#20140527 Tour Discussion
- Guido Stein - Applied Geographics
- David Dubovsky - Boundless
- Daniel Morissette - Mapgears
- Charlie
- Sarah, Robert & Andrew - Azavea
- Andrew Ross - LocationTech
- Sponsorship
- 10 sponsorship oppurunities are available for entire tour
- Schedule
- clustering events within a week and then space out the weeks
- next steps
- Finalize Venue
- Setup Speaking Lineup
- See if there can be an share speakers/talks
- Toronto
- Currently in talks for a summer event
- Ottawa (Gatineau)
- Nov 12-13th
- http://2014.visiongeomatique.com/
- Boston
- Nov 18th
- day time event
- Potential Venue Locations
- Harvard
- New York
- Nov 19th
- evening event
- Potential Venue Locations
- Foursquare
- Philadelphia
- Nov 20th
- afternoon/evening event
- Venue TBD
- Washington DC
- Date TBD
- Format TBD
- Venue TBD