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ProxmoxVE Client API .Net

ProxmoxVE Api

     ______                _                      __
    / ____/___  __________(_)___ _   _____  _____/ /_
   / /   / __ \/ ___/ ___/ / __ \ | / / _ \/ ___/ __/
  / /___/ /_/ / /  (__  ) / / / / |/ /  __(__  ) /_
  \____/\____/_/  /____/_/_/ /_/|___/\___/____/\__/

  Command line for Proxmox VE                    (Made in Italy)

  cv4pve-cli is a part of suite cv4pve.
  For more information visit

  --api-token <api-token>   Api token format 'USER@REALM!TOKENID=UUID'. Require Proxmox VE 6.2 or later
  --username <username>     User name <username>@<realm>
  --password <password>     The password. Specify 'file:path_file' to store password in file.
  --validate-certificate    Validate SSL Certificate Proxmox VE node.
  --host <host> (REQUIRED)  The host name host[:port],host1[:port],host2[:port]
  --version                 Show version information
  -?, -h, --help            Show help and usage information

  get <resource> <parameters>     Get (GET) from resource []
  set <resource> <parameters>     Set (PUT) from resource []
  create <resource> <parameters>  Create (POST) from resource []
  delete <resource> <parameters>  Delete (DELETE) from resource []
  usage <resource>                Usage resource
  ls <resource>                   List child objects on <api_path>.
  sh                              Interactive shell

Copyright and License

Copyright: Corsinvest Srl For licensing details please visit

Commercial Support

This software is part of a suite of tools called cv4pve-tools. If you want commercial support, visit the site


Command line for Proxmox VE.

this software aims to simplify the management of Proxmox VE single node or cluster using command line. The reasons are:

  • do not use graphical interface (GUI)
  • access to simplified operations
  • ability to automate processes through APIs

Main features

  • Completely written in C#
  • Use native api REST Proxmox VE (library C#)
  • Independent os (Windows, Linux, Macosx)
  • Installation unzip file extract binary
  • Not require installation in Proxmox VE
  • Execute out side Proxmox VE
  • API
    • get/set/create/delete command
    • usage command with complete documentation
    • ls like directory filesystem
    • multiple format return text,json,json pretty,png
  • Alias command
  • Documentation generated at runtime from server
  • Interactive shell
  • Support multiple host for HA in --host parameter es. host[:port],host1[:port],host2[:port]
  • Use Api token --api-token parameter
  • Execution with file parameter e.g. @FileParameter.parm
  • Validate certificate SSL, default not validate

Api token

From version 6.2 of Proxmox VE is possible to use Api token. This feature permit execute Api without using user and password. If using Privilege Separation when create api token remember specify in permission.

Configuration and use

E.g. install on linux 64

Download last package e.g. Debian, on your os and install:

root@debian:~# unzip

This tool need basically no configuration.


APIs are used to manage data directly.

  create        Create (POST) from resource
  delete        Delete (DELETE) from resource
  get           Get (GET) from resource
  ls            List child objects on <api_path>.
  set           Set (PUT) from resource
  usage         Usage resource

For any commands

  resource      Resource api request
  parameters    Parameter for resource format key:value (Multiple)

  -v|--verbose  Show verbose output
  -o|--output   Type output (default: unicode) Unicode, UnicodeAlt, Markdown, Text, Json, JsonPretty, Html, Png
  --wait        Wait for task finish
  -?|-h|--help  Show help information

Get / Set / Create / Delete

Retry version node

root@debian:~# cv4pve-cli --host= --username=root@pam --password=fagiano get /version
│ key     │ value    │
│ release │ 13       │
│ repoid  │ aee6f0ec │
│ version │ 5.4      │

Retry version json

root@debian:~# cv4pve-cli --host= --username=root@pam --password=fagiano get--output Json

Retry version json pretty

root@debian:~# cv4pve-cli --host= --username=root@pam --password=fagiano get --output JsonPretty
  "repoid": "aee6f0ec",
  "release": "13",
  "version": "5.4",
  "keyboard": "it"

Get status nodes

root@debian:~# cv4pve-cli --host= --username=root@pam --password=fagiano get /nodes
│ node │ status │ cpu   │ level │ maxcpu │ maxmem    │ mem       │ ssl_fingerprint                                                                                 │ uptime          │
│ pve1 │ online │ 4,58% │ c     │ 8      │ 31,39 GiB │ 17,03 GiB │ 81:94:9C:7A:20:38:44:E3:5A:6C:96:E4:44:F2:FC:2E:61:14:CF:E1:13:61:D3:29:DB:18:DF:83:20:76:B9:04 │ 12d 19h 12m 55s │
│ pve2 │ online │ 4,92% │ c     │ 8      │ 31,39 GiB │ 16,77 GiB │ 70:41:5B:47:21:F4:5C:4D:4F:FD:D8:53:3E:AD:73:44:5E:F6:A2:75:F1:42:94:07:81:94:E2:D8:1C:0D:FF:0E │ 13d 23h 34m 25s │
│ pve3 │ online │ 0,88% │       │ 4      │ 11,72 GiB │ 7,46 GiB  │ 4A:9B:2D:2B:3B:05:D1:9B:03:36:1F:71:44:40:CE:19:55:AE:36:69:35:F9:BB:26:8E:9F:01:F9:A9:D4:00:D7 │ 19d 3h 33m 08s  │

For request parameter specify in format key:value

Get resource in cluster only node

root@debian:~# cv4pve-cli --host= --username=root@pam --password=fagiano get /cluster/resources type:node
│ id        │ type │ cpu   │ disk      │ hastate │ level │ maxcpu │ maxdisk    │ maxmem    │ mem       │ node │ pool │ status │ storage │ uptime          │
│ node/pve1 │ node │ 6,47% │ 14,65 GiB │         │ c     │ 8      │ 27,19 GiB  │ 31,39 GiB │ 17,38 GiB │ pve1 │      │ online │         │ 12d 19h 22m 45s │
│ node/pve2 │ node │ 4,38% │ 12,45 GiB │         │ c     │ 8      │ 27,19 GiB  │ 31,39 GiB │ 16,75 GiB │ pve2 │      │ online │         │ 13d 23h 44m 05s │
│ node/pve3 │ node │ 0,93% │ 10,08 GiB │         │       │ 4      │ 397,55 GiB │ 11,72 GiB │ 7,46 GiB  │ pve3 │      │ online │         │ 19d 3h 42m 48s  │

For know documentation of command use usage


Usage create documentation at runtime from API.

  resource      Resource api request

  -v|--verbose  Show verbose output
  -c|--command  API command Get,Set,Create,Delete
  -r|--returns  Including schema for returned data.
  -?|-h|--help  Show help information

Get usage command

root@debian:~# cv4pve-cli --host= --username=root@pam --password=fagiano usage /cluster/resources
USAGE: get /cluster/resources [OPTIONS]

If you want know options use -v|--verbose

root@debian:~# cv4pve-cli --host= --username=root@pam --password=fagiano usage /cluster/resources -v
USAGE: get /cluster/resources [OPTIONS]

  Resources index (cluster wide).
│ param │ type            │ description │
│ type  │ vm,storage,node │             │

If you want know return use -r|--returns

root@debian:~# cv4pve-cli --host= --username=root@pam --password=fagiano usage /cluster/resources -v -r
USAGE: get /cluster/resources [OPTIONS]

  Resources index (cluster wide).
│ param │ type            │ description │
│ type  │ vm,storage,node │             │
│ param   │ type                   │ description                                                 │
│ cpu     │ number                 │ CPU utilization (when type in node,qemu,lxc).               │
│ disk    │ string                 │ Used disk space in bytes (when type in storage),            │
│         │                        │ used root image spave for VMs (type in qemu,lxc).           │
│ hastate │ string                 │ HA service status (for HA managed VMs).                     │
│ id      │ string                 │                                                             │
│ level   │ string                 │ Support level (when type == node).                          │
│ maxcpu  │ number                 │ Number of available CPUs (when type in node,qemu,lxc).      │
│ maxdisk │ integer                │ Storage size in bytes (when type in storage),               │
│         │                        │ root image size for VMs (type in qemu,lxc).                 │
│ maxmem  │ integer                │ Number of available memory in bytes (when type              │
│         │                        │ in node,qemu,lxc).                                          │
│ mem     │ string                 │ Used memory in bytes (when type in node,qemu,lxc).          │
│ node    │ string                 │ The cluster node name (when type in node,storage,qemu,lxc). │
│ pool    │ string                 │ The pool name (when type in pool,qemu,lxc).                 │
│ status  │ string                 │ Resource type dependent status.                             │
│ storage │ string                 │ The storage identifier (when type == storage).              │
│ type    │ node,storage,pool,qemu │ Resource type.                                              │
│         │ lxc,openvz             │                                                             │
│ uptime  │ integer                │ Node uptime in seconds (when type in node,qemu,lxc).        │

If "usage" shows more commands you can specify a single command to display using -c | --command

root@debian:~# cv4pve-cli --host= --username=root@pam --password=fagiano usage /nodes/pve1/status
USAGE: get /nodes/pve1/status
USAGE: create /nodes/pve1/status command:<string>
root@debian:~# cv4pve-cli --host= --username=root@pam --password=fagiano usage /nodes/pve1/status -c create
USAGE: create /nodes/pve1/status command:<string>


Ls command list filesystem modal.

List root

root@debian:~# cv4pve-cli --host= --username=root@pam --password=fagiano ls /
Dr---        access
Dr---        cluster
Dr---        nodes
Dr--c        pools
Dr--c        storage
-r---        version

List nodes

root@debian:~# cv4pve-cli --host= --username=root@pam --password=fagiano ls /nodes
Dr---        pve1
Dr---        pve2
Dr---        pve3

List Qemu on pve1 node

root@debian:~# cv4pve-cli --host= --username=root@pam --password=fagiano ls /nodes/pve1/qemu
Dr---        100
Dr---        101
Dr---        102
Dr---        118
Dr---        134
Dr---        135
Dr---        205


The interactive shell allows executing API commands in continuous mode, and with completion of the commands.

  -s|--script       Script file name
  -r|--only-result  Only result
  -?|-h|--help      Show help information
root@debian:~# cv4pve-cli --host= --username=root@pam --password=fagiano sh
Corsinvest Interactive Shell for Proxmox VE (martedì 27 agosto 2019)
Type '<TAB>' for completion word
Type 'help', 'quit' to close the application.
Initialization metadata... 111ms

Help command:

  alias         Alias commands
  clear         Clear screen
  create        Create (POST) from resource
  delete        Delete (DELETE) from resource
  get           Get (GET) from resource
  help          Show help information
  history       Show history command
  ls            List child objects on <api_path>.
  quit          Close application
  set           Set (PUT) from resource
  usage         Usage resource

For specific help command using -h|--help.

>>> usage -h

Corsinvest Interactive Shell API for Proxmox VE

Usage resource

Usage:  usage [options] <resource>

  resource      Resource api request

  -v|--verbose  Show verbose output
  -c|--command  API command Get,Set,Create,Delete
  -r|--returns  Including schema for returned data.
  -?|-h|--help  Show help information


Alias command il like alias shell.

  -c|--create   Create new
  -r|--remove   Delete
  -v|--verbose  Show verbose output
  -?|-h|--help  Show help information
>>> alias
│ name                         │ description                                           │ sys │
│ cluster-backup,cbck          │ Cluster list vzdump backup schedule                   │ X   │
│ cluster-backup-info,cbckinf  │ Cluster info backup schedule                          │ X   │
│ cluster-replication,crep     │ Cluster replication                                   │ X   │
│ cluster-status,csts          │ Cluster status                                        │ X   │
│ cluster-top,ct,top           │ Cluster top                                           │ X   │
│ cluster-top-node,ctn,topn    │ Cluster top for node                                  │ X   │
│ cluster-top-storage,cts,tops │ Cluster top for storage                               │ X   │
│ cluster-top-vm,ctv,topv      │ Cluster top for VM/CT                                 │ X   │
│ lcx-config,lcfg              │ LXC config vm                                         │ X   │
│ lcx-list,llst                │ LXC list vm                                           │ X   │
│ lcx-snap-config,lscfg        │ LXC snapshot vm delete                                │ X   │
│ lcx-snap-create,lscrt        │ LXC snapshot vm create                                │ X   │
│ lcx-snap-delete,lsdel        │ LXC snapshot vm delete                                │ X   │
│ lcx-snap-list,lslst          │ LXC snapshot vm list                                  │ X   │
│ lcx-start,lstr               │ LXC start vm                                          │ X   │
│ lcx-status,lsts              │ LXC current status vm                                 │ X   │
│ lcx-stop,lsto                │ LXC stop vm                                           │ X   │
│ lxc-migrate,lmig             │ LXC migrate vm other node                             │ X   │
│ lxc-shutdown,lsdwn           │ LXC shutdown vm                                       │ X   │
│ lxc-snap-rollback,lsrbck     │ LXC snapshot vm rollback                              │ X   │
│ lxc-vzdump-restore,lvrst     │ LXC restore vzdump                                    │ X   │
│ node-disks-list,ndlst        │ Node discks list                                      │ X   │
│ node-report,nrpt             │ Node report                                           │ X   │
│ node-services,nsvc           │ Node services                                         │ X   │
│ node-shutdown,nreb           │ Node reboot or shutdown                               │ X   │
│ nodes-list,nlst              │ Node services                                         │ X   │
│ node-status,nsts             │ Node status                                           │ X   │
│ node-storage,nsto            │ Node storage info                                     │ X   │
│ node-storage-content,nstoc   │ Node storage content                                  │ X   │
│ node-tasks-active,ntact      │ Node tasks active                                     │ X   │
│ node-tasks-error,nterr       │ Node tasks errors                                     │ X   │
│ node-version,nver            │ Node version                                          │ X   │
│ node-vzdump-config,nvcfg     │ Node Extract configuration from vzdump backup archive │ X   │
│ qemu-config,qcfg             │ Qemu config vm                                        │ X   │
│ qemu-exec,qexe               │ Qemu exec command vm                                  │ X   │
│ qemu-list,qlst               │ Qemu list vm                                          │ X   │
│ qemu-migrate,qmig            │ Qemu migrate vm other node                            │ X   │
│ qemu-shutdown,qsdwn          │ Qemu shutdown vm                                      │ X   │
│ qemu-snap-config,qscfg       │ Qemu snapshot vm delete                               │ X   │
│ qemu-snap-create,qscrt       │ Qemu snapshot vm create                               │ X   │
│ qemu-snap-delete,qsdel       │ Qemu snapshot vm delete                               │ X   │
│ qemu-snap-list,qslst         │ Qemu snapshot vm list                                 │ X   │
│ qemu-snap-rollback,qsrbck    │ Qemu snapshot vm rollback                             │ X   │
│ qemu-start,qstr              │ Qemu start vm                                         │ X   │
│ qemu-status,qsts             │ Qemu current status vm                                │ X   │
│ qemu-stop,qsto               │ Qemu stop vm                                          │ X   │
│ qemu-vzdump-restore,qvrst    │ Qemu restore vzdump                                   │ X   │

If you want show alias command using -h option in specific command or "alias -v"

>>> alias -v
│ name                         │ description                                           │ command                                                                                 │ args                           │ sys │
│ cluster-backup,cbck          │ Cluster list vzdump backup schedule                   │ get /cluster/backup                                                                     │                                │ X   │
│ cluster-backup-info,cbckinf  │ Cluster info backup schedule                          │ get /cluster/backup/{backup}                                                            │ backup                         │ X   │
│ cluster-replication,crep     │ Cluster replication                                   │ get /cluster/replication                                                                │                                │ X   │
│ cluster-status,csts          │ Cluster status                                        │ get /cluster/ha/status/current                                                          │                                │ X   │
│ cluster-top,ct,top           │ Cluster top                                           │ get /cluster/resources                                                                  │                                │ X   │
│ cluster-top-node,ctn,topn    │ Cluster top for node                                  │ get /cluster/resources type:node                                                        │                                │ X   │
│ cluster-top-storage,cts,tops │ Cluster top for storage                               │ get /cluster/resources type:storage                                                     │                                │ X   │
│ cluster-top-vm,ctv           │ Cluster top for VM/CT                                 │ get /cluster/resources type:vm                                                          │                                │ X   │
│ lcx-config,lcfg              │ LXC config vm                                         │ get /nodes/{node}/lcx/{vmid}/config                                                     │ node,vmid                      │ X   │

It is possible to create alias using the alias -c command.

>>> alias -c
Create alias (using comma to more name)
Name: mytop
Description: Top Cluster
Command: get /cluster/resources

The alias can have multiple names using the comma.

Using parameter -s for execute command from script file.

Execution with file parameter

Is possible execute with file parameter

root@debian:~# cv4pve-cli @FileParameter.parm

File FileParameter.parm

get /nodes