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executable file
207 lines (158 loc) · 9.37 KB

File metadata and controls

executable file
207 lines (158 loc) · 9.37 KB




  • quest_completed(quest:Dictionary) - Emitted when a quest is complete, returns the quest dictionary
  • quest_failed(quest:Dictionary) - Emittied when a quest was failed
  • step_complete(step:Dictionary) - Emitted when a step is complete returns the step dictionary
  • next_step(step:Dictionary) - Emits the new step after the previous step was completed
  • step_updated(step:Dictionary) - Emitted when a step is updated returns the step dictionary
  • new_quest_added(quest_name:String)- Emitted when a quest is added to player quests, returns quest_name
  • quest_reset(quest_name:String) - Emitted when a quest was reset returns quest name


The 7 types of quest steps currently.

  • ACTION_STEP = "action_step"

  • INCREMENTAL_STEP = "incremental_step"

  • ITEM_STEP = "item_step"

  • TIMER_STEP = "timer_step"

  • BRANCH_STEP = "branch_step"

  • CALLABLE_STEP = "callable_step"

  • END = "end"


  • active_quest :String= "" - Helper variable to assign a quest name
  • current_resource:QuestResource -current loaded resource
  • player_quests :Dictionary= {} - all player quests
  • counter :float= 0.0 -counter for tracking time


add_quest_from_resource(resource:QuestResource, quest_name:String) -> void

Passing in a Quest Resource and a Quest name it will add that quest to the player quests by its quest_id

A Quest has various properties such as:

  • quest_name - The name of the added quest.
  • quest_details - The details of the quest.
  • quest_id - A id assigned to the quest.
  • completed - Boolean stating if quest is complete.
  • failed - Boolean stating if quest was failed.
  • group - The group that the quest is in.
  • next_id - The current steps id this value gets updated each step
  • steps - A Dictionary of Steps as Dictionaries containing one or more of the following:
    1. action_step - This step requires an action to be completed.
      • id - The ID of this step
      • details - Details for this step
      • step_type - The type of step i.e action_step
      • next_id - The next steps id after this step.
      • complete - boolean stating if step is completed
      • meta_data - A dictionary containing stored meta data for this step
    2. incremental_step - This step requires an amount of an item to be collected.
      • id - The ID of this step
      • details - Details for this step
      • item_name - Name of item to collect
      • step_type - The type of step i.e incremental_step
      • collected - integer of total items collected
      • required - integer of total items required
      • next_id - The next steps id after this step.
      • complete - boolean stating if step is completed
      • meta_data - A dictionary containing stored meta data for this step
    3. items_step - This step requires a unique set of actions/items to be completed/collected
      • id - The ID of this step
      • details - Details for this step
      • step_type - The type of step i.e items_step
      • item_list - An Array of Dictionaries of actions/items required
        • name - name of item
        • complete - boolean stating if item was collected/complete
      • next_id - The next steps id after this step.
      • complete - boolean stating if step is completed
      • meta_data - A dictionary containing stored meta data for this step
    4. timer_step - This step tracks time and can serve both as a timer or a stop watch
      • id - The ID of this step
      • details - Details for this step
      • step_type - The type of step i.e timer_step.
      • time - The time remaining or time elapsed in seconds.
      • total_time - the total time set in seconds
      • time_minutes - The total minutes set in the editor.
      • time_seconds - The total seconds set in the Editor.
      • is_count_down - boolean stating if Time counts down or count up.
      • fail_on_timeout - boolean stating if quest fails on timeout if not step becomes complete.
      • next_id - The next steps id after this step.
      • complete - boolean stating if step is completed
      • meta_data - A dictionary containing stored meta data for this step
    5. callable_step - This step calls a function on an autoloaded script then immediately goes to the next step.
      • id - The ID of this step
      • callable -The function that will be called ie QuestManager.testfunc
      • step_type -The type of this step i.e function_call_step
      • details - Details for this step. Not used copy of callable
      • params - An array of data to be passed to the callable.
      • next_id - The next steps id after this step.
      • complete -boolean stating if step was complete
    6. branch_step - This step is similar to an action step but optionally branches to alternate steps
      • id - The ID of this step
      • step_type - The type of this step i.e branch_step
      • details - Details for this step
      • branch - Boolean stating if this step should branch default to false
      • next_id - The next steps id after this step.
      • complete - Boolean stating if step was complete
      • branch_step_id - The id of the alternate step for branching
      • meta_data - A dictionary containing stored meta data for this step
    7. end - The End of a quest
      • id - The ID of the step
      • details - Details of this step. Not used contains 'Complete'
  • meta_data - A dictionary containing stored meta data for the quest - key - name of variable - value - Variant type of value int,float,string,boolean,vec2,vec3


Sets the current quest resource

get_player_quest(quest_name:String,is_id:bool=false) -> Dictionary

Get a quest that the player has accepted is_id optional to get the quest by id

get_all_player_quests() -> Dictionary

Get all the current quests the player has

get_all_player_quests_names() -> Array

Returns all player quests names as an array

func set_branch_step(quest_name, should_branch:bool=true) => void

If the current step is a branch set it branch to alternate step.

func progress_quest_by_name(quest_name:String, item_name:String="", quantity:int=1, collected:bool=true)->void

Progress a quest using its name. This function pulls the id for the quest then uses it to progress_quest below function

progress_quest(quest_id:String,step_id:String,item_name:String="",amount:int=1,collected:bool=true) -> void

Progresses a quest to its next step if it was an action step updates other steps and progresses to next step if all requirements for that step are met. Completes quest if it was at its last step.

  • quest_id - id of the quest to progress
  • step_id - id of the current step you want to progress
  • item_name - Name of an item to collect/complete.
  • amount - Amount to increment incremental_steps. 1 by default
  • collected - set if item_name was collected default true if not set

func _process(delta) -> void

Called by the Engine and updates the time of any quest that is currently at a timer_step

func get_quest_id(quest_name:String)->String

Get the id of the quest quest_name

get_quest_list(group:String="") -> Dictionary

Returns all the quest stored in the current_resource. optionally get only the quests in the specified group

add_quest(quest_name:String) -> void

Add quest to player_quest from current dictionary

add_scripted_quest(quest:ScriptQuest) -> void

Add a ScriptQuest to player_quests.

get_quest_from_resource(quest_name:String) -> Dictionary

Returns a quest from the current_resource

func has_quest(quest_name:String,is_id:bool = false)->bool

Returns if the player has this quest quest_name. Optionally pass if quest_name is an id using is_id

is_quest_complete(quest_name:String,is_id:bool=false) -> bool

Returns if the player has completed this quest quest_name

is_quest_failed(quest_name,is_id:bool=false) -> bool

Returns if the player has failed this quest quest_name

get_current_step(quest_name:String,is_id=false) -> Dictionary

Returns a dictionary of the current quest step of this quest quest_name

remove_quest(quest_name:String,is_id:bool=false) -> void

Removes quest from player_quests quest_name

complete_quest(quest_name:String,is_id:bool=false) -> void

Completes quest quest_name

call_function(autoloadfunction:String,params:Array) -> void

Used by quest manager to call a function from a callable_step

get_meta_data(quest_name:String) -> Dictionary

Return the meta data Dictionary of the quest quest_name

set_meta_data(quest_name:String,meta_data:String, value:Variant) -> void

Create new or Change meta data of the quest quest_name

fail_quest(quest_name:String) -> void

Fails the quest quest_name

get_quests_in_progress() -> Dictionary

Returns all quests that have not been completed or failed

reset_quest(quest_name:String) -> void

Resets the quest quest_name

wipe_player_data() -> void

Wipes the entire player_quests dictionary useful for starting a name game for example.

testfunc(v:Array) -> void

Test function that prints "Hello Quest Manager" plus passed array