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These are some quickly hacked together tools I use for SSL MITM. All the tools are actually simple socks proxies, which can also be used as transparent proxies, and transform the traffic in some way. The idea is to make it simple to chain socks proxies to analyze & manipulate traffic. It's also great for annalyzing stuff with existing network capturing tools such as wireshark.

I'm doing a small extension to the domain format, though. If the socks connection destination is a domain, I differentiate between the target domain and the connection domain or address, and combine them with > if they differ. So, for example, if gets instructed to connect to>, it'll connect to, it'll send as TLS SNI, and it'll check that the TLS Cert is for that domain.


Client  ---->  1666:
                               |-------> ---------->  Server
                               |    (tls decrypted)
                               |------->  ---->  Server
                           (forwarded unchanged if not decryptable)


TLS traffic not containing an SNI and non-TLS traffic aren't decrypted by, but forwarded unchanged to using socks.

If you want to use that extended domain format with other existing socks proxies and tools directly, you may sometimes need to either change those tools or maybe make an nsswitch hostname module, depending on how the domain is used by those tools.

If you use it as a transparent proxy, it can't reject connections early, as there are no unix syscalls for that. It'll close the connections directly after accepting them instead.

To determine if transparent proxying is needed, it compares the original tcp destination address (whatever it was before any iptables rules and such) to the tcp destination address, and if they differ, assumes it's transparent proxying. So, if you have some strange dnat rules and see it responding in socks when it shouldn't or vice versa, that's probably it.

usage: [-h] [-l LISTEN] [-c VIA] [-t TLS_VIA] [--ca CA] [--ca-key CA_KEY]

socks plain to tls proxy

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -l LISTEN, --listen LISTEN
                        IP:PORT to listen on (default:
  -c VIA, --via VIA     IP:PORT of socks proxy to connect to for undecryptable traffic, or "direct" for none (default:
  -t TLS_VIA, --tls-via TLS_VIA
                        IP:PORT of socks proxy to connect to for decrypted traffic (default:
  --ca CA
  --ca-key CA_KEY

Listens on port After a connection, it first tries to connect to the destination over socks on Only if that works, it'll accept the socks connection, otherwise, it rejects it. It then just reads from the connection, and tries to figure out if it's TLS using lot's of checks, so it can figure out if it isn't as early as possible, and tries to parse the SNI. If it isn't TLS, or it doesn't get an SNI, it'll forward everything on the already establisched connection via unchanged. Otherwise (if it is TLS and it got an SNI), it'll forge a certificate for the SNI, and use that to establish a TLS connection with the client. It then connects to, and sends the unencrypted content over there using socks. When doing that, it uses the extended domain format explained above (ex.> if necessary. This is how will know which hostname to expect and which SNI to send the target address.

The root CA for signing the forged certificated is loaded from /etc/ssl/CA/CA.pem and /etc/ssl/CA/CA.key. Make sure to create them and install /etc/ssl/CA/CA.pem on the device to be MITMd.

usage: [-h] [-l LISTEN] [-c VIA]

socks plain to tls proxy

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -l LISTEN, --listen LISTEN
                        IP:PORT to listen on (default:
  -c VIA, --via VIA     IP:PORT of socks proxy to connect to, or "direct" for none (default: direct)

Per default, this listens on port, and is just a normal socks proxy.

usage: [-h] [-l LISTEN] [-c VIA]

socks plain to tls proxy

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -l LISTEN, --listen LISTEN
                        IP:PORT to listen on (default:
  -c VIA, --via VIA     IP:PORT of socks proxy to connect to, or "direct" for none (default: direct)

Listens on port This is a socks proxy, but which takes a plain connection and connects to it's target using TLS. It can use the extended domain format explained above (ex.> for getting the address to connect to and the server name for the TLS connection.

Usage as transparent proxy

Just redirect all traffic to the socks proxy using tcpdump (excluding traffic for the own host, in this example.).

iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -d -i eth0 -j RETURN
iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -s -i eth0 -j RETURN
iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -i eth0 -p tcp -j REDIRECT --to-ports 1666

Then, set the host on which the proxy runs and the iptables rules where added as the gataway for the host whose traffic is to be MITMd.

usage: [-h] -l LISTEN -c VIA

This socks proxy can be put between the other socks proxies above. It loads all the interceptor modules from the interceptor directory. If no interceptor is able to make sense of the traffic, or if all interceptors agree they won't alter it, it is let through unaltered.


This is currenlt the only interceptor available. It transparently intercepts http traffic, any byte it analyxes will be forwarded unchanged basically immediately. It can analyze & decode variouse transfer & content encodings, and should be able to handle http proxies, http upgrades, and such stuff.

When any file or part of file is requested, calls, which stores it insode the directory intercepted/http/. tries to reassemble the files. Files being written to or incomplete are in directories named d:<host>-<hashoflocation>/<byteoffset>.part. Consecutive or overlapping parts are consolidated. If a file has been stored & is continous starting from the first byte, it is assumed to be complete until later bytes for the same file are requested. It'll be available under the name f:<host>-<hashoflocation>. If the file is determined to be a m3u playlist file, it will parse it and create/update an additional playlist named m3u:<host>-<hashoflocation>.m3u8, the files in which will match the final names of the referenced files after / if they are intercepted/stored.

Remotely capturing traffic using wireshark

There are many ways to do that, but I like to use tcpdump and xinetd for this. This will be insecure, though, so don't set this up if that's a concern.

  1. Install xinetd
  2. Add tcpdump 666/tcp to /etc/services
  3. Add a helper script to /usr/local/sbin/mitmdump:
exec /usr/sbin/tcpdump -f -i lo -w - port 2666 or port 3666 <&- 2>&-
  1. Configure xinetd. /etc/xinetd.d/tcpdump:
  disable     = no
  socket_type = stream
  protocol    = tcp
  port        = 666
  wait        = no
  user        = root
  server      = /usr/local/sbin/mitmdump
  1. restart xinetd
  2. Start wireshark: wireshark -k -i [email protected]:666