BunnyWay.Metrics is a high performance .NET metrics tracker library that automatically sends data directly into InfluxDB 0.9.x.
It requires minimum configuration and is super easy to get started. The simplest way is to simply add the following settings into your app config file:
<add key="BunnyMetrics.InfluxDB.ServerUrl" value="" />
<add key="BunnyMetrics.InfluxDB.DatabaseName" value="xxx" />
<add key="BunnyMetrics.InfluxDB.Username" value="xxx" />
<add key="BunnyMetrics.InfluxDB.Password" value="xxx" />
Tracking metrics and counters is easy
// Initializes the MetricsTracker.Default object
// Track a counter metric, it will simply be incremented by 1
// Track a counter metric, increment it by a set amount
MetricsTracker.Default.TrackCounter("Server.RequestsServed", 20);
// Track a metric, each of these is uniquely registered
MetricsTracker.Default.TrackMetric("WebApp.ImageProcessing.QueueLength", 230);
// Track a metric with tags
new Tag("ServerName", "as1"), new Tag("ServerGroup", "2"));
// Simple way to track timing, just make sure that the object returned by
// MetricsTracker.Default.TrackTimeMetric is disposed when the tracker should be stopped
using (var timer = MetricsTracker.Default.TrackTimeMetric("WebApp.PasswordGeneration.Time"))