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Releases: DataDog/datadog-agent


19 Jun 07:42
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Release on: 2024-06-18

Datadog Cluster Agent


Released on: 2024-06-18 Pinned to datadog-agent v7.54.1: CHANGELOG.


29 May 19:21
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Release on: 2024-05-29

Upgrade Notes

  • Upgraded JMXFetch to 0.49.1 which adds support for ZGC Major and Minor Cycles and ZGC Major and Minor Pauses beans.
  • Add a configuration option admission_controller.inject_config.inject_container_name to retrieve the container tags for dogstatsd metrics and apm traces in setups where origin detection is not supported (windows, nested virtualization with cgroupv2...). This option will inject the container name along with the pod uid in DD_ENTITY_ID if it was not set manually. Note that this option is disabled by default and is incompatible with prior versions of the agent . Thus, we recommend enabling it only if you are using the latest version of the agent. In case a rollback to an incompatible version is needed, it will be necessary to delete the pods in which DD_ENTITY_ID was injected by the latest agent to preserve pod tags in dogstatsd metrics and traces.

New Features

  • APM: Add a new Probabilistic Sampler sampling mechanism, which is compatible with OpenTelemetry's Probabilistic Sampling Processor.
  • CWS: Add support for write events on Windows.
  • CWS: Add support for delete event on Windows.
  • CWS: Add chdir, mount and umount in ptracer mode.
  • CWS: Add APM spans in ptracer mode.
  • CWS: Add support for file hashing in ptracer mode.
  • CWS: Allow writing rules for rename events on Windows.
  • Set kubelet core check to be enabled by default.
  • Add dogstatsd_pipeline_autoadjust_strategy setting with max_throughput and per_origin strategies. max_throughput is the already existing strategy (when dogstatsd_pipeline_autoadjust is true). per_origin will let you create an arbitrary number of pipelines (based on dogstatsd_pipeline_count), and will try to isolate containers based on their advertised origin. This will improve compression.
  • [NDM] Add Cisco SD-WAN integration.
  • In the Logs Agent, add support for the Sensitive Data Scanner library to process logs.
  • USM now captures TLS traffic from NodeJS applications.

Enhancement Notes

  • This change allows DBM Autodiscovery users to optionally set the region for where their aurora clusters are running. This can be used in lieu of relying on IMDS to discover the region through instance metadata. This is a nicer experience for users running in Docker, who would be required to complete extra steps in their instance metadata configuration to allow the Docker container access to the instance metadata.
  • Activate the autodiscovery automatically if at least one configuration is given in network_devices.autodiscovery. Remove the listeners: -snmp requirement.
  • Updates the Agent status output to show if a check is in a cancelling state. Once canceled, the check is removed from the status output.
  • Report EKS Fargate configuration to the Agent metadata payload.
  • Adding dirname tag for full filepath log configurations. This tag was only added previously if using a wildcard filepath log configuration.
  • Agents are now built with Go 1.21.9.
  • Collect clusters' extended resources capacity and allocatable.
  • Collect all node resource capacities and allocatable metrics for cluster management.
  • Collect pod limits and requests.
  • CWS: Always snapshot memory mapped files in activity dumps. This allows easier mapping of workload to loaded shared libraries.
  • CWS: Normalize Windows filenames before going through glob matching.
  • CWS: Support non seccomp mode in ptracer mode.
  • Add agent status [name] subcommand to fetch only a given section status (for example, datadog-agent status forwarder` to get forwarder status).
  • dogstatsd: Implement new config option origin_detection_unified. This new option will allow users to configure the origin detection behavior for DogStatsD. When enabled, the DogStatsD server will use the default Origin Detection logic.
  • snmp_listener now lives under network_devices with the name network_devices.autodiscovery. While the old configuration will continue to work, if both configurations are present, the new one will take priority.
  • [oracle] Add oracle.user_sessions metric.
  • The OTLP ingestion endpoint now supports the same settings and protocol as the OpenTelemetry Collector OTLP receiver v0.97.0.
  • Supports Podman newer versions (4.8+) using SQLite instead of BoltDB for the containers database backend. Setting podman_db_path to the path with the db.sql file (e.g. /var/lib/containers/storage/db.sql) will make the Datadog Agent use the SQLite format. Note: If podman_db_path is not set (default), the Datadog Agent attempts to use the default file libpod/bolt_state.db and db.sql from /var/lib/containers/storage.
  • Allow certain Process Agent checks to be run from the core agent using the processchecks subcommand.
  • check output from the Process Agent component are added to the flare when used in the core agent.
  • expvars from the Process Agent component are added to the flare when used in the core Agent.
  • Status of the Process Agent component will be shown when used in the core Agent.
  • NDM: SNMP devices are now tagged by device_ip and device_id.

Deprecation Notes

  • The datadog-agent status component [name] syntax will be replaced by datadog-agent status [name] in Datadog Agent 7.55
  • Removed log that was noisy when Process Agent was running on ECS Fargate.
  • The flare_stripped_keys configuration is now deprecated. Use scrubber.additional_keys instead.

Bug Fixes

  • APM: Fix potential connection issues by ensuring connection semaphore release during errors.
  • APM: Removed unsupported configuration parameter apm_config.log_throttling from code and documentation.
  • Disables the creation of build-id files in RPM packages. These are provided for debugging tools, but can lead to conflicts when multiple packages have the same build-id files. This conflict prevents the second package from being installed.
  • Fix a race condition that could prevent JMX checks from running.
  • OTLP ingest for traces now supports stable (v1.23.0+) semantic conventions for HTTP Spans. Old (v1.20.0 and older) semantic conventions are still supported. When both are reported, the new semantic conventions take precedence and old semantic conventions are ignored.
  • Don't log when failing to fetch config of other Agents
  • The User-Agent header is now set to datadog-agent/<version> for logs forwarding requests to /api/v2/logs. Previously it was set to Go-http-client/1.1.
  • APM: Fixes issue where match-all replace tags rules could inadvertently affect required datadog tags. It is still possible to redact specific Datadog tags by targeting them explicitly.
  • Fixes containers file-based log collection when using the k8s-file podman log driver and the logs_config.use_podman_logs parameter.
  • The Process Agent no longer crashes when pidMode is misconfigured on ECS Fargate. A warning is logged instead.
  • Fix panic when running process checks in the core Agent with telemetry enabled.
  • The Agent health check will now continue running even if the API key validation endpoint returns a 403 response code. Because this can occur due to transient issues, retrying will allow the Agent health indicator to recover in some cases.
  • Fix type conversion error while generating the trace-agent status.
  • APM: fix a bug where the Trace Agent would ignore proxy.no_proxy configuration values
  • Create missing default configuration files during the upgrade, change, and repair actions of the Windows Installer.

Other Notes

  • APM: While adding another sampler, we have modified the Rare sampler so that it no longer has a separate TTL for priority traces, meaning it no longer distinguishes between traces with priority > 0 and priority <= 0. It is necessary to detangle the various samplers so they can work independently from each other, in this case, so the Rare sampler can work with the Probabilistic Sampler. This should not have a noticeable impact on users.
  • CWS: Allow fim_enabled to explicitly be set to false on Windows to enable process monitoring only.

Datadog Cluster Agent


Released on: 2024-05-29 Pinned to datadog-agent v7.54.0: CHANGELOG.

New Features

  • Add LimitRange and StorageClass collection in the orchestrator check.

Enhancement Notes

  • Added retry mechanism to language detection patcher in order to retry failed patching operations.

Bug Fixes

  • Fix collection of numeric rolling update options in Kubernetes deployments and daemonsets.
  • Fixed initialization of language expiration time for detected languages.


29 May 09:59
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Release on: 2024-04-30

New Features

  • Support database-monitoring autodiscovery for Aurora cluster instances. Adds a new configuration listener to poll for a specific set of Aurora cluster IDs and then create a new database-monitoring supported check configuration for each endpoint. This allows for monitoring of endpoints that scale dynamically.
  • Add new core check orchestrator_ecs to collect running ECS tasks
  • APM stats now include an is_trace_root field to indicate if the stats are from the root span of a trace.
  • The cluster-agent now collects network policies from the cluster.
  • Enable 'host_benchmarks' by default when running the security-agent compliance module.
  • OTLP ingest now has a feature flag to identify top-level spans by span kind. This new logic can be enabled by adding enable_otlp_compute_top_level_by_span_kind in DD_APM_FEATURES.
    • With this new logic, root spans and spans with a server or consumer span.kind will be marked as top-level. Additionally, spans with a client or producer span.kind will have stats computed.
    • Enabling this feature flag may increase the number of spans that generate trace metrics, and may change which spans appear as top-level in Datadog.
  • Experimental: The process-agent checks (process, container, and process-discovery) can be run from the Core Agent in Linux. This feature can be toggled on by setting the process_config.run_in_core_agent.enabled flag to true in the datadog.yaml file. This feature is disabled by default.

Enhancement Notes

  • Add the container image and container lifecycle checks to the output of the Agent status command.
  • Add kubelet_core_check_enabled flag to Agent config to control whether the kubelet core check should be loaded.
  • Added LastSuccessfulTime to cronjob status payload.
  • Add a retry mechanism to Software Bill of Materials (SBOM) collection for container images. This will help to avoid intermittent failures during the collection process.
  • Add startup timestamp to the Agent metadata payload.
  • Agents are now built with Go 1.21.9.
  • Adds image repo digest string to the container payload when present
  • CWS: Add selftests report on Windows and platforms with no eBPF support.
  • CWS: Add visibility for cross container program executions on platforms with no eBPF support.
  • APM: Enable credit card obfuscation by default. There is a small chance that numbers that are similar to valid credit cards may be redacted, this feature can be disabled by using apm_config.obfuscation.credit_cards.enabled. Alternatively, it can be made more accurate through luhn checksum verification by using apm_config.obfuscation.credit_cards.luhn, however, this increases the performance penalty of this check.
  • logs_config.expected_tags_duration now works for journald logs.
  • [oracle] Adds oracle.can_query service check.
  • [oracle] Automatically fall back to deprecated Oracle integration mode if privileges are missing.
  • [oracle] Add service configuration parameter.
  • The connections check no longer relies on the process/container check as it can now fetch container data independently.
  • The performance of Remote Config has been significantly improved when large amounts of configurations are received.
  • Send ECS task lifecycle events in the container lifecycle check.
  • dbm: add new SQL obfuscation mode normalize_only to support normalizing SQL without obfuscating it. This mode is useful for customers who want to view unobfuscated SQL statements. By default, ObfuscationMode is set to obfuscate_and_normalize and every SQL statement is obfuscated and normalized.
  • USM: Handle the HTTP TRACE method.

Deprecation Notes

  • [oracle] Deprecating Oracle integration code. The functionality is fully implemented in the oracle-dbm check which is now renamed to oracle.

Bug Fixes

  • The windows_registry check can be run with the check sub-command.
  • CWS: Fix very rare event corruption.
  • Fixes issue where processes for ECS Fargate containers would sometimes not be associated with the correct container.
  • Fixed a bug in the Dual Shipping feature where events were not being emitted on endpoint recovery.
  • Fix issue with display_container_name being tagged as N/A when container_name information is available.
  • Fix a Windows process handle leak in the Process Agent, which was introduced in 7.52.0 when process_collection is enabled.
  • Fixes a bug where the tagger server did not properly handle a closed channel.
  • [oracle] Set the default for metric_prefix in custom_queries to oracle.
  • [oracle] Fix global_custom_queries bug.
  • [oracle] Adds the oracle.process.pga_maximum_memory metric for backward compatibility.
  • Stop sending systemd metrics when they are not set

Datadog Cluster Agent


Released on: 2024-04-30 Pinned to datadog-agent v7.53.0: CHANGELOG.

New Features

  • APM library injection now works on EKS Fargate when the admission controller is configured to add an Agent sidecar in EKS Fargate.
  • Cluster Agent now supports activating Application Security Management, Code Vulnerabilities, and Software Composition Analysis via Helm charts.

Enhancement Notes

  • Add the mutation_webhook tag to admission_webhooks.webhooks_received and admission_webhooks.response_duration Cluster Agent telemetry.
  • When using the admission controller to inject an Agent sidecar on EKS Fargate, shareProcessNamespace is now set to true automatically. This is to ensure that the process collection feature works.


04 Apr 12:11
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Release on: 2024-04-04

Enhancement Notes

  • Add a check to the Windows installer to verify that the caller has the correct membership to install the Agent.
  • Ensure the metadata requests are delayed at Agent startup to reduce host tag delays.


21 Mar 12:34
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Release on: 2024-03-21

Upgrade Notes

  • To prevent misconfigurations, the Windows Datadog Agent installer now raises an error if the user account running the installer MSI is provided as the ddagentuser (DDAGENTUSER_NAME) account. If the account is a service account, such as LocalSystem or a gMSA account, no action is needed. If the account is a regular account, configure a different Datadog Agent service account.

New Features

  • Add device_type to the device metadata.
  • Attach host tags to metrics for expected_tags_duration amount of time.
  • APM stats will now include, if present, the Git commit SHA from traces (or container tags) and the image tag from container tags.
  • Creation of a new packageSigning component to collect Linux package signature information and improve signature rotation process. More information can be found in DataDog documentation at 2024 linux key rotation.
  • Adds support for span links in the trace agent. This field contains a list of casual relationships between spans and is only populated when v0.4 of the Trace API is used.
  • The Windows Agent now supports CWS for process and network threats.
  • CWS: Add chdir event to allow recent container escape detection.
  • CWS: [BETA] Add File Integrity Monitoring support on Windows, supporting both files and registry.
  • CWS: The Agent now automatically suppresses benign security events if they have already been reported for a particular container image.
  • Updating process agent discovery configuration to include a Data Scrubber for obfuscating sensitive information such as passwords, API keys, or tokens.
  • Add support for pinging network devices in the SNMP integration.
  • [oracle] Add oracle.locks.transaction_duration metric.
  • APM: Add support for Single Step Instrumentation remote configuration
  • Headless agent installation support on macOS 14 and later

Enhancement Notes

  • [DBM] Increase the DBM dbm-metrics-intake endpoint's defaultInputChanSize value to 500.
  • Add debug level logs when files are evicted from registry.json after their TTL expires.
  • Add the instance ID returned by the IMDSv2 metadata endpoint to the list of EC2 host aliases.
  • This change adds journald permissions to the flare in the logs_file_permissions.log file, in the form of either the journald directory or a specific file (if specified by the Agent journald configuration).
  • The Logs Agent now creates a file in the flare, called logs_file_permissions.log, which lists every file and that file's permissions that the Logs Agent can detect.
  • Add the SBOM check to the output of the Agent status command and the Agent flare.
  • Add the Software Bill of Materials (SBOM) for container images to the output of the flare command.
  • Add repo_digest to containerd ContainerImage to remove duplicate images in container images UI.
  • Agents are now built with Go 1.21.7.
  • Agents are now built with Go 1.21.8.
  • CWS: Improved coverage on platforms with no eBPF support.
  • CWS: Send context of variables in events.
  • Add DD_APM_DEBUGGER_DIAGNOSTICS_DD_URL, DD_APM_DEBUGGER_DIAGNOSTICS_API_KEY, and DD_APM_DEBUGGER_DIAGNOSTICS_ADDITIONAL_ENDPOINTS to allow sending Live Debugger / Dynamic Instrumentation diagnostic data to multiple intakes.
  • Added config that allows user to toggle on and off the collection of zombie processes in the Process Agent.
  • [oracle] Add ddagenthostname tag.
  • [oracle]: Add oracle.tablespace.maxsize metric.
  • OTLP ingest supports stable Java runtime metrics introduced in opentelemetry-java-instrumentation v2.0.0. OTLP ingest supports Kafka metrics mapping. This allows users of the JMX Receiver/JMX Metrics Gatherer and Kafka metrics receiver to have access to the OOTB Kafka Dashboard.
  • Modified the process check to populate process with the newly created field "ProcessContext"
  • Rename the kubelet_core check to kubelet and change the metrics prefix from kubernetes_core to kubernetes so that it can replace the Python kubelet check.
  • APM: Adds msgp_short_bytes reason for trace payloads dropped to distinguish them from EOF errors.
  • When getting resource tags from an ECS task with zero containers, print a warn log instead of error log.

Deprecation Notes

  • Removal of the pod check from the process agent. The current check will run from the core agent.
  • This release drops support for Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6 and its derivatives.
  • [oracle] Deprecate the configuration parameter instant_client. Replacing it with oracle_client.
  • Removed the system-probe configuration value data_streams_config.enabled and replaced it with service_monitoring_config.enable_kafka_monitoring. This also implies that the DsmEnabled field in the AgentConfiguration proto will consistently be set to false.

Bug Fixes

  • Upgrade dependencies for systemd core check. This silences excessive warning logs on systemd v252.
  • oracle: Fix wrong tablespace metrics.
  • APM: Stop dropping incoming OTel payloads when the processing channel is full and eliminate OOM issues in the trace agent and collector component in high load scenarios, making the OTel pipeline more reliable.
  • Fix dogstatsd-capture. Message PID was not set after the 7.50 release.
  • Fix a memory exception where the flare controller tries to stat a file that doesn't exist.
  • Fleet Automation filters in the Datadog UI now accurately reflect which products are enabled when deployed with the official DataDog Helm chart on Kubernetes.
  • Corrected a problem where the ignore_autodiscovery_tags parameter was not functioning correctly with pod annotations or autodiscovery version 2 (adv2) annotations. This fix ensures that when this parameter is set to true, autodiscovery tags are ignored as intended. Example:

yaml | { "redisdb": { "ignore_autodiscovery_tags": true, "instances": [ { "host": "%%host%%", "port": "6379" } ] } }
Moving forward, configurations that attempt to use hybrid setups—combining adv2 for check specification while also employing `adv1 for ignore_autodiscovery_tags—are no longer supported by default. Users should set the configuration parameter cluster_checks.support_hybrid_ignore_ad_tags to true to enable this behavior.

  • [oracle]: Add support for more Asian character sets.
  • Prevention of OOMs when collecting a large number of zombie processes.
  • Fixed race conditions caused by concurrent execution of etw.StartEtw() and etw.StopEtw() functions which may concurrently access and modify a global map.
  • Fix recent PR #22664 which in turn fixes a race condition in the ETW package. The previous PR introduced a minor error addressed in this PR.
  • [oracle] Add resource_manager configuration to conf.yaml.example.
  • [oracle] Fix multi-tagging bug.
  • Fixes a bug in OTLP ingest where empty histograms were not being sent to the backend in the distributions mode. Empty histograms are now mapped as if they had a single (min, max) bucket.
  • Scrub authentication bearer token of any size, even invalid, from integration configuration (when being printed through the checksconfig CLI command or other).
  • Empty UDS payloads no longer cause the DogStatsD server to close the socket.

Other Notes

  • The version of Python required for tooling in README matches that which the CI uses.

Datadog Cluster Agent

New Features

  • Add agent sidecar injection webhook in cluster-agent Kubernetes admission controller. This new webhook adds the Agent as sidecar container in applicative Pods when it is required by the environment. For example with the EKS Fargate environment.

Enhancement Notes

  • Introduces a new config option in the Cluster Agent to set the rebalance period when advanced dispatching is enabled: cluster_checks.rebalance_period. The default value is 10 min.

Bug Fixes

  • Fix an issue where the admission controller would remove the field restartPolicy from native sidecar containers, preventing pod creation on Kubernetes 1.29+.
  • Fix missing kube_api_version tag on HPA and VPA resources.


29 Feb 13:48
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Release on: 2024-02-29

New Features

  • Add the chdir event type to CWS.

Security Notes

  • Bump embedded Python version to 3.11.8 to address CVE-2023-5678 on Windows.

Bug Fixes

  • Fix a crash in the win32_event_log check that occurs when processing an event that has a missing publisher and no EventData.


19 Feb 12:53
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Release on: 2024-02-19

Upgrade Notes

  • The orchestrator check is moving from the Process Agent to the Core Agent. Any orchestrator configuration set on the Process Agent will need to be moved to the Core Agent. No other changes are required. If you need to go back to the old check, you can do so temporarily by manually setting the environment variable DD_ORCHESTRATOR_EXPLORER_RUN_ON_NODE_AGENT to false. The Process Agent pod check will be deprecated in the following release.
  • Upgrade the Python version from 3.9 to 3.11.

New Features

  • Add support for ARM64 SLES flavor of datadog-agent
  • Add support for multiple users when listening for SNMP traps.
  • Add check_delay metric in Agent telemetry
  • Add an ETW component for ETW tracing.
  • Add an ETW APM tracer component to forward .Net ETW events to the Tracer Agent.
  • DBM: Add configuration options to SQL obfuscator to customize the
    normalization of SQL statements:
    • KeepTrailingSemicolon - disable removing trailing semicolon. This option is only valid when ObfuscationMode is obfuscate_and_normalize.
    • KeepIdentifierQuotation - disable removing quotation marks around identifiers. This option is only valid when ObfuscationMode is obfuscate_and_normalize.
  • CWS: [BETA] early support based on ptrace for platforms with no eBPF support. Only processes and files are currently supported.
  • Add msodbcsql18 linux dependency needed for SQL Server to run in Docker Agent.
  • Add timestamps to the logs HTTP client
  • Add support for Oracle Active Data Guard.
  • Re-enable Aerospike in SUSE packages.
  • The Windows Registry integration can now send the registry values as logs.

Enhancement Notes

  • Updated the ntp check to support the default location of chrony.conf on Ubuntu (/etc/chrony/chrony.conf).

  • Agents are now built with Go 1.21.5.

  • CWS: Reloading the datadog-agent-sysprobe systemd service now reloads the runtime security policies.

  • CWS: Added ssdeep file hashing algorithm support.

  • USM will report the actual status code of the HTTP traffic, instead of reporting only the status code family (2xx, 3xx, etc.).

  • Improved performance of the activity sampling query on RDS and Oracle Cloud databases.

  • OTLP ingest log timestamps (i.e. '@timestamp') now include milliseconds.

  • Always report the following telemetry metrics about the retry queue capacity:

    • datadog.agent.retry_queue_duration.capacity_secs
    • datadog.agent.retry_queue_duration.bytes_per_sec
    • datadog.agent.retry_queue_duration.capacity_bytes
  • Support container metrics for kata containers using containerd.

  • System Probe can now expose its healthcheck on a dedicated HTTP port. The Kubernetes daemonset uses this by default on port 5558.

Deprecation Notes

  • The config value ipc_address is deprecated in favor of cmd_host.
  • service_monitoring_config.process_service_inference.enabled is deprecated and replaced by system_probe_config.process_service_inference.enabled service_monitoring_config.process_service_inference.use_windows_service_name is deprecated and replaced by system_probe_config.process_service_inference.use_windows_service_name
  • Removes freetds and msodbcsql18 dependencies for py2.
  • Removes postgresql dependency after upgrading psycopg2 to v2.9 in integrations-core. psycopg2 now comes with pre-built wheel for arm architecture.
  • An error will now be logged if replace tags are used to change the Agent "env", since this could have negative side effects. At this time, an error is logged, but future versions may explicitly disallow this to avoid bugs. See for instructions on setting the env, and #21253 for more details about this issue.

Bug Fixes

  • CWS/CSPM: Fixes the hostname value attached to CWS and CSPM events, which in rare cases the security agent computed incorrectly.
  • Fix file_handle core check on Darwin by using sysctl system call.
  • Fix spikes for bandwidth usage metric when interface speed is auto-adjusted.
  • Fixes Agent startup script when enabling OOM Kill and TCP Queue Length checks to prevent crashes when restarting the container.
  • Fix a spewing error message ("DCA Client not initialized by main provider, cannot post heartbeat") in the cluster check runner log during CLC initialization.
  • Fixed Logs Agent additional endpoints to respect their logs_no_ssl setting.
  • [DBM] Add Oracle broken connection handling on Windows
  • Fix indentation in conf.yaml.example.
  • Bug fix for empty database names in query samples.
  • Bug fix for the Korean character set for Windows.
  • Fixing the issue with a Korean character set for Windows.
  • Fix missing sysmetrics, such as shared pool and library cache.
  • Bug fix for missing tags.
  • Fixed obfuscation error false positive when the access or filter
    predicates are empty.
  • Fix resource manager metrics collection bugs.
  • Pause containers from the Rancher image-mirror repository (rancher/mirrored-pause.*) are now excluded by default for containers and metrics collection.
  • Error messages from Go checks are now shown on the Agent GUI status page instead of UNKNOWN ERROR.

Other Notes

  • Update s6-overlay version used in Datadog Agent container images to v2.2.0.3
  • Added a warning when logs_no_ssl is set and dd_url contains an https prefix. logs_no_ssl will take precedence over the prefix in a future version.

Datadog Cluster Agent


Released on: 2024-02-19 Pinned to datadog-agent v7.51.0: CHANGELOG.

New Features

  • Enable Horizontal Pod Autoscaler collection for the Orchestrator by default
  • Add isolate command to clusterchecks to make it easier to pinpoint a check that that is causing high CPU/memory usage. Command can be run in the cluster agent with: datadog-cluster-agent clusterchecks isolate --checkID=<checkID>

Enhancement Notes

  • Enable CRD collection by default in the orchestrator check.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixes a bug that would trigger unnecessary APIServer List requests from the Cluster Agent or Cluster Checks Runner.


11 Jan 09:54
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Release on: 2024-01-11

Bug Fixes

  • Fix incorrect metadata about system-probe being sent to Inventory and Fleet Automation products.


04 Jan 13:41
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Release on: 2024-01-04

Enhancement Notes

  • Agents are now built with Go 1.20.12.

Bug Fixes

  • The CWS configuration parameter to enable anomaly detection is now working and taken into account by the Agent.
  • Fix issue introduced in 7.47 that allowed all users to start/stop the Windows Datadog Agent services. The Windows installer now, as in versions before 7.47, grants this permission explicitly to ddagentuser.


21 Dec 11:14
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Agent and Datadog Cluster Agent


Release on: 2023-12-21

Bug Fixes

  • Fixes a bug introduced in 7.50.0 preventing DD_TAGS to be added to kubernetes_state.* metrics.