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219 lines (178 loc) · 6.22 KB

File metadata and controls

219 lines (178 loc) · 6.22 KB

Private Declare PtrSafe Sub Sleep Lib "kernel32" (ByVal dwMilliseconds As Long) Public dicData As Object Public dicCatagory As Object

Dim DaAN As String Dim randomArray() As Integer Dim Next_N As Integer Dim IsRunning As Boolean

Dim rdmSeq As Boolean Dim rdmTip As Boolean Dim rdmCount As Boolean Dim containWords As Boolean Dim containPhrases As Boolean Dim containSentences As Boolean Dim containCultures As Boolean Dim count As Integer

Dim Excel As Object Dim Subject_Total As Integer

Private Function GetRandomArray(ByVal left As Integer, ByVal right As Integer, ByRef randomArray() As Integer) Dim j As Integer, i As Integer

Randomize             ' 随机数种子

For i = 0 To (right - left)
    randomArray(i) = Int((right - left + 1) * Rnd + left)
    For j = 0 To (i - 1)
        If randomArray(i) = randomArray(j) Then i = i - 1: Exit For
    Next j
Next i

End Function

Sub OnSlideShowTerminate() ''关闭PPT时 CommandButton3_Click Ex.Workbooks.Close '关闭打开的Excel Set Ex = Nothing '清空xlApp Ex.Quit End Sub

Sub OnSlideShowPageChange() ''演示PPT时

If ActivePresentation.SlideShowWindow.View.CurrentShowPosition = 5 Then
    Set sld = Slide130
    rdmSeq = sld.chbRdmSeq.Value
    rdmTip = sld.chbRdmTip.Value
    rdmCount = sld.chbRdmCount.Value
    containWords = sld.chbWords.Value
    containPhrases = sld.chbPhrases.Value
    containSentences = sld.chbSentences.Value
    count = sld.txbCount.Text
    Set dic = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
     If containWords Then
        dic.Add 1, "IdiomaticWords"
     End If
     If containPhrases Then
        dic.Add 2, "NativePhrases"
     End If
     If containSentences Then
        dic.Add 3, "GoldenSentences"
     End If
     If containCultures Then
        dic.Add 4, "AmericanCultures"
     End If
    InitData dic
    'MsgBox Ex.Worksheets(1).Cells(1, 4).Value
    'Subject_Total = Val(Ex.Cells(1, 4).Value)             '获取总题数
    'MsgBox Subject_Total
    ReDim randomArray(dic.count + 1)
    Next_N = 0

    Call GetRandomArray(1, dic.count, randomArray())  '随机数组
     For i = 1 To dic.count + 1
         sld.lblQuestion.Caption = sld.lblQuestion.Caption + dicData(randomArray(i))
     Next i
End If

End Sub

Sub Pause() '''暂停

If IsRunning = False Then
    MsgBox "请点击开始"
    Exit Sub
End If

IsRunning = False                          '关闭滚动数字
Label1.Caption = G_Array(Next_N)

If (Next_N + 1) >= Subject_Total Then
    IsRunning = False
    Label2.Caption = "题库所有的题目已经全部用完!"
    Label2.Caption = "第" & Str(G_Array(Next_N)) & " 题" & vbCrLf & Ex.Cells(G_Array(Next_N), 1).Value

    DaAN = Ex.Cells(G_Array(Next_N), 2).Value
    Next_N = Next_N + 1
End If

End Sub

Sub Running() ''''运行 Dim Num As Integer

IsRunning = True

If Next_N >= Subject_Total Then
    IsRunning = False
    Label2.Caption = "题库所有的题目已经全部用完!"
End If

'Label1.BackColor = RGB(0, 176, 240)
'Label2.BackColor = RGB(0, 176, 240)
Label5.Caption = ""
Do While IsRunning = True
    Num = Int(Rnd * Subject_Total) + 1
    Label1.Caption = Str(Num)

End Sub

Sub Check() ''''检查答案 'MsgBox "正确答案:" & DaAN Label5.Caption = "答案:" & DaAN End Sub

Private Sub CommandButton3_Click() ''''复位 DaAN = "" Next_N = 0

Label1.Caption = "GO!"
Label2.Caption = ""
Label5.Caption = ""

End Sub

Sub InitData(ByVal dic As Object) Set dicData = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary") Set Excel = CreateObject("Excel.Application") Excel.Workbooks.Open (ActivePresentation.Path & "\DataBase.xlsx") Excel.Visible = False n = Excel.Worksheets(1).Range("A65536").End(xlUp).Row For i = 1 To n cata = Excel.Worksheets(1).Cells(i, 3).Value If dic.Exists(cata) = True Then k = Excel.Worksheets(1).Cells(i, 1).Value v = Excel.Worksheets(1).Cells(i, 2).Value If dicData.Exists(k) = False Then dicData.Add k, v End If End If Next i MsgBox dicData.count 'k = dic.keys 'v = dic.Items 'MsgBox dic(dic.keys(0)) End Sub

Sub InitCatagory() Set dicCatagory = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary") Set Excel = CreateObject("Excel.Application") Excel.Workbooks.Open (ActivePresentation.Path & "\DataBase.xlsx") Excel.Visible = False n = Excel.Worksheets(2).Range("A65536").End(xlUp).Row For i = 1 To n k = Excel.Worksheets(2).Cells(i, 1).Value v = Excel.Worksheets(2).Cells(i, 2).Value If dicCatagory.Exists(k) = False Then dicCatagory.Add k, v End If Next i Excel.Quit End Sub Private Sub CommandButton1_Click() 'InitCatagory Set sld = Slide130 rdmSeq = sld.chbRdmSeq.Value rdmTip = sld.chbRdmTip.Value rdmCount = sld.chbRdmCount.Value containWords = sld.chbWords.Value containPhrases = sld.chbPhrases.Value containSentences = sld.chbSentences.Value count = sld.txbCount.Text

    Set dic = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
     If containWords Then
        dic.Add 1, "Words"
     End If
     If containPhrases Then
        dic.Add 2, "Phrases"
     End If
     If containSentences Then
        dic.Add 3, "Sentences"
     End If
    InitData dic

    ReDim randomArray(dicData.count + 1)
    Next_N = 0

    Call GetRandomArray(1, dicData.count, randomArray())  '随机数组

     For i = 1 To dicData.count
         keys = dicData.keys
         Slide132.lblQuestion.Caption = Slide132.lblQuestion.Caption & dicData(keys(randomArray(i)))
     Next i
     MsgBox Slide132.lblQuestion.Caption

End Sub