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File metadata and controls

165 lines (101 loc) · 6.56 KB


What is subprocess?

  • Definition: The subprocess module in Python is a powerful tool for spawning new processes, connecting to their input/output/error pipes, and obtaining their return codes. It is a part of Python's standard library.

  • Purpose: It is used for running external commands and interacting with other applications or scripts that are not written in Python from within a Python script. This provides control over external processes, which is essential for tasks that require automation or scripting of system-level operations. This is the most straightforward way to execute an external command. It blocks until the command completes and returns a CompletedProcess instance.

The method takes several arguments, some of which are:

  • args: The command to run and its arguments, passed as a list of strings.

  • capture_output: When set to True, will capture the standard output and standard error.

  • text: When set to True, will return the stdout and stderr as string, otherwise as bytes.

  • check: a boolean value that indicates whether to check the return code of the subprocess, if check is true and the return code is non-zero, then subprocess CalledProcessError is raised.

  • env: This allows you to set environment variables for the subprocess. It's a dictionary of environment variable names and their values.

  • cwd: Sets the current working directory for the subprocess. This is useful if you need the subprocess to run in a different directory from the Python script

  • timeout: A value in seconds that specifies how long to wait for the subprocess to complete before timing out.

  • shell: A boolean value that indicates whether to run the command in a shell. This means that the command is passed as a string, and shell-specific features, such as wildcard expansion and variable substitution, can be used.

The method also returns a CompletedProcess object, which contains the following attributes:

  • args: The command and arguments that were run.

  • returncode: The return code of the subprocess.

  • stdout: The standard output of the subprocess, as a bytes object.

  • stderr: The standard error of the subprocess, as a bytes object.

Example: Running a simple command like ls or dir:

import subprocess
result =['ls', '-l'])

Example: Capturing command output:

result =['echo', 'Hello World'], capture_output=True, text=True)

Error Handling

Handling errors and non-zero exit statuses:

result =['ls', 'non_existent_file'], capture_output=True, text=True)
if result.returncode != 0:
    print("Error:", result.stderr)


Implementing timeouts:

    result =['sleep', '10'], timeout=5)
except subprocess.TimeoutExpired:
    print("Process timed out")

Environment Variables

Modifying environment variables for subprocesses:

result =['printenv'], env={"NEW_VAR": "value"}, capture_output=True, text=True)

Piping Data

Basic Concept

  • Pipe: A pipe is a method used in operating systems to enable inter-process communication (IPC). It creates a communication channel where data output by one process can be fed directly as input to another process.

  • Standard Streams: In the context of subprocess piping, the primary focus is on standard streams - standard input (stdin), standard output (stdout), and standard error (stderr).

Implementation in Python

  • Python’s subprocess module can create pipes between processes using the Popen class and redirect these standard streams.

  • You can create a pipe by setting the stdout of one process to subprocess.PIPE, and then use this output as the stdin of another process.


from subprocess import Popen, PIPE

# Create the first process
p1 = Popen(["ls", "-l"], stdout=PIPE)

# Use the output of p1 as input for p2
p2 = Popen(["grep", "txt"], stdin=p1.stdout, stdout=PIPE)

# Close the output of p1 to signal that we're done with it

# Get the output from p2
stdout, stderr = p.communicate()

# Access the return code
return_code = p2.returncode
print("Return code:", return_code)

This example lists all files, then filters to show only those containing 'txt'.

shell=True Argument

What is shell=True?

When you set shell=True in or Popen(), it means that the command you pass is executed through the shell (like bash on Linux or cmd on Windows). This allows you to leverage shell-specific features such as wildcard expansion, variable substitution, command chaining, and more.

For example:"echo $HOME", shell=True)

This command prints the home directory using shell's variable substitution feature.

Why Use shell=True?

  • Convenience: It can be more convenient for complex shell commands.
  • Shell Features: It allows the use of shell features like pipe |, logical operators && and ||, wildcards *, etc.
  • Command String: It enables executing the command as a single string, which can sometimes be simpler to construct.

Risks and Why to Avoid

Security Vulnerability: The most significant risk of using shell=True is the potential for shell injection attacks. If you construct a shell command by concatenating strings, and one of those strings is untrusted input (like user input), you might inadvertently create a security hole. For example, if you concatenate a user-provided filename into a shell command, a malicious user could provide a filename that includes shell commands, leading to arbitrary command execution.

Example of a Shell Injection Vulnerability

Consider a Python script that constructs a command to list files in a directory specified by the user:

import subprocess

user_input = input("Enter directory to list: ")
command = f"ls {user_input}", shell=True)

If the user enters a directory name, the script works as intended. However, if an attacker inputs something like ; rm -rf /, the command becomes ls ; rm -rf /. When executed, it will list the files in the current directory and then proceed to delete everything on the root filesystem (if run with sufficient privileges).

Avoid shell=True

Avoid shell=True When Possible: Use shell=False (the default) to avoid security issues related to shell injection. This is especially important when the command includes input from untrusted sources.