- Location: DevOpsGroup, Cardiff
- DateTime: 2018/07/05 18:00:00
Greg Simons (@gregsimons84)
Cloud Native Logging probably seems like one of those bland subjects we already know lots about. We simply use stdout.
Turning it up to eleven aims to explore the eleventh factor in more detail. Where does tracing come in, storage is not always that cheap when you pay for data at rest, in and out. How can you come up with an efficient and useful logging and tracing solution optimised for cloud?
Greg is a software consultant with over ten years experience in a variety of developer and architecture roles. Greg blogs on cloud native tech … and has spoken about cloud native with Cloud Foundry at Swanseacon in 2016. Greg is passionate about designing resilient software for highly available systems in the cloud.
Sam Newman (@samnewman)
Sam has found himself spending much of the past few years dealing with buzzword-heavy areas of technology, trying to come to terms with what it all means. From DevOps, to Microservices, serverless and now Cloud Native. So many of these terms mean different things to different people. In an effort to try and set us up with a common understanding of what Cloud Native is, Sam will be taking us on a whistle-stop tour through the history leading up to Cloud Native, and try and synthesise what it is, and why it’s important.
From the emergence of public cloud to the all consuming hype around Kubernetes, from 12 factors to servlerless, Sam will pull all these strands together to help us understand how everything is related, everything is new, and everything is old all at the same time.
Sam Newman is interested in technology at the intersection of things, from development, to ops, to security, usability and organisations. After over a decade at ThoughtWorks he is now an independent consultant. Sam is the author of "Building Microservices" from O'Reilly. He has worked with a variety of companies in multiple domains around the world, often with one foot in the developer world, and another in the IT operations space. If you asked him what he does, he’d say ‘I work with people to build better software systems’. He has written articles, presented at conferences, and sporadically commits to open source projects. While Java used to be his bread and butter, he also spends time with Ruby, Python, Javascript, and Clojure, Infrastructure Automation and Cloud systems.
Dan Twining (@dantwining)
Blue Green Deployments
A ticket for the 3 day Cloud Native London conference (https://skillsmatter.com/conferences/10160-cloudnative-london-2018) is up for grabs at the CNW Raffle.
- Food and drinks will be provided at the venue.
- Please message us directly if you have any dietary requirements.
Thank you to everyone who attended the first and/or second Meetups. The feedback has been great and we're looking forward to arranging many more. We'll update the meetup with more information in the week leading up to each one.
We aim to build a community for discussion and support and will welcome anyone that wants to attend.
- If you're new to Cloud Native
- Come along and we'll help get you up to speed and show you the ropes!
- If you're Native to the Cloud
- Come along and share your experiences with us and meet like minded people!
- If you're:
- A programmer with python, dotnet, java, go, php...
- A front-end developer, back-end developer, full-stack or devops engineer...
- A student, full/part time, contractor, business owner, hobbyist, retired...
- Spaces or Tabs...
Floor 22, Capital Tower GreyFriars Road Cardiff Wales CF10 3AG
Please contact either of the organisers if you want to:
- Give a talk
- Get more information regarding the Meetup
- Talk about sponsorship
- Any other suggestions or support