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The hdflibs repository contains the classes that are used for interfacing between dunedaq data applications (writers and readers) and the HighFive library to read/write HDF5 files.

There are two main classes in use:

  • HDF5FileLayout governs the layout of DUNE DAQ raw data files, including configurable parameters for the names of groups and datasets (e.g. how many digits to use for numbers in names, what to call the groups for TPC data, its underlying regions, etc.), and it includes member functions that use the layout to allow for construction of group and dataset names.
  • HDF5RawDataFile is the main interface for writing and reading HDF files, containing functions to write data and attributres to the files, and functions for reading back that data and attributes, as well as some utilities for file investigation.

More details on those classes are in the sections below, but some important interface points:

  • HDF5RawDataFile handles only one file at a time. It opens it on construction, and closes it on deletion. If writing multiple files, one will need multiple HDF5RawDataFile objects.
  • There is no handling for conditions on if/when data should be written to a file, only where in that file it should be written. It is the responsibility of data writer applications to handle conditions on when to switch to a new file (e.g. when reaching maximum file size, or having written a desired number of events).

The general structure of written files is as follows:


GROUP Top-Level-Record
  DATASET Record-Header
  GROUP System-Type-Group
    GROUP Region-Group
      DATASET Element-Data

Note that names of datasets and groups are not as shown, and instead are configurable on writing, and later determined by the attributes "filelayout_params".

There are example programs in app -- HDF5LIBS_TestWriter and HDF5LIBS_TestReader -- that show how to use these classes in simple C++ applications. shows how to read files using HDF5RawDataFile from a python interface.


This class defines the file layout of dunedaq raw data files. It receives a hdf5filelayout::FileLayoutParams object for configuration, which looks like the following in json:

    "trigger_record_name_prefix": "TriggerRecord",
    "digits_for_trigger_number": 6,
    "digits_for_sequence_number": 0,
    "trigger_record_header_dataset_name": "TriggerRecordHeader",

    "path_param_list":[ {"detector_group_type":"TPC",
                         "digits_for_element_number":2} ]

Under this configuration, the general file structure will look something like this:


ATTRIBUTE: "filelayout_params" <std::string>
ATTRIBUTE: "filelayout_version" <uint32_3>

GROUP "TriggerRecord000001"
  DATASET "TriggerRecordHeader"
    GROUP "APA001"
      DATASET "Link00"
      DATASET "Link01"
    GROUP "APA002"
      DATASET "Link00"
      DATASET "Link01"
    GROUP "Region001"
      DATASET "Element01"
      DATASET "Element02"

The configuration information for the file layout are written as the attribute "filelayout_params" as JSON-formatted std::string. When a file is later opened to be read, the file layout parameters are automatically extracted from the attribute, and used to populate an HDF5FileLayout member of the HDF5RawDataFile. If no attributes exist, currently a set of defaults are used.



The constructor for creating a new HDF5RawDataFile for writing looks like this:

  HDF5RawDataFile(std::string file_name,
                  daqdataformats::run_number_t run_number,
                  size_t file_index,
                  std::string application_name,
                  const hdf5filelayout::FileLayoutParams& fl_params,
                  unsigned open_flags = HighFive::File::Create);

Upon opening the file -- at object construction -- the following attributes are written:

  • "run_number" (daqdataformats::run_number_t)
  • "file_index" (size_t)
  • "creation_timestamp" (std::string, string translation of the number of milliseconds since epoch)
  • "application_name" (`std::string)

alongside the file layout paramters as described above.

Upon closing the file -- at object destruction -- the following attributes are written:

  • "recorded_size" (size_t, number of bytes written in datasets)
  • "closing_timestamp" (std::string, string translation of the number of milliseconds since epoch).

The key interface for writing is the HDF5RawDataFile::write(const daqdataformats::TriggerRecord& tr) member, which takes a TriggerRecord, creates a group in the HDF5 file for it, and then writes all of the underlying data (TriggerRecordHeader and Fragments) to appropriate datasets and subgroups. All data are written as dimension 1 char arrays, with no change to the input TriggerRecord object.


The constructor for creating a new HDF5RawDataFile for reading looks like this:

HDF5RawDataFile(const std::string& file_name);

There is no need to provide file layout parameters, as these are read from the existing file's attributes.

dunedaq raw data files can be interrogated with any HDF5 reading utilities, and the data payloads for each dataset are simple dimension 1 byte (char) arrays. However, there are a number of useful accessors included in HDF5RawDataFile to aid in file interrogation, traversal, and data extraction:

  • get_dataset_paths(std::string top_level_group_name = "") returns all dataset paths (std::vector<std::string>) located beneath the specified group (defaulting to the whole file), including the full list of datasets in any subgroups of the specified group;
  • get_all_record_ids() returns an std::set of record IDs (std::pair of record number and sequence number) located in the file;
  • get_trigger_record_header_dataset_paths(int max_trigger_records = -1) returns all datset paths (up to a maximum number of desired trigger records, default is all) for TriggerRecordHeader objects;
  • get_all_fragment_dataset_paths(int max_trigger_records = -1) returns all datset paths (up to a maximum number of desired trigger records, default is all) for Fragment objects of any system type;
  • get_trh_ptr(...) members return a unique ptr to a TriggerRecordHeader, with inputs either being a full path as you may get from get_trigger_record_header_dataset_paths(), or with an input specifying the desired trigger number;
  • get_frag_ptr(...) members return a unique ptr to a Fragment, with inputs either being a full path as you would get from get_all_fragment_dataset_paths(), or by specifying the trigger number and GeoID of the desired data (or also the elements of the GeoID).

Version 2 (Latest) Notes

This version is the initial version of hdf5libs after significant restructuring of many of the existing utilities, including the introduction of the HDF5FileLayout class, and separation of the HDF5RawDataFile class from dfmodules.

Please see the notes in Version 0

Version 0 Notes

This version refers to files that were written before the introduction of the HDF5FileLayout class. Currently, on reading a file, if there is no file layout attributes found in the file, it assumes a file layout parameter set as such:

hdf5filelayout::FileLayoutParams flp;
    flp.trigger_record_name_prefix = "TriggerRecord";
    flp.digits_for_trigger_number = 6;
    flp.digits_for_sequence_number = 0;
    flp.trigger_record_header_dataset_name = "TriggerRecordHeader";

    hdf5filelayout::PathParams pp;

    pp.detector_group_type = "TPC";
    pp.detector_group_name = "TPC";
    pp.region_name_prefix = "APA";
    pp.digits_for_region_number = 3;
    pp.element_name_prefix = "Link";
    pp.digits_for_element_number = 2;

    pp.detector_group_type = "PDS";
    pp.detector_group_name = "PDS";
    pp.region_name_prefix = "Region";
    pp.digits_for_region_number = 3;
    pp.element_name_prefix = "Element";
    pp.digits_for_element_number = 2;

    pp.detector_group_type = "NDLArTPC";
    pp.detector_group_name = "NDLArTPC";
    pp.region_name_prefix = "Region";
    pp.digits_for_region_number = 3;
    pp.element_name_prefix = "Element";
    pp.digits_for_element_number = 2;

    pp.detector_group_type = "Trigger";
    pp.detector_group_name = "Trigger";
    pp.region_name_prefix = "Region";
    pp.digits_for_region_number = 3;
    pp.element_name_prefix = "Element";
    pp.digits_for_element_number = 2;

    pp.detector_group_type = "TPC_TP";
    pp.detector_group_name = "TPC";
    pp.region_name_prefix = "APA";
    pp.digits_for_region_number = 3;
    pp.element_name_prefix = "Link";
    pp.digits_for_element_number = 2;

Note that for all previously written files, get_dataset_paths() will work to retrieve a list of all proper dataset paths, and get_trh_ptr(path_name) and get_frag_ptr(path_name) will work for data access to TriggerRecordHeaders and Fragments, respectively, where path_name is the full dataset path name. Other accessors to retrieving underlying data will throw an exception.