If you're using NextJS and his server side rendering (SSR) feature, to use cspr.click library you'll need to import it on the client side. cspr.click uses Styled component and React-modal, 2 libraries that use browser functions. It is therefore necessary to load cspr.clik on the client side
To load a library on the client side on NextJS, you'll need to use the dynamic
feature of NextJS (more details here : https://nextjs.org/docs/pages/building-your-application/optimizing/lazy-loading#nextdynamic
This fonction allow us to load components on the client side. Here we need to load first the ClickProvider
const ClickProvider = dynamic(
() => import("@make-software/csprclick-ui").then(mod => {
return mod.ClickProvider;
ssr: false,
Using ssr: false
is important, this enable to load the component on the client side.
Then you can use the component like a classic component on your code :
<ClickProvider options={clickOptions}>
As the cspr.click theme is included on the @make-software/csprclick-ui
lib, you also need to load it on the client side. This case, isn't a component so we can't use the dynamic
We'll need to load the theme in a useEffect
and set it on the state like that :
const [theme, setTheme] = useState();
useEffect(() => {
import("@make-software/csprclick-ui").then(mod => {
ssr: false,
}, []);
And then you can use the theme like a normal props :
<ThemeProvider theme={theme}>
You'll maybe need to conditionally render your component in function of is the theme is undefined
(default state) like :
return <p>Loading</p>
You can also add a loader during the import as it's a promise, you can control the state and set the loading to false when the theme is finally loaded.
If you use a custom _app.tsx
file, you'll maybe need to add a root div to your app containing the root
id. Cspr.click use React-modal and react modal need a root element with the id root
to display the modal. You can wrap your app / component like that :
<div id="root">
<ClickProvider options={clickOptions}>
<ThemeProvider theme={theme}>
<Component {...pageProps} />