- clone https://github.com/CBIIT/app-edis to your computer
- ensure that AWS configuration (default profile) points to cbiit-edis-aws-prod AWS account (see account number in the request ticket)
- ensure that aws and sam CLIs are installed on your computer
Create a IAM role for SumoLogic Pipeline (one per AWS account - not per tier!)
- Create and deploy iam-sumologic-role-template CloudFormation stack using aws-cf-scripts/iam-sumologic-role-template.yaml template
Switch to install-scripts folder and run ./sam-deploy-no-profile.sh script:
./sam-deploy-no-profile.sh -t stage -a <s3 bucket>
where <s3 bucket> is a name of S3 bucket - see the request ticket.
- Switch to install-scripts folder and run ./sam-deploy-sumologic-no-profile.sh script:
./sam-deploy-sumologic-no-profile.sh -t stage -a <s3 bucket>
where <s3 bucket> is a name of S3 bucket - see the request ticket.