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File metadata and controls

82 lines (74 loc) · 20.9 KB

The following table aims to capture the Golang types supported for each ClickHouse Column Type.

Whilst each ClickHouse type often has a logical Golang type, we aim to support implicit conversions where possible and provided no precision loss will be incurred - thus alleviating the need for users to ensure their data aligns perfectly with ClickHouse types.

This effort is ongoing and can be seperated in to insertion (Append/AppendRow) and read time (via a Scan). Should you need support for a specific conversion, please raise an issue.

Append Support

All types can be inserted as a value or pointer.

ClickHouse Type String Decimal Bool FixedString UInt8 UInt16 UInt32 UInt64 UInt128 UInt256 Int8 Int16 Int32 Int64 Int128 Int256 Float32 Float64 UUID Date Date32 DateTime DateTime64 Enum8 Enum16 Point Ring Polygon MultiPolygon
Golang Type
unit64 X
uint32 X
uint16 X
uint8 X
int X X
int64 X X X
int32 X
int16 X X
int8 X X
float32 X
float64 X
string X X X X X X X X X
bool X
time.Time X X X X
big.Int X X X X
decimal.Decimal X
uuid.UUID X
orb.Point X
orb.Polygon X
orb.Ring X
orb.MultiPolygon X
[]byte X
sql.NullString X
sql.NullTime X X X X
sql.NullFloat64 X
sql.NullInt64 X
sql.NullInt32 X
sql.NullInt16 X
sql.NullBool X

Scan Support

All types can be read into a pointer or pointer to a pointer.

ClickHouse Type String Decimal Bool FixedString UInt8 UInt16 UInt32 UInt64 UInt128 UInt256 Int8 Int16 Int32 Int64 Int128 Int256 Float32 Float64 UUID Date Date32 DateTime DateTime64 Enum8 Enum16 Point Ring Polygon MultiPolygon
Golang Type
unit64 X
uint32 X
uint16 X
uint8 X
int64 X
int32 X
int16 X
int8 X
float32 X
float64 X
string X X X X X
bool X
time.Time X X X X
big.Int X X X X
decimal.Decimal X
uuid.UUID X
orb.Point X
orb.Polygon X
orb.Ring X
orb.MultiPolygon X
sql.Scan X X X X X
sql.NullString X
sql.NullTime X X X X
sql.NullFloat64 X
sql.NullInt64 X
sql.NullInt32 X
sql.NullInt16 X
sql.NullBool X