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Project Overview - Overview of the School District Audit

*The school board believes that there is evidence of academic dishonesty withing their local school district. They believe that some of the test scores have been altered. The school board wants to uphold state-testing standards and have asked for help. Maria has asked me for help and given me the following tasks.

  1. Replace the math and reading scores for Thomas High School with NaNs while keeping the rest of the data intact.
  2. Repeat the school district analysis as was completed in the module
  3. Write up a report to describe how these changes affected the overall analysis


  • Deliverable 1: Replace ninth-grade reading and math scores
  • Deliverable 2: Repeat the school district analysis
  • Deliverable 3: A written report for the school district analysis


Data Sources:


  • Python 3.8.5
  • Jupyter Notebook 6.1.4

School District Analysis Project Summary:

Overview of the school district analysis: Explain the purpose of this analysis. The purpose of the analysis was to show the school board what the effect of removing Thomas High School's ninth grade math and reading scores would have overall.

We start off by replacing the math and reading scores for Thomas High School 9th grade:


Repeat the School District Analysis with replaced scores to compare:

The District Summary:

Before changes


After changes


District Summary Highlights:

  • We see that the changes here are minimal changes to both the math and reading scores
  • Avg math score went down .1 point
  • % of students passing math went down .2%
  • Avg reading score stayed the same
  • % of students passing reading went down .1%
  • % of overall passing went down .3%

The School Summary:

Before changes


After changes


School Summary Highlights:

  • There are minimal changes the averages scores for math and reading
  • There are significant changes to the % passing math and % passing reading

Top 5 and Bottom 5 Summary:

Top Performing Schools"


Low Performing Schools:


Top 5 and Bottom 5 Highlights:

  • The highest and lowing performing schools were not affected by these adjustements

Math and Reading Scores by Grade:

Math Scores - Thomas High School 9th grade removed


Reading Scores - Thomas High School 9th grade removed


Scores by Schools Spending per Student:

Before changes


After changes


Scores by Schools Spending per Student Highlights:

  • $585-629 category Avg Reading Scores went up .1%, % passing math went down .1% AND % overall passing went down .35%
  • $630-644 category % passing math went up .25%, % passing reading went up .05% and overall passsing % went up .05%
  • $645-678 category % passing math decresed .13%, % passing reading went up .1% and overall passing % went down .04%

Scores by Schools Spending per School Size:

Scores by Schools Spending per School Size before changes


Scores by Schools Spending per School Size after changes


Scores by Schools Spending per School Size Highlights:

  • Changes to the Scores by school spending per school were not affected much at all

Scores by Schools Type:

Scores by schools type before changes


Scores by schools type after changes


Scores by Schools Type Highlights:

  • Changes the the scores by school type were minimal