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Messaging Menu

A Messaging Menu for the Gnome Shell. All email, chat, and microblogging applications in one place.

Messaging Menu screenshot

This extension provides a convenience list of all installed email, chat and microblogging applications with short cut actions like "Contacts" and "Compose New Message" for email applications. The icon lights up when you receive notifications from the listed applications, so you won't miss another message.

The extension's preferences allow you to configure which types of applications (email / chat / microblogging) you would like to receive notifications for and which colour the icon should change to, to indicate notification.

Read here for why this extension was created.

Originally forked from


The easy way (recommended):

Download latest release

  1. Download the zip file from the release page
  2. The md5 and sig files can be used to verify the integrity of the zip file
  3. Unzip and run from the zip

Install from source

Use the main branch.

git clone
cd gnome-shell-extension-messagingmenu

Now restart gnome-shell.


Pull requests are welcome.

To update the translation files run ./ in the extensions directory after your code changes are finished. This will update the files in po folder. Then poedit ( can be used to translate the strings. poedit can also be used to create new localization files.

✨️ Contributors
