637e796630a1c97c3)
- Update hoist-non-react-statics to latest version (2f956e5573dfd56938881c1d3fd7e9d4da778183)
- Update jest to the latest version (b963e2b19ce9f5ed8dabb22e35acb237fd83110e)
- Update react and react-dom to version 16.6 (e083218e24eb88328aa328b3b3b4db3ff0323b9f)
- Update sinon to the latest version (6183348c0bf34020fa916b2bffce0adb89f882a1)
- Update the linters (bb273fce94e6c45b81168e58b5826a83e49c260c)
- Update travis-deploy-once to version 5.0.9 (d28b5bcd9193e73a5979480c052d15885030b3ea)
- update babel-eslint to version 10.0.0 (96de91d8d2c726dda82e205d180d046cb0a83154)
- update commitizen to version 3.0.0 (d01406c11aabc4eee95e5dda277268611fa970c1)
- update eslint-plugin-prettier to version 3.0.0 (2df251ea6dab35055b61f61c01409188dce1c4ac)
- update jsdom to version 13.0.0 (66ebfb5676940e761a8d191d8f1c6766afafa826)