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651 lines (503 loc) · 26.9 KB

File metadata and controls

651 lines (503 loc) · 26.9 KB




  • [completion] Support for PHP named parameters - @dantleech

  • [completion] Basic Doctrine annotation completion support - @elythyr

  • [completion] References are sorted alphabetically - @elythyr

  • [completion] Show warning character if method or class is deprecated

  • [completion] Sort class names and fucntions according to proximity to current file by default - @dantleech

  • [composer] Class map only mode by default (do not register autoloader at all, do not include files)

  • [file-watcher] Experimental support for watchman

  • [indexer] CLI command for index search (mainly for debugging)

  • [indexer] PhpStorm stubs are now indexed

  • [indexer] Show memory usage and limit in progress notification.

  • [language-server] Import class/function code action and diagnostics

  • [language-server] Transform code actions and diagnostics (complete constructor, implement contracts, fix class name and add missing properties)

  • [completion] Keyword completion - @BladeMF

  • [language-server] Create class code actions - @dantleech


  • [worse-reflection] Improved frame resolution performance by 99.5x - @dantleech
  • [worse-reflection] Fixed mixed up start/end positions in symbol resolver - @BladeMF
  • [language-server] Update classes on workspace update - @BladeMF
  • [language-server] New LSP protocol and general refactoring - @dantleech
  • [language-server] Support document symbols (f.e. showing code outline for document)
  • [language-server] Support symbol highlighting
  • [code-tranform] Generated accessors automatically ucfirst the property name when prefix is used. - @einenlum
  • [worse-reflection] Improved inference for property types - @elythyr
  • [worse-reflection] Include virtual members from traits - @scisssssssors
  • [code-tranform] fix invalid missing property diagnostic (#1126) - @elythyr

Bug fixes:

  • [scf] Fix support for moving and removing folders - @Lumnn
  • [indexer] Fix indexing of static properties - @BladeMF
  • [completion] Fix signature help in nested symbols - @BladeMF
  • [worse-reflection] Static properties not resolved - @BladeMF
  • [lanaguge-server] Correctly highlight use statements against qualified names - @dantleech
  • [language-server] Fix occasional class-not-found error on code transform (due to incorrectly formatted path)
  • [worse-reflection] Do not consider "iterable" as an FQN - @elythyr
  • [code-transform] Fix trailing line on class import - @elythyr
  • [code-transform] Fix importing class names in docblocks - @elythyr

2020-06-09 (0.16.1)


  • [worse-reflection] Support for virtual methods in interfaces - @dantleech
  • [code-transform] Fix regression with importing from root namespace

2020-06-09 (0.16.0)


  • [vim-plugin] Ability to set custom project root strategy (#1027) - @przepompownia
  • [indexer-extension] Workspace reference finder (classes,functions,members) - @dantleech
  • [worse-reflection] Support "final" keyword - @dantleech
  • [language-server-hover] Show "final" keyword on class hover - @dantleech
  • [language-server-hover] Show inherited method documentation - @dantleech
  • [language-server-code-transform] Add command to import class - @dantleech
  • [language-server-completion] Automatically import class on completion confirm - @dantleech
  • [code-transform] Consider current class as a potential conflict for imports - @dantleech
  • [completion] Indexed class name and function completion - @dantleech
  • [indexer-extension] Support "deep references" (search over all implementaions) - @dantleech
  • [composer] Enable disbaling of autoloader inclusion via. composer.enable - @dantleech
  • [lanaguage-server-completion] Auto-import functions - @dantleech


  • [code-builder] Removed functionality to "update" parameters: was very buggy. Now only new parameters will be added when updating methods via. generate method.
  • [language-server-bridge] Service to convert Phpactor Locations to LSP locations - @dantleech
  • [code-transform] Class import updates context name on alias - @dantleech
  • [documentation] Generate the configuration reference - @dantleech
  • [completion-worse] Allow completors to be disabled via completion_worse.disabled_completors - @dantleech
  • [indexer-extension] Validate search results (remove from search index if invalid).
  • [language-server] Exit session immediately if NULL given as CWD (instead of crashing).
  • [container] Adds command for introspecting the container (container:dump) - @dantleech
  • [indexer-extension] Increase priority of indexer source-locators (they should come before the composer locators) - @dantleech
  • [language-server] Show explicit meassage when indexer dies

Bug fixes;

2020-05-03 0.15.0


  • [reference-finder] Goto type: goto the type of the symbol under the cursor #892 - @dantleech
  • [worse-reflection] Enable cache lifetime (important for long running processes) (#929) - @dantleech
  • [language-server] Included in the core - @dantleech
  • [indexer] Indexer included in the core - @dantleech
  • [rpc] Add docblock prose to hover
  • [vim-plugin] Add support :checkhealth and provide :PhpactorStatus in terminal window (#974) - @elythyr
  • [ref-finder] Goto definition works for vars (phpactor/worse-reference-finder#1) - @FatBoyXPC
  • [phpactor-ls] workspace/references support - @dantleech


  • [text-document] Include < and > when getting "class" name undercursor (allow implorting Foobar from an @var array<Foobar> doc
  • [completion] Option to deduplicate suggetions (#905) - @dantleech
  • [completion] Option to limit completion options - @dantleech
  • [completion] Allow completors to return true when they finish (allow final consumer to know if list is complete) - @elythyr
  • [vim-plugin] Improved command registration (#965) - @elythyr
  • [completion] Improved signature help (phpactor/completion#31) - @elythyr
  • [completion] Completors can return if they are complete (phpactor/completion#30) - @elythyr

Bug fixes:

  • [code-transform] Generate accessor doesn't work on selected property (regression)
  • [vim-plugin] Configuration was not global (#964) - @elythyr
  • [class-mover] $ was removed when renaming static variables (#925) - @dantleech
  • [class-to-file] Remove duplicate candidates (fixes issue with class completion duplicate suggestions)


  • [doc] Fix examples in refactoring documentation - @Great-Antique
  • [doc] Fix example mappings and add missing commands - @yeagassy

2020-03-04 0.14.1

Bug fixes:

  • [vim-plugin] Fix force_reload behavior with g:useOpenWindow

2020-03-01 0.14.0


  • [vim-plugin] Introduces Commands for user actions (instead of having to call the functions)
  • [vim-plugin] Generate the VIM help from the plugin's code documentation
  • [code-builder] Support for nullable types - @elythyr / @dantleech
  • [code-builder] Generates typed property for PHP 7.4 - @elythyr
  • [worse-reflection] Support for PHP 7.4 property types - @dantleech / @elythyr
  • [phpactor|code-builder] Allow to override the templates by PHP version - @elythyr
  • [phpactor] Auto-detection of project PHP version - @dantleech
  • [code-transform|rpc] Import missing classes - @dantleech
  • [context-menu] Invoke menu for the nearest actionable node (i.e. you can invoke the context menu on whitespace now) - @elythyr
  • [vim-plugin] Extract functions handles motions @elythyr
  • [vim-plugin] Jumping to another file preserves the jumplist @elythyr
  • [class-mover] Jump to implementation - @dantleech

Bug fix:

  • [code-transform] Cannot rename variable from anonymous function variable (#829) - @dantleech
  • [code-transform] Complete constructor does not take into account aliased imports (#886) - @dantleech
  • [code-builder] New aliased class imports alias not added (#860) - @dantleech
  • [worse-reflection] instanceof returns negative if class implements interface but extends another class - @dantleech
  • [worse-reflection] foreach key variable resolves as symbol type "unknown"
    • @dantleech
  • [text-document] Word splitting includes commas, and other non-word chars (#851) - @einenlum
  • [worse-reflection] Functions wrongly memonized as classes - @dantleech
  • [class-new-cli] response shows source code instead of path (#792)
  • [class-new] Wrong file path when destination shares the same namespace as source (#795).


  • [vim-plugin] Better handling of json_decode errors
  • [vim-plugin] Add option to switch to open windows g:phpactorUseOpenWindows - @przepompownia
  • [vim-plugin] Stable context menu shortcuts - @dantleech (#896)

2019-10-23 0.13.5

Bug fix:

  • [text-document] ? included with word-at-offset #833

2019-09-13 0.13.4

Bug fixes:

  • [text-document] Word-at-offset offset off by one #816

2019-08-25 0.13.3

Bug fixes:

  • [context-menu] Import class from context menu not working #816

2019-08-25 0.13.0


  • [vim-plugin] Add new GotoDefinition[Vsplit|Hsplit|Tab] functions.
  • [code-builder] Initial support for nullable types - @einenlum
  • [vim-plugin] FZF integration for list inputs (#769) - @elythyr
  • [vim-plugin] FZF multiple selection (#773). @elythyr
  • [vim-plugin] Maintain correct cursor position after certain text diffs (#770) - @elythyr
  • [code-transform|rpc] Generate multiple accessors for a class - @elythyr
  • [code-tranform] Generate static methods if the call was static (#25) - @einenlum
  • [completion] Use declared classes as completion source
  • [import-class] Import declared classes (as long as they can be statically resolved).
  • [rpc] Class import uses offset to determine type to import
  • [class-mover] Possiblity to move related any files whose relations are defined in navigator.destinations (for both command and rpc)
  • [worse-reflection] Support virtual class properties (in addition to methods).

Bug fixes:

  • [completion] Signature helper does not work on interfaces (#752) - @taluu
  • [code-builder] Class import doesn't work with single element namespace #760
  • [code-builder] Variant is not passed to class generator (#766)
  • [phpactor|cli] response shows source code instead of path (#792)
  • [class-mover|rpc] Fix order of open/close operations, prevent VIM crashing

BC Break:

  • [rpc] Import class no longer requires name parameter. RPC version changed to version 2.
  • [code-transform] Generate accessors is now a class action and allows generation of multiple accessors.

2019-03-03 0.12.0

BC Break:

  • [completion] Comletion API changed to accept the new TextDocument.


  • [goto-definition] Goto definition extracted from core into separate packages including extension point.
  • [goto-definition] Support for "plain text" goto class definition, works for docblocks, and non-PHP files.
  • [completion] Do not suggest non-static method on static calls.
  • [completion] Suggest ::class constant, fixes #673
  • [completion] Docblock type injection allow name to be omitted #618
  • [application] Log errors in command error handler (for logging async completion errors using the complete command)
  • [worse-reflection] Support variadic arguments #621
  • [worse-reflection] Support for virtual methods #682
  • [worse-reflection] Support for evaluating clone()
  • [worse-reflection] Support for registering custom virtual class member providers.
  • [vim-plugin] Find references shows context line #706
  • [code-builder] Trait support, thanks @dshoreman


  • [code-transform] Support extracting expressions to methods #666
  • [code-transform] Extract method adds return statement to calling code if extracted code contained a return #704
  • [worse-reflection] Support union catch #711

Bug fixes:

  • [completion] Fix type resolution immediately following docblock #678
  • [completion] Include $ on static properties #677
  • [extension-manager] Do not install dev dependencies for extensions #674
  • [class-to-file] sort candidates by path length #712 thanks @greg0ire
  • [code-transform] Rename variable includes anonumous function use #713
  • [worse-reflection] Do not downcast union types in named docblocks #711
  • [code-transform] Extract method sometimes creates method in new class in same file #730
  • [code-transform] Add Missing Properties added trait props in new class #726

2018-12-21 0.11.1

  • [application] Resolve the vendor directory correctly when Phpactor included as a dependency, thanks @kermorgant

2018-12-02 0.11.0

BC Break:

  • [rpc] All handlers must now be registered with the "name" attribute.


  • [worse-reflection-extension] Allows new framewalkers to be registered (i.e. new ways to infer types).
  • [config] Support loading config from JSON files


  • [rpc] Handlers are lazy loaded, improving the RPC baseline latency

2018-11-26 0.10.0

BC Break:

  • [php] Bumped minimum PHP version to 7.1
  • [config] Renamed reflection.enable_cache => worse_reflection.enable_cache
  • [config] Renamed reflection.stub_directory => worse_reflection.stub_directory
  • [config] Renamed autoload => composer.autoloader_path
  • [config] Renamed autoload.deregister => composer.autoload_deregister


  • [ExtensionManager] Facility to dynamically add extensions to Phpactor
  • [RPC] extension_list, extension_remove and extension_install handlers.
  • [Completion] Class alias completor, #592
  • [CodeTransform] Cycle class member visiblity #521
  • [RPC] Adds hover handler which shows the synopsis of the symbol underneath the cursor.
  • [Completion] Introduction of a type-specific completion registry, to allow registration of completors for different sources, e.g. cucumber.


  • [Application] Do not eagerly load commands (~20% baseline improvement)
  • [Transform] Complete constructor will work work on ! interfaces #597
  • [Transform] Import missing types on generate method
  • [Transform] Adds return types on generate method
  • [CodeBuilder] Do not add additional spaces when importing classes
  • [Completion] Completion qualifiers to allow reusable way to determine candidate completors.
  • [Vim Plugin] The "label" for omni complete suggestions is now truncated to a specified length.


  • [Console] Config dump now only shows JSON format
  • [Completion] Completors now yield suggestions and problems are no longer returned. The issues key returned from suggestions is now deprecated.
  • [Vim Plugin] The "omni error" feature has been removed (as completion no longer returns them).

2018-08-04 0.9.0

BC Breaks:

  • [RPC Plugins] a new update_file_source method is now returned by most code-transforming RPC handlers (e.g. import class, complete constructors). this is used in place of replace_file_source. See for details


  • [Completion|Completion Plugins] Serialized key info is deprecated in favour of short_description and could be removed, at least, in 0.10.0.


  • [RPC] open_file command now has a force_reload flag
  • [Completion|Vim Plugin] Auto-import class names (thanks @kermorgant for improvements)
  • [Completion] Suggestion types now have more explicit types (e.g. method, constant, class, rather than the VIM-centric kind characters).
  • [WorseReflection] Fallback to inferring property types from constructor assignments.
  • [RPC|Vim Plugin] RPC handler for file class info (e.g. namespace, class FQN) and VIM functions new phpactor#getNamespace() and phpactir#getClassFullName(). Thanks @voronkovich
  • [WorseReflection] Reflect any user-defined functions parsed when including the Composer autoloader. #562
  • [WorseReflection] Support trait alias maps. #540
  • [RPC] Return semantic RPC protocol version in response (starting at 1.0.0).
  • [Completion] Complete constructor parameters.


  • [Rpc|VIM Plugin] Source code is now updated (by way of a diff algorithm) not replaced. The cursor position and undo history are maintained.
  • [VIM Plugin] Regression test for Transform RPC call.
  • [Application] Make class completion candidate limit configurable.
  • [WorseReflection] Foreach Frame walker: inject keys in foreach loop, #578
  • [RPC] find references: Do not return files with no concrete references, #581
  • [CodeBuilder] Tracks which nodes have been modified after factory creation.
  • [ClassToFile] Composer class-to-file strategy no longer discards inferior prefix lengths from consideration, fixes #576

Bug fixes:

  • [Completion] Fixed multi-byte issue with class completor.
  • [VIM Plugin] Allow duplicate name suggestions (e.g. same class short-name different FQNs) in omni-complete results.
  • [CodeBuilder] Builder attempts to act on a string (when return type is f.e. self). #529
  • [WorseReflection] Fix fatal error when Parameter#getName() returns NULL in SymbolContextResolver. #533
  • [CodeBuilder] Fix for unrelated methods being updated, #583

2018-08-03 0.8.0


  • [WorseReflectoin] Smoke test for find parsing errors.
  • [WorseReflection] Improved efficiency for frame building. non-variable.
  • [Completion] Improved multi-byte performance, fixes #537 thanks @weirdan

Bug fixes:

  • [WorseReflection] Handle fatal error on incomplete extends.
  • [WorseReflection] Handle fatal error on instanceof coercion on
  • [Completion] Fixed class member container resolution accuracy
  • [SourceCodeFilesystem] Quote regular expressions in file list filter, fixes #543


  • [RPC] Refactored handlers to define input requirements more explicitly.

2018-07-02 0.7.0


  • [CodeTransforn] Extract expression
  • [Application] Changed behavior of Transform command: accepts globs, shows diffs and writes to files (rather than just dumping them to stdout if they changed).
  • [Completion] Support constant completion
  • [Application] Use version from composer instead of hard-coded version. Thanks @weirdan


  • [Completion] Support namespaced functions, fixes #473.
  • [Completion] Sort completion results alphabetically.
  • [Docs] Added section on completion.
  • [WorseReflection] Explicitly do not support anonymous classes when resolving nodes, fixes #505.

Bug fixes:

  • [WorseReflection] Do not parse non-PHP files when building stub cache.
  • [Completion] Fixed last non-whitespace char detection, fixes #504


  • Downgraded composer to 1.x as 2.x-dev now requires PHP 7.2

2018-06-16 0.6.0


  • [CodeTransform] Transformer to fix namesapce / class name #474


  • [WorseReflection] Resolve UseNameVariables (e.g. context menu use ($f<>oo)). #466
  • [Application] Improved status (show current version) #481
  • [CodeTransform] Better handling of new file generation
  • [Docs] Added Development section

Bug fixes:

  • [WorseReflection] access property on null error when resolving incomplete function variable use.
  • [CodeTransform] Generate method does can use pseudo type for return type #486
  • [Vim Plugin] Goto reference in a modified file causes warning #477.
  • [Application] Overridden CWD not being passed to Paths (affected config file resolution).
  • [Application] Fixed find references regression (only the current class wasn't being checked for references..)

2018-05-20 0.5.0


  • [Completion] Parameter completion, suggests variables that are valid for the parameter position.


  • [SourceCodeFilesystem] Public API accepts scalar paths in addition to value objects.


  • [Documentation] Updated VIM completion plugin docs including phpactor/ncm-phpactor fork (mainline is not maintained currently).

2018-05-01 0.4.0


  • [Navigation] Reflection navigation: navigate to related classes (currently supports parent class and interfaces).
  • [Completion] Built-in function completion, #371
  • [Completion] Experimental class completion: complete use, new and extends. Class names inferred from file names.
  • [GotoDefinition] Goto function definitions (currently limited to functions defined by the PHPStorm stubs).


  • [ClassMover] Find/replace references will only traverse possible classes when givn a known class member #349 (also it will no longer ask the scope, instead defaulting to either composer or full-filesystem search depending on env).
  • [ClassMover] (RPC) Will update current (unsaved) source.
  • [vim-plugin] Correctly handle expanding class when at beginning of word, #438 thanks @greg0ire
  • [vim-plugin] Reload file before replacing contents, fixes #445
  • [vim-plugin] File references, do not show quick fix list if all references are in current file.
  • [vim-plugin] Completion - trigger on any word-like, fixes #443
  • [WorseReflection] Support for @property type override (but doesn't create a "pretend" property).
  • [Application] Pass the Phpactor vendor directory as an argument to the Application and include vendor files (e.g. stubs) relative to that, fixes #460
  • [Application] Use XDG data directory for cache.
  • [Documentation] Typo fix, thanks @pierreboissinot

Bug fixes:

  • [RPC] Import class from context menu, uses context class path instead of current #448
  • [CodeBuilder] Regression where already-existing names are imported fixes #452
  • [Application] Fixed location of cache directory.
  • [Application] Fixed binary path, thanks @talbergs
  • [RPC] Specify completion type for text input, fixes #455


  • [WorseReflection] Full support for reflecting functions.
  • [WorseReflection] All member collections extend common interface, class-likes have a members(): ReflectionMemberCollection method.
  • [Completion] Refactored to make interface more efficient, decoupled formatting from completion.
  • [Completion] Made existing completors a subset of tolerant-parser completors (means there is one "chain" tolerant completor which delegates to the other completors and we only have to parse once).



  • [Application] Disable XDebug by default, very much improve performance. Fixes #317


  • [Completion] Do not evaluate left operand when completing expression, #380
  • [RPC] Request validation (no more undefined index errors).
  • [WorseReflection] Classes inherit constants from interfaces.
  • [CodeBuilder] Use statements added after the first lexigraphically inferior existing use-statement, fixes #176. Thanks @greg0ire.

Bug fixes:

  • [WorseReflection] Associated class for trait methods is the trait itself, not the class it's used in, #412
  • [WorseReflection] Do not evaluate assignments with missing tokens.
  • [SourceCodeFilesystem] Non-existing paths not ignored.
  • [CodeTransform] Indentation not being taken into account for code updates (fixes #423).
  • [WorseReflection] Tolerate incomplete if statements, fixes #424
  • [WorseReflection] Tolerate missing token in expression evaluator #430



  • [VIM Plugin] g:phpactorBranch can be used to set the update branch.
  • [WorseReflection] Support parenthesised expressions (i.e. complete for (new Foobar())->), #279


  • [Application] Large restructuring of code, almost everything is now in an extension.
  • [WorseReflection] problem with name import (thanks @adeslade)
  • [WorseReflection] All class members implement common interface, fixes #283
  • [VIM Plugin] Disable the omni-complete errors by default, as this breaks the assumptions of some auto-complete managers (set g:phpactorOmniError to v:true to enable again), fixes #370.
  • [VIM Plugin] Only define settings if not already set.
  • [WorseReflection] Type#__toString represents arrays and collections
  • [WorseReflection] Improved Type class.
  • [Completion] Use partial match to filter class members, fixes #321
  • [phpactor.vim] Correctly return start position for omni-complete
  • [Docblock] Be tolerant of invalid tags, fixes #382
  • [WorseReflection] Refactored FrameBuilder: Extracted walkers
  • [WorseReflection] Expression evaluator.


  • [SourceCodeFilesystem] Support symlinks in vendor dir #396
  • [WorseReflection] trait lists were not being correctly interpreted #320
  • [WorseReflection] could not find class "NULL"...
  • [SourceCodeFilesystem] Support symlinks in vendor dir #396
  • [Dockblock] Tolerate extra spaces, fixes #365
  • [Completion] Was using the type of the first declared variable, instead of the last before the offset.
  • [Completion] Used Type#__toString to reflect class.
  • [CodeBuilder] Extract method rewrites arguments #361
  • [VimPlugin] Fixed goto definition, #398
  • [WorseReflection] problem with name import (thanks @adeslade)



First tagged version, changes from 30th March.

  • CodeTransform
    • New implementation of class import
      • Offer to alias existing classes,
      • Error message if class in same namespace,
  • Completion
  • Documentation
    • Configuration documentation.
    • Better Drupal integration (thanks @fenetikm).
    • VIM Plugin documentation (:help phpactor) (thanks @joereynolds)
  • RPC
    • Request Replay: replay requests made from the IDE.
  • WorseReflection
    • Docblocks for Arrays and simple Collection<Type> supported.
    • Foreach supported.
    • Method @param supported.
  • Infrastructure
    • All packages are on packagist.
    • [Infrastructure] Do not store PHPBench results on Travis if PR is a fork.
  • Various bug fixes everywhere.