This repository contains the code for the Mechatronics course projects of Dr. Tale Masouleh at the University of Tehran.
- MP1 - Mediapipe
- MP2 - Kinematic problem 6 DOF manipulator
- MP3 - Simscape Simulations
- MP4 - Robot Dynamics
- MP5 - Moveit
- MP6 - TurtleBot Gazebo
This mini-project involves controlling an Arduino board with hand gestures using an MPU6050 sensor and Mediapipe library.
This mini-project involves solving the forward and inverse kinematics of a 6 DOF manipulator.
This mini-project involves simulating the working space of a 6 DOF robot using Simscape.
This mini-project involves analyzing the dynamics of a 3 DOF robot.
This mini-project involves writing ROS code for a UR5 6 DOF manipulator.
This mini-project explores the Magnetic potential in a field in order to obtain the path with the minimum cost:.
Example of the founded routes:
If you have any questions or feedback about this project, I'd love to hear from you! You can reach me at:
- Email: [email protected], [email protected]
Thanks for stopping by! 😊