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Transferring DM to do lists from GoogleDocs to GitHub #8

lmwilson opened this issue May 25, 2019 · 0 comments

Transferring DM to do lists from GoogleDocs to GitHub #8

lmwilson opened this issue May 25, 2019 · 0 comments


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DM Small and Large Task List MAY 2019
updated 29 May 2015
last updated 06 June. 2016
Updated 18 Sept. 2016
Updated 26 June 2017
Updated 14 May 2018
Updated 10 Aug. 2018
Updated 13 May 2019
Updated (ebb) 17 May 2019

MAJOR Assignments, In Progress
May 2018

Website planning: Design for modules, timeline, future plans
Update team SI bios. (and associated students)--review team page on web.
Review letter and literary text templates/latest versions with team
Review Site Index entry format and content, latest versions with team
Letter proofing--assignments and workflow
Next steps for literary content assignments
Collect and upload material for recent scholarship tab
Update pedagogy-related material on site, make sure it’s also covered by CC?: Elisa and Lisa
Update and plan “Important people” tab (create 2 versions of SI entries?) Lisa and Sam
Update and plan Bibliography and book photos tab for site, upload latest: Elisa and Lisa
Updates/development for MRMS blog
Check on status of active team members (Jim, Dan, Molly, etc.)--Elisa and Lisa

Team to work on planning content and format

Rebecca Nesvet: Charles I (MS text, headnote, edition history headnote DONE and proofed from code, PUB headnote needs proofing, headnote lit review not updated since 2015)
TO DO: ADD SI entries to main, transform for site, proof MS, update headnote

Eric Hood: Rienzi (Same as Charles I: DONE and TO DO)

Lisa: Introduction to Dramatic Works (text done and proofed--same to do as plays)

Elizabeth Raisanen: Foscari (Coding and SI IP)

Amy Gates: Inez de Castro (IP)

Elisa Beshero-Bondar: Julian; (Coding and SI IP, needs updates from 2013)

1827 dramatic scenes, sketches and other poems:
22 sonnets: Context coding to be finished (Sara, Kellie, Lisa), proof and finalize (nearing completion)
The Siege/Claudia’s dream: Cleaned plain text ready for upconvert, Lisa students have begun SI work, links to Kellie edited letter on composition, Lisa research on publication history
1810/1811 poems: Some cleaned text ready for upconvert, Lisa students have begun SI work, Lisa research on publication history started for individual poems
Jim Rovira: "Watlington Hill" (coding and SI stage one done) Next steps: update structure and context tagging, compose headnotes


Rebecca Nesvet: Finden’s Tableaux

Kellie Donovan-Condron: "Blanch" ?

Elisa Beshero-Bondar: Christina

(Eric and students: Otto 2020 start?)

Rebecca Parker: typescript of Mitford's Journal of 1819-1823
--Coding IP (Becca), needs updated context tagging (Lisa)
--Jon working on producing cleaner plain text (done--figure out if we can use.)

Elisa/Team: Site updates with proofed versions

Elisa//Lisa/Team:Review/update letter template (header items)
Update old headers--How to do efficiently (and who to assign)


Some need updated headers. 2019 news:
Elisa is updating all the headers to apply a the TEI correspDesc (wasn't available when we started the project, but now may help make our letters part of a larger international database of correspondence: see
We also want to be checking for the best page image to represent each page surface of a given letter, and using the @FACS attribute to record its file name. Best if we copy and paste those files names (brittle to hand retype them).
During Mitford week 2019, we'll need to check the new headers on a large pile of letters, and check that the new project schema is working properly on these, and also file them back into their Box workspaces.

1819, 1820, 1821: nearly all transcribed, many need proofing by someone other than Lisa, some need back list development

1823: Three letters edited by Brooke Stewart may still need to be proofread:

1824, 25; Very few started, those need updated headers

SI entries for MRM correspondents: more than half done; Martha to help complete?

SITE INDEX and CODEBOOK (see below for specifics)

FICTION MODULE (list needs to be updated)
Samantha Webb: Our Village sketches---- >
--Update and ADD latest SI (update titles, add corrections not already IP)--Lisa/Sam
-- Revise and proof/correct coding of finished sketches, make plan to code sketches IP
--Research to complete and update on historical and fictional people.
-- New xml: id’s created in sketches “A Great Farmhouse” through “Cousin Mary”
-- Early sketches that were coded, “Intro” through “Modern Antiques,” need to have markup corrected, as well as new xml:id’s incorporated
New xml:id’s that were created should be input into these sketches -- some have been entered into the SI, some have not; some have been entered into SI-ADD file, some have not. -- Sam would like to go over SI-ADD file to verify and correct before anything goes into canonical SI.

OV sketches nearly finished, the following sketches all need to be proofed and have final edits as well as: (LMW: Check with Sam if this list still accurate.)
Our Village → needs updated markup
Hannah → needs updated markup
Walks in the Country: Frost / Thaw → needs updated markup
Modern Antiques → needs updated markup
A Great Farmhouse → needs xml’s added to SI
Walks in the Country: The First Primrose → needs xml’s added to SI
Ellen → needs xml’s added to SI
Lucy → needs xml’s added to SI
Walks in the Country: Violeting -- needs xml’s added to SI
Bramley Maying → needs xml’s added to SI
Cousin Mary -- needs xml’s added to SI
Walks in the Country: The Cowslip Ball (in progress)
Sam’s 2017 spring class began coding and assigning xml:ids to the following sketches (more work needs to be done on each -- from completing code to harvesting xml:id’s and completing notes) -- all in progress, need to be finished
A Village Beau
An Old Bachelor
A Country Cricket Match
Tom Cordery

Other sketches needing coding: not started
Walks in the Country: The Hard Summer
The Talking Gentleman
Mrs. Mosse
Walks in the Country: Nutting
Aunt Martha
Walks in the Country. The Visit
A Parting Glance at Our Visit
Make xml:id’s for all Mitford correspondents in the Big Spreadsheet (pulled from Greg’s list)
--LMW: about ⅓ remain to complete
Continue to sort out the various Mitford family members and their satellites:
--additional servants (Lucy Sweetser m. Hill) etc.
There is a Needham slide on servants.
Harriet Keep (mentioned in Journal 8 Oct 1821; possibly model for Harriet in “A Village Beau” and other stories as paramour of Joel Brent).
--figure out connection between Dr. Richard Russell (grampa) and the other Russells (see Lisa’s two family trees)--IP
3) Continue to sort out the various Webb family members and their satellites
--Was “Aunt Mary” a spinster (as possible OV parallel suggests)? [LMW: maybe]
[SCW: Possibly “Aunt Martha” sketch in OV1 is a sketch of her? No confirmation, though. Even Needham didn’t know her surname. See his letter to Roberts, 1953-11-27.]
--Who is “Uncle John”? Brother of James Webb? married or unmarried? There’s a mention in the Dec. 1819 letter Molly is working on. one of the letters suggests Uncle John has a love interest (I think in 1821). [LMW: maybe]
--who is Kate Wheeler? (SCW: A “James Wheeler” is mentioned in several letters to Mary Webb of 1820; not clear if related, though)
--Who is Martha Seward?
--Add identification of Mary Ramsey (addressee of sonnet to friend who went to Lisbon) in 12-09-1819 letter; went to LIsbon with Emily James? And died. See Blackwood’s Dec. 1819, Mary, 6th da. Of the late George Ramsay of Barnton, d. Oct. 20, 1819. Also see Burke’s landed gentry.
--Update Caleb Dickinson (illegitimate children in Jamaica with Lucy Long; later married Mary Thompson in UK, half brother to Charles Dickinson by his first wife--uncle to Frances, died 1820.
--Welford family.--Miss Welford, friend of the Elford daughters; poet? (probably amateur) [see this source: C Welford, H Welford, Mrs. Welford, John Rogers, Swithins Lane 1818 Charity mission report, London]
4) Research the lawsuit. See Reports of Cases Argued and Determined in the Courts of Common Pleas and Exchequer Chamber With Tables of the Names of the Cases and the Principal Matters, Vol. 1. John Bayly Moore, 1818. See 1817 Mitford v. Elliott. Mitford actually won the case. Mentions auctioneer George Henry Robins (also associated with DL/CG); Mr. Elliott’s first name John?
5) Research money stuff: Mary Russell’s inheritance/dowry; how did GM spend the 20,000 pound lottery $? (Building of Bertram house; costs of the lawsuit; likely also unsuccessful investments/speculation)
5) Research MRM biography timeline; make a skeleton timeline we can flesh out as we come to details in letters. (LMW: is there a way to automate some of this?)

Remind active editors to update their bios. Mothball anyone not active.
OV and the plays: Cross reference in note in SI/fictional people and their various identifications as various real people by various editors (and attribute to identifier).
SCW: Most of this work was done with OV characters who have already had xml:id’s created. New/corrected xml:id’s and s contained in OV_CORRECTIONS file. Going forward, will keep this in mind as much as possible.
Historical people: Make a list of s in play for people to refer to. Try to limit the # of new ones. (see Lisa’s file and discuss). Update old tagging. (We are now on occupation list version 3.0)
Historical and fictional people: Decide how we want their names to appear in web note (ie, what goes in the first tag); establish guidelines for when to use titles and which ones (ie, Sir William Elford; George Mitford, not George Mitford, Esq.--BTW, Vera Watson makes the very good point that MRM herself never refers to her father as Dr. Mitford) and what to do with unnamed characters (ie, blacksmith)
SCW: Sam has been using (per our prior discussions) @“lastname_firstname” for historical people. For fictional people who are characters in OV, @”lastname_firstname_OV”.
Historical places: Decide how we want to appear in web note: Street, district, county/region/state, country? Or some portion of that?
SCW: Another question re: screened or fictional OV places, eg. “town of B.” which is Reading. Do we tag as @reading or @Town_of_B? Or, for eg, in “Bramley Maying,” she refers to a nearby Roman town of “S.” We can guess from context clues it’s Silchester. Tag as @Silchester or just @s? (This could become a quagmire!) LMW: Use one tag, add the other versions of names to the SI index entry; can use rs type=”place” ref=whatever instead of placeName tag for indirect/additional name reference.
Historical places: Put in codebook how to handle changes between the past and now, such as a city that was formerly in one county and is now in another. Prefer 19th c. version but note both? (RN: would the term “historical county” be useful here?, LW: TEI only provides tag for county, need to check if we could add something like type=”historical”) Ie, use Papal States, not Italy; use Bavaria, not Germany; use Sparta, not Greece if referring to ancient times. Many of these countries were not yet unified in Mitford’s time. (This follows what Wikipedia and other reference works usually do.)
Literary works: guidelines. Refer to the first edition, or if published simultaneously in two cities, list both. For publisher xml:ids, use _pub for the firm and no extension for the person, in order to distinguish. (e.g., Murray_John the person and John_Murray_pub the firm)
Uncertainty: Put what you know. Add “More research needed” in the . This allows us to do a search and pull lists of entries with uncertainty.
Notes: review for appropriate/workable length. Summarize/make shorter and longer version of some SI notes for important MRM circle folks--make the longer version available on an MRM circle module/page on the web and tap the shorter version for the textual notes.
UPDATE THE SI-ADD template (and Codebook) with the new guidelines. (LMW: I will make a file with suggestions/questions, as I’ve done before.)

--How much tagging within the SI entry and specifically in the is desirable or necessary? (Sometimes we need to cross-reference. What about other things, like dates? Will we ever use this data? In what way?) EBB: Our old standing rule is, we only make tags in the SI note to named entities we know to be important or mentioned in Mitford’s circle. Lots of names don’t immediately fall into this category, so we don’t need to tag everyone. Also, it doesn’t have to happen right way—I sometimes go in and add context tagging to old SI notes after we develop a new set of entries. The data can be pulled into social network graphs, for one thing. For another, we should be making it part of a Search Interface—another Web Dev area to work on. Enter a name and find out all the different mentions across the site files and in the SI. LMW: We have not been doing this consistently, so old entries need to be cleaned up.

--Is there a better way to make a link to a google books page? The links generated by the site are really long and contain characters that TEI does not like, so they fire errors.  (SURELY THERE IS A WAY?) EBB has tried down and dirty: simply make a bitly shorter URL. Does Hathi Trust have a better way?  Check. [LMW: I think I figured this out but there may be entries that need to have links updated.]: Solution: Prefer the main link to the entire text on Google books initial search page. These are shorter. LMW: I have a student working on finding hmthw right links. Period reviews of the works may have linger link names and those may still need to shortened.

Add samples of how to handle foreign words (esp. French) --TEI says this is not for main text?
Add up to date SI entry samples, especially for historical people and historical places. Add samples of different relative lengths/importance to MRM. (See the notes at the tops of Lisa’s revised files.)
Establish style sheet for:
--Reference to historical events (Revolutionary War vs. War of American Independence); develop guidelines to decide which events are mentioned frequently enough to need an xml:id and create/update:
--Punctuation (Webbs or Webb’s)
--Brief citations within s (ie, Source: ODNB; Vera Watson, etc.)
--Old series or New series dates (we have been using new series, in conformity with major reference works.)
4) Put in samples for citing whole family, either using orgName or rs type=”person” ref=”#Hofland_B #Hofland_TC” etc.
5) Nature--add samples for how to code (handout/codebook) oXygen seems to accept both and elements, but @type gets tricky.
6) Do we need tonchange/update the form as the for works of art?

Make a Drama tab: EBB: we should wireframe/sketch out how the drama module can be organized. Paratexts to consider: Our meta-commentary, headnotes/prefaces/ references to relevant letters discussing dev of each play. Use small filtered network graphs to provide overview of people involved/relevant in each play?
Make an MRM circle “important people” tab: Place larger/longer biographies there. See if we can link to and/or download (as Gen files) Lisa’s family trees. See Brownings correspondence site for an example. Make first paragraph of the SI entry the basics, to use for output on active links in our text editions. EBB: I would love to get moving on this—it would get us developing new stuff from our si.xml.
Repost bibliography spreadsheet (and OV ToC? Poems migration ToC?) when done and updated [IP: LMW, nearly ready to go]
Post book cover photos? LMW to get Elisa the attribution from Small library @ UVa to use as caption for miniature book.
Create a web module to post a list of our own research and presentations on MRM; links and presentations themselves where appropriate. (Also MLA digital commons?) [DONE: develop process to add things.]
When we context code without an xml:id, it shows up as an empty box. (mostly only in the SI notes). Fix. [LMW: check this in latest--may be fixed?.]

--output issue: our note confirming the letter date now shows in the Web header link for the letter. Probably we don't want that?
--UPDATE THE LETTER TEMPLATE (needs some small tweaks) (LMW: I will make a file with some suggestions/questions, as I’ve done before.)
--HEADER: Can we add to all headers information about earlier editions of letters to the template and the files if there are any; so write standard entries for L’Estrange and Coles reprints? ie, be sure to put the information that we have in the box letter folder into the xml file itself. EBB: Great idea: Can we assign someone to research TEI options for best placement of this info in the TEI header? (This is a great task to assign someone who wants to review and study the TEI Guidelines. Whoever takes this on will find a few different ways/examples to do this—We can ask them to report in, and we can review TEI together and discuss best options.)
--Standardize our practice for MRM’s superscripting of:
Bart, Esq, Mr., Mrs.? EBB: Note for anything we standardize, let’s formalize it in the statement we have for the TEI header.
--Are we using choice/sic/reg every time she writes “your’s” at the end of letters, or no?
--Standardize when to use rs type=”person” vs. just persName for indirect references that come up often Which to use for Papa, Mama, “My dear Sir” for Elford
--Complicated openers on the letters: Are we coding the handshifts or just putting remarks about the penciling or spidery ink into the header? For the notations like “To Sir W. Elford” at the tops of letters (that look like they are in MRM handwriting, but were possibly added later)--are we putting those in the openers or no? [EBB and Brooke IP 09 2016] [double check this got fixed in latest template and sample language added.] DONE, need to update tagging in old.
--I assume we should be transcribing the letter openers in the order Mitford wrote them. Remind editors. Some are transcribed as date first, then place, when Mitford wrote place first, then date (usually) . ie, Bertram House Feb. 8th 1821. TEI seem to accept it either way so I suspect maybe it’s an issue of an editor copying wrong from a template? Something to check in proofreading. Check how this affects transformation. (LMW: resolved through using template and old ones fixed in proofing )
--Transcribe Needham’s notes, where found, or no? Some editors did, some didn’t. If we do, decide where they go.
--Decide how to handle coding for uncertain date attribution on letters. There are a couple of examples in 1819.
--What pb do we call it when there is a four-page letter and the postscript goes back onto page ONE again? Standardize, put sample in codebook.
--Why, when one puts the letter xml:id (ie, MRM1798), does oxygen automatically put that number in when one context tags? Can we prevent this? (It’s a pain in the neck.)
EBB: I need to generate a TEI ODD schema to make this easier! IP, 2018/2019

Proofread Bib. (Student proofed fall 2018)
Proofread OV T o C, decide about posting
Write a headnote to bib.? Or book history headnotes to indiv. Texts? Discuss with other editors. [We decided on edition history headnotes for individual plays.]

In OV ToC file, cross-reference OV sketches that appeared in giftbooks and annuals with sketch titles in title notes.
SCW: Completed May 2017! LMW: Yay!
Enter new SI material from Talfourd.1821.04.19 letter into new SI.ADD file.

➧PHOTOS (Lisa)
Lisa’s collection photographed. Decide how to use on web. [IP]
LMW: These would be good materials for social media posts from mrms. (ping Becca and sara) ; double check if any need to be re-photographed (IP 2019, Lisa students)
Lisa’s interns: need to photo latest acquisitions.
Systematize what to photograph, write up a workflow, establish folders in box for folks to use to submit them; check permissions on whether we can post online and what library prefers as attribution (if any). [started, below]
Sam’s photos of MRM letters taken at Reading Central -- need to be posted to Box (unsure of quality, but may be good enough)

--Binding (cover and spine)
--Title page(s)
--Table of contents (if any, especially for OV and poetry eds.)
--Illustrations (if any)
--Marginalia or other handwritten additions like former owner’s name,
--bookplates from library copies, etc.
ALSO SEND: library catalog entry for this specific copy, any wording for permissions.
Start with university libraries but CHECK LOCAL PUBLIC LIBRARIES AS WELL.

➧Other Images:
Figure out how to handle and use web images (ie., portraits of people, etc.) in code and web output.

Update the the MRM Proofreading Guidelines
Make new proofing assignments.
Do we have a working schema to transform letters in order to proofread?
[ELISA: not sure where we are with these tasks--I assume we did most of the data viz; so you can update with more recent stuff]
Elisa et. al: Texts to Investigate and Prep
Cunigunda's Vow --> connection to LEL's "The Proud Ladye"
Dramatic Scenes, Sonnets, Sketches

Data Viz: Elisa Beshero-Bondar: Extract combinations of related names / text units--share with Data Viz Group: Send code/data to Tom, David, Mark, Erica. XML:IDs for each file we code in the archive. Web views: Site Index.

Erica Zimmer: Place/Map/Data Crunching: How to make a database connect with a map
Mark Algee-Hewitt: social networks

ARCHIVE VISITS {E: I’m not sure where we are on most of this, either, other than what I’ve done; you can update}
Lisa: Go (write ahead)--ask to photograph the 22 Mitford letters there. (Are these on microfilm?) done 2014 summer.

@beinecke: DONE EBB
Kellie or Lisa: HOFLAND LETTERS!!!! I bet we'll find Miss James details in here... NOT DONE EBB: I have a little grant funding via Eileen Curran Fellowship to visit Beinecke and other archives this fall 2018 during my sabbatical for letters related to periodical publishing...I’ll share my list!

@Huntington: NOT DONE.
LMW: MAY DO DURING 2019-2020 Sabbatical

@reading Central Library
(Elisa and Greg): Ask for Francis Needham's 1950s papers, about their "Mary Russell Mitford Society"...Needham's notes. Needham was librarian to the Duke of Wellington. Contemporary of Coles. Coles writes to him for help... Photograph and document them comprehensively. [DONE 2015?] --- [SCW: I photographed some of this material while I was there fall 2014, and I think I posted photos to Box. I used my files for the big Needham file update, as well as what’s was already in Box. Will check to see if my photographs are posted.][EBB: We read the papers to scope what was there on our last trip --didn't have time to photograph them comprehensively, or photograph much of them at all. They're a mess of miscellaneous papers in a big box as I remember.]

  • Check for completeness of the letters we've photographed already.

@john Rylands Library DONE
Sam should check every torn letter in the box. measure the tears--Do the measurements agree with Coles? (Can we trust Coles's measurements?) Help us to make an authoritative statement on this. (Look at a representative sample.)
If time, can you read anything around the tears that's not caught in photos?
Rephotograph a sampling with a measure stick.
Try to photograph letters of specific sizes, and measure. We need to know the size of the paper. [DONE 2015]

@ww Trust: (if you get there, Sam): Photograph Mitford letters ??

@women’s Library, LSE (London) - 1 letter. RN can do this July 2019.
@Newcastle University Library Special Collection - 1 letter } RN added these
@unc (Rachael Isom?) - 1 item

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