Description: Uses to ask the magic 8-ball for a question
Usage: 8ball <question>
Aliases: 8b
Description: "Animates" a series of emojis
Usage: anim [-d <delay>] <emoji> [emoji2] [...]
Description: Shows you random animal picture
Usage: animals [-u] [type|list]
Aliases: a
, animal
Description: Encodes/decodes your input to/from binary
Usage: binary <encode|decode> <input>
Description: Search for booru images from various booru sites (looks for a random image from
by default)
Usage: booru [options] [tag1] [tag2]
Aliases: b
Description: Renders text in big emoji letters
Usage: fanceh <text|emoji|both>
Aliases: fancy
, letters
Description: Force a food item down some users' throat
Usage: feed <user-1> [user-2] ... [user-n]
Description: Renders fancy ASCII text
Usage: figlet <text>
Description: Flip text
Usage: flip <text>
Credits: 1Computer1
Description: Shows a random fortune cookie
Usage: fortune [category|list]
Aliases: fortunecookie
Description: Gets random thing from various APIs
Usage: get [type|list]
Aliases: g
, f
, fetch
Description: Searches Giphy for GIFs
Usage: gif [-u] <query>
Aliases: giphy
Description: Prints current time in yours or a particular location (using Google Maps API)
Usage: gtime <location>
Aliases: googletime
, googlet
Description: Hugs someone (using random hug GIF from
Usage: hug <user>
Description: Insults some users
Usage: insult <user-1> [user-2] ... [user-n]
Credits: Twentysix#5252
Description: Sends the emojis as image attachments
Usage: jumbo [-k] <emojis>
Aliases: j
, large
Description: Kills some users
Usage: kill <user-1> [user-2] ... [user-n]
Credits: illusorum#8235 (286011141619187712)
Description: Kisses someone (using random kiss GIF from
Usage: kiss <user>
Description: Makes something magik!
Usage: magik <user|url>
Description: Uses to get random nekos image
Usage: nekos [lewd]
Aliases: neko
Description: Pats someone (using random pat GIF from
Usage: pat <user>
Description: Sends reaction to the previous message
Usage: reaction [options] <text|emoji|both>
Aliases: react
Description: Reverses the text you input
Usage: reverse <text>
Description: Rolls X dice with Y sides (supports standard dice notation)
Usage: roll XdY [reason]
Aliases: dice
, diceroll
, rolldice
Description: Shoots the user you mention
Usage: shoot <user>
Description: Dramatic sigh text
Usage: sigh
Description: Spaces out text to look all dramatic n' stuff
Usage: space [amount] <text>
Description: Turns a specific message into a SpongeBob meme (this command is cancerous!)
Usage: spongememe [-t] [id] [channel]
Aliases: sm
Description: Converts your text to tiny letters!
Usage: tiny <text>
Description: Gives a random thing that happened today in history from
Usage: today <events|births|deaths>
Description: Weave an input text with a certain emoji
Usage: weave <emoji> <text>
Description: Gets the emojis of the current guild
Usage: emojis [options]
Aliases: emoji
, emote
, emotes
Description: Shows info of the server you are in
Usage: guildinfo [options] [roles|members|channels]
Aliases: guild
, server
, serverinfo
Description: Shows you help for all commands or just a single command
Usage: help [all|command|category <name>]
Aliases: h
Description: Shows a list of members which have the specified role
Usage: inrole [-r] <role name>
Description: Gets the name of the guild that the emoji comes from
Usage: locate <emoji>
Aliases: emoji
Description: Shows info of the specified role
Usage: roleinfo [options] <role name>
Aliases: role
Description: Shows you stats about Lightbringer
Usage: stats
Description: Shows the bot's uptime
Usage: uptime
Aliases: up
Description: Shows yours or another user's info
Usage: userinfo <user>
Aliases: info
Description: Bans a user
Usage: ban <user>
Description: Clones the message with the given ID (may optionally set a channel)
Usage: clone [id] [channel]
Aliases: copy
Description: Gets all the recent edits of a particular message (dependent on the bot's cache)
Usage: edits [id] [channel]
Description: Deletes messages sent by bots
Usage: flush <amount>
Description: Gets a list of message IDs
Usage: getids [amount] [channel]
Description: Kicks a user
Usage: kick <user>
Description: Deletes a certain number of messages sent by you
Usage: prune [amount]
Description: Deletes a certain number of messages
Usage: purge [amount]
Description: Quotes the message with the given ID (may optionally set a channel)
Usage: quote [options] [id] [channel]
Aliases: q
Description: Searches message in the currently viewed guild for some text
Usage: search [options] <text>
Aliases: s
Description: Display full image size of yours or another user's avatar
Usage: avatar [options] [user]
Aliases: ava
Description: Convert currency using exchange rates from
Usage: currency [<value> <from> <to>|refresh]
Aliases: curr
Description: Looks up a word on Merriam-Webster
Usage: dictionary [-i] <query>
Aliases: dict
Description: Sends a message via embeds
Usage: embed [options] <text>
Description: Evaluates arbitrary JavaScript
Usage: eval [options] <command>
Description: Executes a command in the console
Usage: exec [options] <command>
Description: This command can be used to generate for the GitHub repository
Usage: generate <commands>
Aliases: gen
Description: Uploads some text to GitHub Gists
Usage: gists [options] <text>
Aliases: gist
Description: Links to a GitHub repository
Usage: github <user/repo>
Aliases: git
Description: Searches Google using magic
Usage: google <search>
Description: Uploads some text to Hastebin
Usage: haste [options] <text>
Aliases: hastebin
Description: Get currently playing song from
Usage: lastfm [toggle|config <apiKey> <username>]
Description: Links to LMGTFY with the given search text
Usage: lmgtfy [search text]
Description: Mark this guild, a certain guild or all guilds as read
Usage: markasread [guild|all]
Aliases: mar
Description: Evaluate math expressions using mathjs library (separate individual expression by new line)
Usage: math [options] <expressions>
Aliases: calc
, calculate
Description: Uploads some text to Pastebin
Usage: paste [options] <text>
Aliases: pastebin
Description: Pings the bot
Usage: ping
Description: Changes the bot prefix
Usage: prefix <new>
Description: Reloads all modules (or optionally reload utils
or consts
Usage: reload [utils|consts]
Aliases: r
Description: Sets your game (shows for other people)
Usage: setgame <game>
Aliases: setactivity
Description: Controls or lists your shortcuts
Usage: shortcuts [<create> <id> <commands>|<delete|info> <id>]
Aliases: sc
, shortcut
Description: Shuts down the bot (you'll have to manually start the bot later if you want to)
Usage: shutdown
Aliases: terminate
, res
, restart
Description: Controls or lists your tags
Usage: tags [-e] <name>|[-v] list|add <name> [contents]|delete <name>
Aliases: t
, tag
Description: Looks up a word on (showing synonyms by default)
Usage: thesaurus [options] <query>
Aliases: syn
, synonyms
Description: Toggle mentions logger in this guild
Usage: tmention [list]
Aliases: togglemention
Description: Looks up a word on Urban Dictionary (leave query blank to get a random definition)
Usage: urban [options] [query]
Aliases: u
, urbandictionary
Description: Make a simple vote message (automatically adds positive/negative reactions)
Usage: vote <topic|list|config [key[:value]]>
Aliases: v
Description: Shows you weather information of a particular city
Usage: weather <city>
Description: Returns the summary of the first matching search result from Wikipedia
Usage: wiki <query>
Aliases: w
, wikipedia