This guide will help you to create an Azure Container Registry, and a Service Principal with read-only authentication to that ACR.
As usual, let us define some variables:
The variable $rgname
is defined in a previous step (IoT Hub). If you didn't follow that guide, you can define that variable now:
Now you can create the Azure Container Registry.
az acr create -g $rgname -n $acrname --sku Basic
The IoT Edge devices only need to download container images from our ACR. Therefore we will distribute read-only credentials, that allow to download images from our ACR, but not to push or delete images. The default ACR admin user has read-write privilege, and you cannot create additional admin users. But you can create a Service Principal with Reader access to the ACR, and use that SP as docker authentication credentials.
acrid=$(az acr show -g $rgname -n $acrname --query id -o tsv)
az ad sp create-for-rbac -n $spname --role reader --scopes $acrid
az ad sp credential reset --id $spname -p $sppwd
acrurl=$(az acr show -g $rgname -n $acrname --query loginServer -o tsv)
appid=$(az ad sp show --id http://$spname --query appId -o tsv)
If you get an error with the az ad sp command, claiming that you need to use the --name option, please do so:
az ad sp credential reset --name $spname -p $sppwd
acrurl=$(az acr show -g $rgname -n $acrname --query loginServer -o tsv)
appid=$(az ad sp show --id http://$spname --query appId -o tsv)
Now you can test that Docker authentication works with these read-only credentials. If you tried to push an image, it would fail, but pulling images should work (note that you should have a working Docker installation to be able to test this step):
docker login -u $appid -p $sppwd $acrurl
In case you need the admin credentials for your ACR, you can get them as follows:
az acr update -g $rgname -n $acrname --set adminUserEnabled=true
acr_adminusr=$(az acr credential show -n $acrname -g $rgname --query username -o tsv)
acr_adminpwd=$(az acr credential show -n $acrname -g $rgname --query passwords[].value -o tsv | head -1)
After pushing images to your repository, you can have a look at them with these commands. In ACR parlance, a repository is the same as an image.
az acr repository list -n $acrname -o table
az acr repository show-tags -n $acrname --repository your_image_name
Work in progres...