Fire up a Venice a Gitpod workspace in your browser by clicking this button: . It opens the URL Gitpod will ask you to login to GitHub and will launch a Venice workspace container for you in the cloud, containing a full Linux environment. It will also clone the Venice repository and build it. If you don't have a GitHub login yet, please sign up for GitHub.
Gitpod gives you a full development environment and a REPL within your browser without needing to install anything on your local machine.
"files.associations": {
"*.venice": "clojure"
"workbench.colorTheme": "Tomorrow Night Blue",
"redhat.telemetry.enabled": false
The REPL and an editor with syntax highlighting is all you need to start with Venice.
Atom is a friendly cross-platform Open Source text editor. With Clojure being a pretty good fit for Venice, the Clojure syntax highlighting can be used for editing Venice files.
To map the Venice filetype (.venice) to the Clojure language, use the file-types option in your config.json (via the Atom -> Config... menu). Specify a pattern to match for the key (in bash-like glob format) and the new scope name for the value.
"*.venice": "source.clojure"
Editing a Venice file and verifying parenthesis