This document is intended to be utilized as the specification for the Fabric Identity Protocol.
The Fabric Identity Protocol is a decentralized identifier for Fabric-speaking networks.
- Load a BIP44 HD tree
- Designate First Identity as Derivation Path:
m = sha256(derived_pubkey)
id = bech32m("id", m) // "id" taken as ASCII bytes
Additional identities may be loaded by modifying the account index in the derivation path:
Identity #1 [0]: m/44'/7778'/0'/0/0
Identity #2 [1]: m/44'/7778'/1'/0/0
Fabric will encode each transaction using the address index field, as specified in BIP 44:
Transaction #1 [1]: m/44'/7778'/0'/1/0
id = bech32m("id", sha256(bip44(derivation_path, hd_tree).public))
Send authenticated HTTP requests with the following headers:
X-Fabric-Identity: <id> # should be in form id
X-Fabric-ECDSA: <public key for identity above>
X-Fabric-Signature: <signature(m)> where m = HTTP Request Body (utf8)
Identities from external networks can be "attested" to within Fabric.
For example, Discord users may run the !fabric assert <pubkey>
command in any room an attestation bot is present:
martindale: !fabric assert
ExampleBot: Please run `fabric prove feebadee` and provide the output signature to the command: `!fabric prove <signature>`
martindale: !fabric prove feba3b56b1ebadb3b691b124bb3
ExampleBot: Your Discord identity has been confirmed!