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CapCoins-API crafted with Golang

CapCoins API server.


In order to build and run this app you need to have a couple of things installed:

  • The Go SDK
  • An IDE for the development, like Atom or IntelliJ/Goland
  • The Docker Toolbox or native Docker, whatever you prefer. See Docker and Docker-Compose

Clone this repo

  # clone this repo  
$ git clone GIT_REPO_URL  
$ cd path/to/capcoins-api  

Prepare env-vars

WARNING This APP requires a valid security token for connecting to MS Teams API!!!
You can get it by following this guide from Microsoft Teams.

By default, app checks for env-var to find vimeoToken, if not found then it asks user for input.

# set vimeoToken as env-variable    
$ export TEAMS_SECRET=<your-security-token>     

# OR just enter it when app asks you for it     

Building & Running this App

# Clone this repo and verify compile  
$ git clone GIT_REPO_URL   
$ cd path/to/capcoins-api    

# Run as App from source  
$ go run capcoins-api.go

# build & run it as executable 
$ go build capcoins-api.go
$ ./capcoins-api  

# by default, 'go build' generates executable per env it runs.  
# see    

# if you want to specify per OS compatibility, see each below      
## - linux   
$ GOOS=linux GOARCH=amd64 go build capcoins-api.go     

## - mac   
$ GOOS=darwin GOARCH=amd64 go build capcoins-api.go  

## - windows   
$ GOOS=windows GOARCH=amd64 go build capcoins-api.go  

see also which builds for all common platforms
When you run, it should become available via http://localhost:8088

Containerization with Docker

Building, publishing and running via Docker :

# set env vars for ease-of-use
# NB! please just replace 'zeusbaba' with your own dockerhub username    
$ export dockerhubUser=zeusbaba \
  export appName=capcoins-api \
  export appVersion=1.0.0
$ export dockerImage=${dockerhubUser}/${appName}:${appVersion}

  # required for compatibility
$ GOOS=linux GOARCH=amd64 go build capcoins-api.go

## using Docker!!!       
# build a docker image  
$ docker build \
  -t ${dockerImage} \
  --rm --no-cache .    
$ docker images  	
# (optional) publish the image to docker hub  
$ docker push ${dockerImage}  

Alternatively, you can use also use script for easy dockerization. sh should yield the same result with automation.

(optional) you can also run this docker image locally

$ docker run \
	-p 8088:8088 \

Now it should be available via http://localhost:8088

Building and running via Docker-Compose:

$ docker-compose up --build   

  # NOTE: in linux-env you might have permission problems with 'docker-data-*' folders      
  # to fix; stop docker-compose, set permissions as below, then run docker-compose again.    
$ sudo chown 1001:1001 -R docker-data-*  

  # to shut it down, ctrl+c and   
$ docker-compose down   

docker-compose up gets the instace up and running together with MongoDB